Notice of the Carding Deals


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Let me bring to your notice of the deals that are still going through in details for those that are not understanding some things here

1. STRIPE - All what you need for the stripe is an active account that also has a debit card (any bank in USA). Client will have to go to’ Then client creates and account and links it with the stripe account. Then client will send the login access to you. Client must verify the account through email. (It takes 4-5 working days but if you are patient we will cashout).

2. WIRE TRANSFER - What most of you don’t understand is that it does not work for all accounts. Only for the following banks CHIME, GOBANK, GREENDOT, SIMPLE BANK and the likes of the bank. Another thing is that for it to work out. It must be an account registered with the government I.e. must be a SALARY PENSION or SSI account. Moreover you can make the account a business account if your client has a balance of $1k or more but most of you neglect this because of trust. I understand. But remember it’s a risk you will never regret coz if money drops it is nothing less than $100k and can go as far as $800k. So $1k is not even a risk to take but a step to changing your life. All be choice.

3. CARDING OF IPHONES - IPhone carting depends solely on clients credit score and carrier. Clients credit score must be up to 650 or more. If client has a carrier such as AT&T, VERIZON and SPRINT. All you need to get is the clients login access and account must be a POSTPAID. If client does not have any of the carrier then you would send some details of client which I would tell you if you message me. Also Germany and Austria carding also going through.

4. CHECK - Check can be mailed to your clients depending on the updates way Dey ground and client must be willing to cash out and send to azaa.

5. S&T BANK - Well this is a new update and it has not casted. Client will have to create account online but before client go do that, client must first confirm that the bank is close to the client. If bank is closeby then client can open the account.

6. LOADING OF CREDIT UNIONS/LOCAL BANKS - This one too is a very good way to cashout either through check or wire check and some banks have being tested before and we cashed out so I recommend that if you have any of the banks in this pics. You can buzz me up for more updates.


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1. Loading of any US Canada and UK Banks (must have online access and other necessary details)

2. Coinbase - Client will have to open a Coinbase account and link it with bank account and debit card. Then client uses the debit card to purchase btc of $5 like twice. Then client is gonna send login to Coinbase account then we work on it. (20k cashout).

3. Stripe - Very much going through but only for patient gees coz it takes time but very legit and sure cashout. ?. Client will have to open a stripe account at and then verify the account through his/her gmail. After that client is gonna send login details and we work on it. Like I said sure payout and for patient gees. (10k cashout).

4. AT&T VERIZON AND SPRINT - If client has any of the following. It must be postpaid so we can cart iPhones. If client has any of the following which is a prepaid. Client can apply for postpaid too. All you need is to send clients login access.

5. Credit card- If client has credit card and has a good limit, then we are good to go. We can run a lot with that and the deal is a sure one.

6. Germany/Austria iPhone carting- Most of the time we can only cart iPhones to clients in USA but recently we can also cart to clients in Germany and Austria.
Client will have to send this details:
i. Full name
ii. Address
iii. Carrier
iv. Schufa
v. Iban
vi. Dob
vii. Phone number
viii. ID front and back picture.

Must be a sure and listening client.

7. Wire transfer - This one is one of the most ignored work on this channel but the truth is that it is one of the biggest paying works of all and fastest. It’s works on banks like Chime Greendot and Gobank for now. Account must be a salary pension or ssi account. If it is not then we can run it another way depending on you and your client. Wire transfer comes with nothing less than 100k so you know how big these transactions are but for only serious gees and those with trusted clients.($100k or more)

8. iPhone carding for USA - You can provide this details for iPhone carding
i. Full name
ii. SSN
iii. Drivers license front and back picture
iv. Address
v. Dob
vi. Clients credit score

Note - Client score should be above 590 if not you can still send details and we can try coz some lower than that works sometimes.

9. Cashapp— I got this new update of cashapp and maybe some of you have heard of it before. All you have to send is a verified cashapp and nothing if not don’t bother yourself for the work.

Details for the Cash app:
Client Full name
Date of birth
Home address
Phone number
Account number
RT ñumber
Login number
I'd front and back
Client complexion
Annual income
Cash pin
(7k and above cashout)

10. Check - Most of you must have asked me about check but the truth is that check is going slow now coz of limited legit dispatchers. The fastest way we can send check now is only if client can go to a store and buy a check book an example is vouccier riffiles then client will snap the check back and front and also front page. Then we will engrave the check and send information to the client which client will fill and then she will deposit it in atm. It’s really the fastest way of sending check right now. The check book should be nothing more than $40. (5k and above)

11. S&T bank - This one is for those whose clients location is near to the bank. Client will have to open the bank online and make the necessary applications. Then client will send the login access and client must be willing to go to the bank to deposit the check through cashier or atm. Client can open account at

12. IRA - if client has an IRA then we can cashout as much as $100k. All you need is the online access.

13. Tax refund- it’s really going for some people and not going for some but you can still bring details for cashout. Takes 3-4 days. Cashout is $10k and above.
Details for tax refund
- Bank name
- Account number
- Account name
- Bank address
- Client address
- Online access(optional)