New level of security: the camera shoots paint and tear gas


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The AI camera doesn't just watch, it also attacks.

A Slovenian startup has unveiled the world's first smart camera that can not only monitor visitors, but also actively attack potential intruders with paint balls or even tear gas projectiles with "ultra-high accuracy". The system, called PaintCam Eve, is equipped with automatic goal marking, facial recognition, and artificial intelligence for decision-making.

As soon as a stranger enters the camera's field of view, they receive a warning. If the person doesn't leave within the set time, the camera starts firing colorful balloons that not only mark the intruder for later identification by the police, but are also painful enough to force them to leave. For those who don't have enough drama in a normal shooting, the camera can use tear gas.

The creators called their invention "a vigilant guardian who does not sleep, does not blink and does not miss a single movement." In addition to the ability to actively defend, PaintCam Eve has all the standard security features: remote access, night vision, object tracking, motion detection, and a simple and unobtrusive design. The system also offers storage and playback of video recordings, which makes it possible to view events at any time.

You should think about how ethical the use of such technologies is. Is it possible, for example, to shoot annoying merchants or participants in children's pranks? Also, what are the legal consequences if the camera accidentally causes harm to others?

The startup plans to launch a Kickstarter campaign on April 23, where they promise to present more detailed technical specifications and demo videos. The technology promises to be one of the most discussed in the field of home security, but the question remains about the moral and legal aspects of its application.