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Hi all! Even if you are an advanced Internet user, no one is immune from becoming a victim of financial fraud. You may not even be aware of the new schemes of scammers on the Internet. In this article, I decided to touch on this serious topic, since every user should be familiar with it. Let's talk about types of financial fraud and new schemes of scammers.

The content of the article:
1. How do online scammers operate?
2. What is financial fraud?
3. What scam schemes have emerged this year?


Online scammers use various methods to deceive users on the Internet. However, in general, all schemes of scammers on the Internet can be reduced to several common methods:
  1. A message disguised as an organization. Most often, online scammers send a person an SMS posing as an official letter from a bank, online store, etc. I think that everyone at least once received a strange notification when an organization supposedly warned you against something bad or asked you to confirm some operation. The striking difference between this money scam is that such messages contain a link to a fake website that looks the same as the real one and prompts the user to enter their personal information: credit card numbers, CVV codes, logins and passwords.
  2. Fake purchases. For this scheme, scammers create duplicate online stores that look exactly like the real thing. Such sites lure users into entering personal information or paying for goods or services that do not actually exist. You think you are making a purchase, but in reality you are becoming a victim of financial fraud.
  3. Viruses and Trojans. Users who download data from unverified sites run the risk of downloading malware. Through them, scammers on the Internet gain access to a user’s computer to hack his account or install software that collects and transmits people’s personal data to online scammers.
  4. Manipulation. Fraudsters on the Internet can disguise themselves as ordinary users who, using prepared psychological phrases, put pressure on you and deceive you. Such scammers manipulate people and gain sympathy by asking the user to send money or perform certain actions.
  5. Spam and fraudulent mailings. Online scammers may send bulk emails or text messages containing fraudulent offers or links to fake websites with enticing calls to action and make money.


To be more vigilant and identify scammers on the Internet, it is necessary to generally understand what financial fraud is and how it works. In simple terms, financial fraud is deceiving or manipulating a person into obtaining their money. Of course, such actions are a direct crime and an attack on financial well-being, but this does not bother online scammers much.

Online scammers may use a variety of techniques to carry out financial fraud, including phishing, fake websites, calls or messages, under- or over-pricing of goods or services, document falsification, etc. They may pretend to be representatives of banks, insurance companies, investment funds or other organizations to gain access to personal data, passwords or financial accounts.

Online scams can come in forms such as debit and credit card fraud, investment fraud, insurance fraud and more. This type of financial fraud can have serious consequences for victims: loss of wealth and savings, damage to credit history, loss of personal information posted on the Internet...

To avoid financial fraud, it is important to be vigilant when interacting with unknown people, check the authenticity of sites and companies, and monitor your financial accounts and transactions. Question any message that raises suspicion and the idea that it may be a money scam.

Financial literacy is the most important component for every person who has money at his disposal. That is, from adolescence we should already be aware of possible fraud schemes. This is especially true for people who already work for themselves or are just considering this way of earning money. That is why in my course I not only give students new knowledge, but also tell them how to work with clients. Within six months after completing the course, I answer all questions that arise. And this gives a guaranteed result - my students earn from $ 1000 a month, working remotely for just a couple of hours a day!


Of course, online scammers are constantly monitored, and their money scams are revealed over time. But while the police are figuring out one deception strategy, another one appears - more cunning and plausible. Here is a selection of new scam schemes:
  1. Cyberbullying is a form of financial fraud that involves online attacks on people to violate their dignity, cause psychological harm and steal money.
  2. Imitation of sales of brand stores that have left the Russian market. Under the guise of a seller, online scammers can sell you goods that simply cannot be sold in Russia anymore. A frequent argument for such a scheme by scammers is the sale of leftovers from warehouses at low prices.
  3. Messages from banks about the threat to your finances. This type of financial fraud involves manipulation of people's savings. Of course, now concerns about your financial condition have reached an all-time high, but do not forget that the bank will not panic and send you alarming SMS or calls. Deposits with special protection, increased security, immediate withdrawal of funds and other similar calls to action are all new fraud schemes.
  4. Gaining access to people's social networks is also a kind of financial fraud. After all, having personal information in front of them and the opportunity to write on behalf of another person, online scammers can make money from this. Many familiar services and social networks are now inaccessible to people, so scammers on the Internet actively use them - they offer people to restore access to their accounts, after which they take over the login and password for online scams or blackmail.
Modern financial fraud can easily be identified by the fact that it is always associated with the latest important events in the country. If they are trying to convince you that your finances are at risk and you rather need to do something to protect them, this is a money scam. Also learn to recognize the emotional manipulations that cause you to fear missing out in the here and now. A unique offer can be a very clever scheme by scammers.
