Norway urges local companies to update vulnerable instances of IOS XE as soon as possible

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The attack on the product of the network giant Cisco affected many critical companies.

The head of Norway's National Security Authority (NSM) has warned of key companies in the country being compromised by hackers exploiting two recently discovered vulnerabilities in Cisco products.

Sophie Nystrem, head of NSM, in an interview with the Norwegian newspaper Dagens Næringsliv, said that her agency is coordinating a national response to two zero-day vulnerabilities affecting Cisco IOS XE. Nystrem declined to specify which companies were affected, only labeling them "important", while some of them provided services to the public.

The current situation is assessed as "very serious". According to Nystrem, this attack is more extensive than the incident in the summer, when hackers gained access to the data of several ministries in the country.

In two recent security reports, the first of which was published on October 16, the technology giant Cisco reported active exploitation of two vulnerabilities (CVE-2023-20198 and CVE-2023-20273). The first vulnerability received a maximum CVSS vulnerability assessment score of 10 out of 10, while the second received 7.2 points out of 10.

Cisco said that the first attacks were recorded on September 28. The company released a patch to fix the issue a few days ago, on October 22.

The Cisco Talos noted that attackers gained access to customer systems and installed malware. After the publication of the first security report, according to various sources, from 40 to 60 thousand compromised devices were found on the network.

Although the Talos team claims that malware cannot persist after the device is rebooted, experts also warned about the creation of new accounts with administrator rights by attackers.

Gullik Gundersen, Deputy Director of NSM, emphasized the importance of updating systems for all companies using Cisco IOS XE: "This is still an active incident, and NSM is working to identify the affected companies."