Nicolas Cage's Hypnosis and Guide to Lies


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We know that much of what we are told is not true. But what exactly? "Guide to Lies" humorously tells how to distinguish truth from fiction, science from speculation, facts from opinions. You can learn this.

The world is overflowing with data, but not accurate information. Some of what we hear and see is true, but most of it is speculation, gossip, unverified evidence, fantasies, or outright lies.

Worst of all, on the basis of this information, we make important decisions: what to spend money on, where to live, whether to vaccinate children, change jobs.

Is it true or not?
Tyler Vigeon, a Harvard law student, found that the number of people drowning in the pool correlates with the number of films in which Nicolas Cage has played.

Are people so imbued with the plot of Cage's films that they do not remember themselves and drown? Or is Cage encrypting a hypnotic message in films? Unlikely.

Most likely, the correlation between the two factors is purely coincidental.

There is so much going on in the world that there is always room for coincidences. But this does not mean that one is the cause of the other.

Fictional news.
Sometimes those who offer you some facts just expect you to draw the wrong conclusion. Sometimes they themselves do not see the difference.

To find the truth, you need to think critically. It is this - critical thinking - that the book "Guide to Lies" teaches. The author provides a set of tools, mastering which, you can process incoming information and identify lies.

The book is for everyone who wants to distinguish truth from lies and minimize the likelihood of wrong decisions and erroneous conclusions.

Part of the truth.
The easiest way to convince us of something is to show numbers. But how to interpret them is a person's choice.

You probably know that "four out of five dentists recommend Colgate Toothpaste." And it is true. But not all.

It turns out that in the survey, dentists could recommend more than one toothpaste. And the biggest competitor, Colgate, was recommended almost as often as Colgate - a detail you'll never hear in an ad.

The obvious is incredible.
You definitely have friends who say, “I won't buckle up in the car because one guy died because of a seat belt. He was trapped. If he had not been fastened, he would have remained alive. "

Sounds convincing? No. We cannot draw conclusions from one or two stories.

Yes, there are several cases when a belt cost a person his life, but there are thousands of times when a belt saved a life. Which outcome is more likely?

Evaluate the probabilities, do not believe loud stories. This will help you make the right decisions.

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Directive hypnosis and Ericksonian hypnosis​


So we got to one of our favorite points - hypnosis. So, here we will give a very small definition of what hypnosis is, and what types it is divided into. We are not going to be too big here, because the topic of hypnosis is one of our favorites, and if we start, we will give it out in full. In addition, you can listen to our trainings and seminars that relate to this topic - there it is covered in more than detail. But, nevertheless, some article, of a review type, must be attached, which we are happy to do.
There are an incredible amount of types of hypnosis, and even more so, self-hypnosis. Conventional hypnosis; Alpha hypnosis; New hypnosis; Ericksonian hypnosis; Hypnotism and so on and so forth. Thus, to avoid confusion, we will focus on two types of hypnosis. As the most commonly used. What will be for you for now is more than enough. Of course, if we look in more detail, then, as we said, there are still a lot of types of hypnosis, but for now, our binary classification is enough for you.
So, for now, suppose there is ordinary hypnosis, directive. And also there is Ericksonian hypnosis.

First, then you are immediately interested in the question: what is this directive hypnosis?
To understand what directive hypnosis is, we ask you: Have you seen Kashpirovsky? Or we can reformulate our question in another way: Have you ever seen this - a man with bulging eyes sits, and hypnosis is performed over him. Which is expressed in the fact that the domineering and certainly demonic figure of the hypnotist begins to say that the person is asleep, listens to his commands, and so on in a similar spirit. Naturally, you have already understood that directive hypnosis is a kind of hypnosis, the impact of which is carried out rigidly and authoritatively.

Well. The hypnotherapist tells you to do this and that, and the hypnosis patient does what he was told to do. The mechanism of this phenomenon rests on different phenomena, it is certainly an experience, it is certainly a "contact of the unconscious" or a phenomenon of telepathy, and also, quite calmly, it can be a bioenergetic phenomenon, developed by one or several chakras. In addition, in addition to the phenomena that we have listed, traditional hypnosis puts forward many of its explanations. There is an authoritarian approach, the dubiousness of the hypnotized subject and deep trances.

An entirely different structure is Ericksonian hypnosis. To begin with, earlier, the depth of trance was something very significant, but Erickson, by his own example and the example of his patients, proved that serious, hypnotic changes can be done in rather shallow trance.

Also, in this type of hypnosis, there is a huge number of techniques aimed at contacting the subconscious and not only using the patient as a trance subject, but, on the contrary, teaching him for the independent use of hypnotic phenomena. In addition, there is a semantic structure saturated with certain verbal patterns, using which, you overload the consciousness of an individual, distracting attention. And while her attention is distracted, the most important work, you do at the level of her subconscious. However, here the conversation is already directly related to amnesia - to use these mechanisms, you can download and listen to our course on hypnosis, with training patterns and strategies.

We can say that there are not many basic techniques. This is the conduct of a hypnotist, with the help of his states, in a trance and influencing him, with the help of his state. The first technique can be carried out in the most varied ways - from the confusion of the individual and its gradual shutdown in the conscious mind. Before communication is carried out in such a way that the mechanisms by which it (the individual) processes information are usually "wedged", with the help of this hypnosis is carried out. The logical consequence of this is that the individual falls into hypnosis and trance, and it falls out of the surrounding context.

That is, you understand that here the process by which hypnosis is done can be designated with a quote from Zadornov: "When an individual starts thinking, but there is nothing."
A similar process takes place here: the individual tries to start thinking, but it cannot get to what it usually thinks, and it (the individual) begins to look for various ways to get there. As a result, as you understand, due to such processing and the state of hypnosis, the activity of an individual in the external environment is practically minimal. If we consider the process of hypnosis as the physiological reactions of an individual, then it so happens that in hypnosis, of the physiological manifestations, there are only unconscious manifestations - as during sleep. Spontaneous swallowing, change in breathing, slow heartbeat, and so on, which indicates that the individual is in the proper trance level.

In traditional hypnosis, if you want to engage in this type of hypnosis, special attention is paid to practicing the "hypnotic" gaze. On the one hand, there is an opinion that this is all nonsense and there is nothing to waste time on this matter. On the other hand, as you know, the eyes are the mirror of the soul. In addition, in our experience, the demarcation of the hemispheres by dominants, and then using them in this context, is extraordinary and changes the state of an individual and carries out its trance loading - further, it is only necessary to maintain and utilize the trance. Although, in this context of marking, it is possible to carry out the allocation of some segments of experience, with the aim of incorporating them into the subconscious.

By the way, there is a saying from Heller's book that everything is hypnosis and there is no such thing as hypnosis at all - this is so. This phenomenon is very difficult to explain, but very easy to feel on the example of your own satisfactory trance state. There is another funny exercise, however, it concerns yourself rather than someone, and is extremely effective in breaking your own stereotypes.

It examines how you conduct hypnosis on yourself, that is, you learn to do hypnosis with yourself and, thus, experimenting with yourself, you learn to see hypnotic states. Can hypnosis be described as breaking your own stereotype or pattern?
Of course yes. And it is on this that the following technique is built, which we are talking about. By the described moments of this procedure with performing yourself, it becomes easier for you to see them in other individuals, which contributes to a more sophisticated and faster hypnosis.

The essence is as follows:
Notice your stereotypes and change them.

Start with some relatively innocent stereotypes:
- You are returning from school or work by a certain road? Come back another.
- Do you smoke? Do you hold the lighter with your right hand? Try the left one. Like a cigarette.
- Do you walk with a certain gait? Choose a different gait that suits you better than yours.
- Do you like certain foods? Start eating another one.
- Do you type SMS with your right hand? Now, learn to do it with your left.
- Are you used to spending your weekends in a strictly defined way? Run them differently.

We have considered here examples of behavior that people produce "automatically", that is, almost unconsciously, so if you see exactly where the client is not aware of himself, then you can effectively conduct hypnosis with him. Simply put - if you see where he is already in hypnosis, then your hypnosis, with him, will be quite easy.

Thus, by noticing your own stereotypes, you can gradually expand your consciousness until you become aware of elements that were previously subconscious. Or unconscious. Including, in the east, this approach is also described, though not in hypnotic reactions, but certainly also in development.
The more stereotypes you break for yourself, the more opportunities you will have for your own change. You will also see what stereotypes others have, and this is the surest way to first consider HIS stereotype, then predict, and then altogether change it in the client.
Do you feel how things went well for us? Words, "stereotypes" and "break" are used! As you can imagine, the strategy we have described is that we think it is invariably attractive - we adore breaking and tearing unhappy people, stereotypes and patterns.

This is lovely! Agree! Here he stands so unhappy and madly rolls his eyes, trying to realize what cannot be realized. By the way, at this moment, the best strategy is to kick it - you see, changes will take place.
In general, we have already suffered, and we are ready to tell you about how to do hypnosis and how to tear up stereotypes and patterns for defenseless people, introducing them into a hypnotic trance right on the street. But, this is actually an introductory article about hypnosis, let's leave it as an introductory one, otherwise if we get carried away now, then there will be 700 pages of text. In addition, arguing that in a trance, a patient, we will tear everything to him, break and kick his unfortunate, we have already to some extent achieved the same broken template, from whom?

Right! With his hand.
Well, and with someone else.
Therefore, a completely normal strategy is to give. You can use. If we return to the two types of hypnosis, then, on the one hand, directive hypnosis is simpler, but, on the other hand, when conducting it, you should rely either on your extensive experience in hypnosis, or on a developed bioenergetic structure , or on the strength of your will, or for a number of points that we described at the beginning of the article.
Ericksonian hypnosis is more difficult to master, because this type of hypnosis is done gradually. The individual may not even suspect that a hypnotic effect is being carried out on her, however, after a while, again, she finds herself in a state of quite satisfactory hypnosis and trance.


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Hypnosis: Human Impact, Uses and Limitations​


“Hypnosis is not mind control. It is a naturally occurring state of concentration. He is a means of increasing your control over your mind and body. " David Spiegel, assistant professor of psychiatry at Stanford University

Possibilities and limitations of hypnosis​

Hypnosis is a state in which a person's attention is maximally focused on a specific subject. In such a state, a person can easily be indoctrinated with something. When awake, the brain is filled with various thoughts. In a hypnotic state, deep concentration occurs on a certain thought or feeling. The possibilities of hypnosis are not endless, but with the help of hypnosis you can easily achieve success in life.

How hypnosis works​

The consciousness of the subject who is hypnotized is completely (during hypnosis) or partially (during hypnotrans, when the subject realizes that he is being hypnotized) turned off. Physiologically, this is manifested in the inhibition of the cerebral cortex. Only 1 section is excluded from this, which is called a sentry post. Through it, rapport is performed - the connection between the subject and the hypnotist.
In a hypnotic state, consciousness is blocked. In this case, the senses (eyes, ears, nose) function in a normal way, transmit nerve impulses to the brain. This information does not enter the consciousness, since it is blocked by the words of the hypnotizing person. As a result, the subject cannot process the information that is supplied to him by the senses. A person under hypnosis can sit with open eyes and at the same time not notice anything around him.
At the same time, in a hypnotic state, the subject may have visions of objects that are absent around him. Central vision is activated when the images appearing in the brain are formed not by the senses, but by the verbal influence of the hypnotizing person.
Hypnoson differs not only in the fact that consciousness is blocked from signals from the outside (except for the words of the hypnotizing person), but also in the "disconnection" of one's desires, needs, principles. In a hypnotic state, the subject wants what the hypnotizing person instills in him.

What affects the strength of the hypnotic effect​

The ability of a subject to immerse himself in hypnosis or perceive hypnotic effects is dependent on 3 factors:
  1. The setting in which the hypnotization is carried out. The more favorable the environment, the stronger the effect. For a mass session, when the participants have a high interest in what is happening, it turns out to enter into a hypnotic state no more than twenty-five to thirty percent of people. In a quiet and darkened room, with a comfortable position of the subject on the couch, it is possible to enter into a hypnotic state most of the people.
  2. The personality of the hypnotized person. All people can be divided into 3 nervous types: artistic, mental, average. People of the artistic type are impressionable, think in clear images, and are often very emotional and suspicious. Among these people, there are often artists, singers, doctors. People of this type are easily hypnotized.
The thinking type is people whose thinking is abstract, abstract, aimed at analysis. Among such people, mathematicians and physicists are often found. They are difficult to hypnotize.
The middle type is considered to be a combination of the above types. Here it is impossible to say for sure how effective the hypnotic effect will be.
The personality of the hypnotizer. The better hypnosis skills a hypnologist has, the better the result he gets. The idea that the hypnotist must necessarily possess "mystical powers" is false. Only experience, knowledge, technique can be called the foundations necessary for a hypnologist.

Where is hypnotic influence used?​

What is hypnosis for? It is possible to use hypnotic influence for a variety of purposes:
Achieving success in life. As you know, someone who knows how to win people over easily achieves everything he wants. This is especially true for the relationship with the boss. With the help of conversational hypnosis, you can convince people of your own ideas, inspire them to do what you need to do.

Using hypnotic skills, it is worth keeping yourself within certain limits. You can use the aforementioned conversational hypnosis to:
  • career advancement. Conversational hypnosis is the best way to build excellent relationships with bosses and colleagues;
  • conclusion of profitable deals. This applies to both the signing of large business contracts and ordinary situations when, for example, you buy a used car and decide to bargain with the seller;
  • public speaking. With hypnotic skills, you can easily convey your own ideas to your audience. They will listen to you incessantly (if, of course, you have achieved a certain skill in mastering hypnosis).
  • Improving concentration, relieving pain. This is relevant for self-hypnosis. If you master self-hypnosis, you can focus on something at any time. Also, through this type of hypnotic effect, you can relieve pain, and also solve the problem with insomnia.

To reduce pain, you can use one of the following self-hypnosis techniques:
  • "Breathing out" of pain. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and concentrate on the feeling of pain. Imagine how much the pain weighs, what temperature it has, how it moves, how it looks. Enter a state of self-hypnosis. You don't have to go deep into it. Concentrate on breathing, imagine how the air flows to the center of pain, dissolves it in itself. With each breathing movement (inhalation / exhalation), some of the pain will come out of you;
  • work with the image of pain. Enter a state of self-hypnosis. Imagine what pain looks like, such as a scarlet lump). Start changing the image, for example, turn a scarlet lump into green;
  • "Freezing" of pain. This technique is optimal for minor injuries (bruised hand, burned leg). Enter a state of self-hypnosis and imagine feeling cold and numb at the site of pain. Think of the freezing cold spreading across the entire injured area (arm, leg).
  • Getting rid of biased fears, complexes. This application of hypnosis is found in hypnotherapy. Group sessions are usually held, but individual sessions can also be organized. Hypnotic influence allows you to introduce into the subject's consciousness an attitude aimed at eliminating fears and complexes. This method of treatment is much more effective than ordinary conversations with a psychologist.

So, through hypnotic influence, it is possible to resolve the following:
  • problems that are associated with communication;
  • eating disorders;
  • any fears, anxieties;
  • limiting beliefs;
  • addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction).
Now you know why hypnosis is needed. Use your knowledge and skills to realize all the goals you have set for yourself, to tune those around you in your own way.

How Hypnosis Cannot Be Used​

Never use hypnotic skills for fraudulent purposes. Criminals use hypnosis to get other people's money, objects, jewelry. Well-known gypsies use colloquial hypnosis to introduce a person into an altered state of consciousness and commit criminal acts.
First, using hypnotic skills for fraudulent purposes will negatively affect your karma. As you know, everything comes back to us like a boomerang. If you do evil to people, it will definitely come back to you. Use your skills to succeed, but within reasonable limits.
Secondly, fraudulent hypnosis is fraught with legal problems. This is another strong argument in favor of using your own hypnotic skills only for good purposes.

Limitations on the use of hypnosis​

Hypnosis is not nearly as all-powerful as some people think. It has certain limitations. Let's study the most significant of them.
  1. Not everyone is capable of going into a state of deep hypnosis. Hypnosis does not work for all people. It all depends on the skills of the hypnologist. In addition, hypnotic effects vary in depth. Here the suggestibility of the person, the skill of the hypnologist, his authority in the eyes of the hypnotized are important.
  2. Nothing can force a person to go through internal prohibitions. The hypnologist will never be able to force the subject to do what he has a strict prohibition on in the value system. If a person is afraid to dance in public, the hypnologist will easily remove such fear. However, it is impossible to force a person to commit murder or robbery.
  3. After the end of the session, the suggestion does not always persist. When consciousness is turned on again, it will begin critical processing of information and desires. The hypnologist's suggestion can be simply discarded.
  4. Hypnotic influence does not always bring memories back. If we talk about stories, when people have something that pops up in their memory under the influence of hypnosis, then there is some truth. However, it all depends on how long ago the event was, how it was recorded in the memory and other factors. If the brain has performed memory blocking due to trauma, hypnotism can help. However, there is no guarantee that the memories will be true. Human memory is selective - it can perform transformation, erasure of certain objects, actions. In view of this, the information obtained from memory under hypnosis cannot be called completely objective.


Knowing what hypnosis can do and what its limitations are, you get a great opportunity to easily master the art of hypnotic influence. Start exploring other articles on hypnosis on the Brain Trainer site. Remember that self-development is something that each person should pay their attention to. The ability to hypnotize people is a useful skill that will definitely come in handy in life.