NFT Trader lost about $3 million as a result of hacking


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Unknown people attacked the old smart contracts of the P2P platform NFT Trader and withdrew non-fungible tokens. The project team confirmed the incident.

We've suffered an attack on old smart contracts, please remove the delegation using to the following addresses:
— NFT Trader (@NftTrader) December 16, 2023

Revoke Cash specialists estimated the losses at approximately $3 million. Most of the damage was made up of NFTs from the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) and Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC) collections.

Statement from NFT Trader:

Looks like losses are close to $3M, mostly Bored Apes and Mutant Apes.
— (@RevokeCash) December 16, 2023

Later, an unknown person announced his readiness to return the stolen NFTs for a 10% reward. According to him, the original hacker was another user.

"I am a good person. These NFTs are worth enough to live freely, but I don't care. I prefer to collect leftover trash. […] If you want the NFT back, pay me the reward I deserve,” he wrote.

After this, Boring Security DAO reported the return of 36 BAYC and 18 MAYC. Those affected by the hack will receive their tokens back for free. The team paid 10% of the cost for them.

All 36 BAYC and 18 MAYC that the exploiter had are now in our possession.

We sent her 10% of the floor price of the collections as bounty. We will be working with the affected victims getting them back to them free of charge.

Right after this coffee break…

Victims please...
— Boring Security (@BoringSecDAO) December 17, 2023