New: Turkish scam in the current reality


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Shalom! Now I'll show you the drocher bench updated for the surrounding situation. New excuses, new wishlist!

I want to remind you that this channel is not dedicated to earning schemes, and I only show a case, a case, an example of how it happens, what they earn now, what they live off. So don't take it as a way to make money, but only as something interesting.

I won't talk about security, you know everything perfectly well.

We will talk about Turkish sheikhs (where without them). we all know how much they love ruzke natasch, and nataschi turk muschin. This love will give the potential jailer a vein, and the vein — money.

Here you need to get into the role as much as possible and be a "girl", communicate like a girl, no jokes about members, fucking in the ass and Xymelin's mother. You've been around women, haven't you?" Well, I hope so, so copy the behavior of some girlfriend.

I deleted the items, but you didn't come here to study. The main thing is not to take photos of models, just download them from someone's VK page. Not the fucking beauties, okay? Oh, yes, and one more thing: for all sorts of things, make a bank account for a woman, and use her data when registering — this will be more plausible.

And hire a friend for voicemails, it'll boost the envelope, obviously.

Communication and legend.​

After regi on the NW You start writing hundreds of all sorts of fools who naturally only have your pussy in their head. Then they will ask you for a number to write to you in watsupp or viber. Give it to us, so it is more convenient to filter out shit, flood and dikpikov.

When he asks where you live, the real show begins: Yes, I worked in Istanbul as a waitress, back and forth, yes, my passport expired. I was deported to Ukraine, and now I can't renew my passport, and I have to work for$100/month as a waitress, but I can't collect any money, and so on.

In short, put pressure on pity, but show that you are a strong and independent dishwasher (DO NOT ASK FOR MONEY RIGHT AWAY, DO NOT ASK FOR a FUCK AT ALL).

Then, when "You" are already starting to like him, put pressure on him to be jealous.

I used to say this:
My boss is such a jerk at work, pestering me, offering me a ride home in his car, guests pawing my ass when I pass by.

Well, in short, you do everything so that after your message he writes to you: Don't work there please, don't, I'm worried about you and la la la (in short, the person woke up feeling that he and only he should put his hairy and sweaty body on you).

Well, in short, after that, you say that you need to earn a living, the country is currently in a difficult time, and you want to make yourself a passport in order to finally leave this horror, find a man in Turkey for yourself and marry him (do not say what exactly you want for him). And then casually say that you have already collected$ 50 for your passport, but you need $ 100.

And that's where the fun begins. He offers to send you money, BUT!!! You refuse) You really refuse)) Write to him: I can't, this is a very generous act, but I can't take SUCH a sum of money from a stranger like that! (I just got burned on the fact that when I immediately agreed, they wanted to call, or chat on Skype. And when I broke down, then they themselves begged me to "take" the money. Wuman's behavior, as I said).

In general, you refused, then communicate with him until the next day, and then in the evening you say so: Just imagine, my boss asked me out to a restaurant today. I do not know what to do. But if I go to a restaurant, it can raise my salary, and I can make a passport... well, then in short, your Turk starts to bomb so farts that Erdrogan thinks that it was Russia who attacked him and hides under the table, chewing on his tie. And your Turk starts foaming at the mouth, he is enraged, etc. and again begins to promise you your money. Then you say: If I take money from you, it will only be on one condition that when I come to Turkey, I will earn money and give everything to you. Well, in short, you will agree there.

The Turk agrees, you give a drop invoice, and you receive money.

And most importantly: This Turk is not going anywhere! So let's say when I was sent $ 100, I realized that he was on the hook) I found it from the original girl (From whom I took a photo) Photo in a bra and writing to a Turk: I found such a cool bra, but I don't have the money to buy it :*( Well, in short, I pressed him for pity, after which he sent me another$ 50 for some rubbish, well, I threw him a photo of that girl in a bra.

Well, so it turned out that in a week I communicated simultaneously with 5 Turks, 3 of them threw me at least 50 conventional units.

UPD: You need to be patient a lot , in the very first minutes "brain-fucking" will begin on his part: "oh, how beautiful you are", " throw off a photo ", "throw off sisi" - and all that sort of stuff. Enter into the trust of a person , "open up to him" the soul of "how bad you live" - BY ALL means take a shit and piss in your ears.
UPD2::pitfalls: When he says that he wants to come, you should make it clear that this is not possible. I used to say that a war was about to break out in my city and that it was dangerous because you didn't have any money. Put pressure on pity and say that your brother was taken to the war you need money, you need money for school, you need money for clothes, you need money and that's all-only in the beginning you don't need to ask or else ...
UPD3::: Merge, stupid reasons like "no computer", "no camera", "I can't right now" . And if there is an opportunity, ask your friend, there is a lot of trust at once