NoEscape attack on BRAK: a cyber threat affecting the foundations of German national security


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Hackers stole 127 GB of confidential data, will the organization pay a ransom?

On Monday, August 7, the hacker group NoEscape claimed responsibility for the attack on the German National Bar Association (BRAK). Experts believe that the attack, first noticed by security experts on August 2, could have very serious consequences for the privacy of German lawyers and their clients.

The hacker group NoEscape has recently appeared in the criminal arena, but has already managed to attack several large organizations in Europe and the United States. On their leak site, cybercriminals reported that they stole 127 GB of confidential data from BRAK.


NoEscape Data Leak Site

BRAK unites 28 regional chambers of lawyers throughout Germany, and it has about 166 thousand specialists-both at home and abroad.

In a statement, the board said it was working with cybersecurity experts to investigate the incident. The organization quickly managed to restore access to the email system, and its plans were no less rapid to contact all lawyers and clients whose data was compromised.

Hackers threatened to publish the stolen data and demanded to contact them for more information. Judging by the timer on the attackers ' website, the organization had to make a decision on the ransom by August 14. Representatives of BRAK have not yet reported whether the ransom was paid to the attackers.

Meanwhile, representatives of BRAK warned everyone involved in advance about possible fake emails on behalf of the organization, especially with requests to provide bank details. Experts recommend that lawyers and their clients be vigilant against such mailings and not succumb to the provocations of intruders.

"Preparations are underway to resume normal operations," BRAK said. However, a full system restore may take weeks or even months due to the large scale of the attack.

The attack on the German bar association is a wake-up call that cybercriminals have started targeting legal organizations. This threatens both the privacy of citizens ' information and national security in general.