New members of the Eurasian Mafia


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The fact that in addition to the notorious "Russian mafia" in the United States, represented mainly by former Soviet Jews, there are other ethnic organized criminal groups (OPGs) has long been known.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the "Russian mafia" was renamed the "Eurasian" mafia, marking the post-Soviet space, and the Georgian and Azerbaijani mafias were discovered, and, of course, the "Armenian Power" on the West Coast, represented by immigrants from this former Soviet republic. According to our security officials, this organized criminal group has been operating since 1998, consists of ethnic Armenians, has approximately 1,200 members and is engaged in murder, kidnapping, robbery, extortion, drug trafficking and identity theft. The main area of activity of the "Armenian Force" is Hollywood and "Little Armenia" - the area of East Hollywood, a suburb of Los Angeles, officially named so in 2000. In 2010, the then Manhattan federal prosecutor, Priit Bharara, called this organized crime group "Armenian-American", and the then head of the criminal investigation department of the New York FBI, Diego Rodriguez, in an interview with Voice of America, called it "the second wave of Eurasian organized crime in the United States." This organized criminal group even got into the online "people's" encyclopedia, where it was reported that its members "usually wear the classic clothes of urban street bandits: baggy khaki pants, rumpled white T-shirts, hair nets, dark blue caps and sunglasses in the style of LOCS. Many of them have tattoos and weapons. "It also notes that "gangs of Transcaucasians in the United States as a whole make up only 14% of the total number of gang members of other ethnic or racial groups."

All right, but on March 14, the Federal Prosecutor's Office for the Southern District of New York in Manhattan announced a new organized criminal group "Pure Armenian Blood", which can be translated as "Purebred Armenian", and abbreviated as "P. A. B.". As the current prosecutor Damian Williams explained, members of this group "for almost 10 years enriched themselves and their criminal accomplices with scams that included stealing other people's personal data, and spending millions of other people's dollars without fear of consequences. The leader of this sophisticated organized criminal group, Narek Marutyan, directed these scams and reaped the ill-gotten gains. For this crime, he will face years in prison. This investigation once again confirms our continued determination to fight organized crime in all its forms." The years in prison mentioned by Prosecutor Williams for 33-year-old Brooklyn resident Marutyan, who along with his accomplices was arrested on June 29, 2022 and pleaded guilty to racketeering on August 17 last year, mean 6 years in prison plus damages in the amount of $4,258. 999. 79 and the same fine, to which He was sentenced by Judge Victor Marrero. His brother Albert, aka Abo, Marutyan confessed to the same thing and received 51 months in prison.

The second main defendant in the case of "Full-Blooded Armenian" No. 20 Cr. 0652, or rather "United States v. Narek Marutyan and others", is 40-year-old Saro, alias Paul Muradian, from the town of Hollywood in Florida between Fort Lauderdale and Miami. Like Marutyan, who pleaded guilty to racketeering, Muradyan received 10 months in prison, agreeing to pay $517,502. 00 in damages and a $ 50,190.00 fine. Besides them, brothers Davit and Mikhail (aka Michaud)were arrested and pleaded guilty to the "pure-blooded Armenians" racket Yeghoyan, who received 45 and 42 months in prison respectively, and Zaven Yerkaryan, who pleaded guilty to "fraudulent access to the device" but has not yet been sentenced. Gokhar Illangozyan agreed to plead guilty to perjury and is also awaiting sentencing, while Vakha Khovkhanisyan received 364 days, that is, a year and a day in prison, for money laundering, which he also confessed to. As I have already explained, the "year and day" of incarceration is an act of humanism by a judge, since according to the federal penal code, a sentence of up to one year is not subject to early release.

The common fault of this "magnificent eight" is primarily that they, being an organized criminal group of ethnic Armenians in the United States, acted on the instructions and under the protection of an accomplice of "SS-1", an Armenian "thief in law" who lived in Los Angeles and in 2018 he was deported. Perhaps we are talking about the thief-in-law Artur Kazaryan, nicknamed Pzo, who was arrested in October 2010 along with dozens of other defendants in the case of deception of the state health care system for the elderly. In February 2013, Pzo was sentenced to 37 months in prison and 3 years of supervision after his release, after which he was to be deported, so the deportation process could well drag on until 2018. The prosecution notes that members of the new group wore distinctive signs, including tattoos (the head of a bearded man with the letters " P. A. B "in place of the eyes and the traditional" thieves 'stars"), as well as special clothing, hats and mobile phone cases with these three letters. I remember, in the same regalia, but with a Georgian bias, sported members of the Brooklyn organized criminal group of the thief in law Razhden Shulai.

Members and accomplices of the "P" group.The A. B.'s" operated through businesses they controlled, including Auto and Towing Inc., located in New Jersey's Suffolk County, and owned Posh Cars Spa in Brooklyn, New York. " As the leader of the P. A. B. branch in New York, the indictment says, Marutyan managed various crimes, including the use of stolen personal data, fraudulent opening and emptying of credit lines; purchases with forged credit cards in prior agreement with the place of these purchases or with cards that were opened fraudulently; sale of goods purchased in this way for profit and falsification of documents to "clear" the credit of account holders on whose accounts they are located. "credit lines have been opened."... You read this and are touched by how true it is that the new is the well-forgotten old: after all, all these tricks of the "Pure-Blooded Armenian" organized criminal group were used by our Brooklyn crooks at the end of the last century. The late Marat Balagula was also accused of using homemade credit cards to buy fur coats from fur shop owners who knew about it, and selling them to them. "As the owner and manager of two such businesses," the prosecution continues, "Muradyan used fraudulently obtained credit cards for fictitious payments, in exchange for which no legitimate goods or services were provided. He also provided P. A. B. members with personal information about individuals he knew, and they used that information to fraudulently obtain additional credit cards that were used for other scams."

Giving examples of crimes committed by the organized criminal group " P.A. B.", the prosecution alleges that in 2014 Davit Yeghoyan handed over approximately 20 credit cards encoded with criminally obtained data to an SS-2 accomplice (who is not charged). Then, on February 15, 2015, Misho Yegoyan tried to buy jewelry using such a card in a New Jersey store. On March 11 of the same year, Abo Marutyan sent a text message with photos of 1. A California Driver's license in the name of the credit card holder (Account Holder-1) with his last name, date of birth and address; and 2. A credit card in the same name that was used for large purchases. On September 18 of the same year, 2015, Narek Marutyan, Abo Marutyan and Micho Yeghoyan paid with a fake credit card for booking rooms in a Los Angeles hotel. On December 7, 2015, Misho Yeghoyan gave SS-3's accomplice (who is not charged) information about a bank account in the name of Account Holder-2, which was used to open credit lines for which purchases were not paid. The prosecution cites 7 more such episodes, until March 30, 2020, when Misho Yeghoyan sent Saro Muradyan an email with messages from the bank about an account in the name of Account Holder-6, whose credit card Muradyan paid for the expenses of his business.

Although "pure-blooded Armenians" acted in the old-fashioned way and did not introduce anything new to the craft of such scams, they stole enough, although none of them is listed in the federal prison database. I recall that in October 2010, the Manhattan Federal Prosecutor's office arrested 44 people who were accused of the most powerful raid on the Medicare program at that time. Among them were 26 "Armenian-Americans", of whom 21 lived in California and 5 in Brooklyn, New York. The case was high-profile, and on the Russian website On the Internet, a polemic unfolded on the eternal topic: "Which mafia is the most dangerous?". One participant wrote that " the most dangerous Italian, but in the United States they are very afraid of Russian." Another wrote that " in the United States, in general, everything is controlled by Jews, at least in New York for sure, and if someone thinks that everything in New York is under the RM (Russian Mafia), then he is deeply mistaken. Yes, the Russian mafia is the most brutal mafia, I agree with this, they have cruel methods, but it is not the most dangerous...". A third stated that " The Jewish and Armenian mafias are the strongest today. In California, the Armenian mafia rules, they also own France and southern Russia, and the Jews own a strong mafia in Moscow and New York." And the fourth panelist (although there were many more) summed it up: "What a question! Armenian mafia, then Russian, and then Italian. Armenians hold almost all of the United States and Europe, as well as the south of Russia."