No one owes nothing to nobody


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They say this phrase was invented by psychologists. Now it sounds from every iron and is written on almost every roll of toilet paper. This wonderful expression is designed to free a person from his duties, to make him a free, integral person.

And I am sure that this statement did not come from psychologists. The classics of humanistic psychology would have strangled themselves upon hearing this, in every sense, an outstanding postulate. And by the level of immorality, and by the level of perversion of the original meaning. I have not read anything like this in any work.

I strongly assume that foreign gurus introduced it. Very recognized and very committed. Goals? There are also goals.

“Nobody owes anything to anyone” very well removes the feeling of guilt that parents have unconsciously built into their children. Should be like this, like this and like this ... No, it shouldn't. We would like to, but we shouldn't. A wife / husband should be like this and like this ... For everyone absolutely - no, they shouldn't. There is no single rule. A girl / boy should have such and such qualities ... No, they shouldn't. We, as parents, will show ourselves that there are gender and sex differences, but if children choose something else, then they should not. We do not owe anything to anyone if we are in an open relationship and have not made a choice. And much more, but ...

It is a distortion of meaning when love is opposed to duty. Love includes responsibility (see Fromm). If nothing but duty remains, then this concept and the life of a person must be dealt with. And so love and duty go side by side.

“Should” has become synonymous with addiction. If you want to be free, let go of the “must”. From all "should". "Nobody, nobody, nobody." This is what the statement has become.

But we owe other people. Should, if we are with them in an agreed and fixed relationship. If our obligations are stipulated. If they were spoken orally or in writing. If we are friends, then we should. If we love each other, then we must. If I am a mother, then I owe my child. If you are a son, then you owe your parents. You may want to help and want to take care, but responsibility from this does not paint a different color. If your parents left you, then there is another responsibility. An inherent breach of commitment, and this is about a different interaction.

I read that the first step towards the formation of a person's integrity can be the understanding that “no one owes anything to anyone”. It is not integrity. This is the destruction of the personality.

Remove restrictions from the Overself, remove norms and rules in order to release the animal It. Powerful, dark, uncontrollable. Allow a person to completely disregard others. Stop being human. Spiritual and highly developed.

Isn't this the purpose of the statement? Isn't this the main implanted idea, covered with slogans about the health and integrity of the individual? I think this is a propaganda campaign. Delicate and superbly thought out. Overton Window in action - experts called for help.

Only these same experts carry medicines and money to the mother, support an unemployed wife, help friends when they ask for help ... And at the same time, "no one owes anything to anyone."

Author: Lilia Akhremchik