? Neuroticism of carders: how to get along with your anxiety?


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Many of us have signs of neuroticism, that is, an increased sensitivity to negative emotions - life is full of stress, and it can be really difficult to cope. Check yourself if you have these features:

- Since childhood, you quickly get tired of noisy parties, too bright lights and loud sounds, do not tolerate conflicts and criticism.

- It is difficult for you to endure situations of uncertainty, or when you need to quickly figure something out and make a decision.

- You know how to cheat yourself over trifles and it is hard to endure failures.

All this interferes with living calmly, and correcting oneself is useless - these are the peculiarities of the psyche. But you can and should learn to help yourself cope in difficult situations for you:

? Analyze your condition
For example, you’re tense right now, and you’re wiping your hands on your pants, not because you’re a cowardly loser, but because you’re worried before the interview. Which is quite normal. This concretization gives strength and relieves the symptoms of vague anxiety.

? Express emotions with words
It is a good practice, now not as popular as it used to be, to keep a diary, write in it freely and without censorship what infuriates and depresses you. This is how you help yourself get rid of your overwhelming emotions in the here and now in a sustainable and reliable way.

? Incorporate the word "interesting" into your reality
Good auto-training is to replace the definition of "scary" with "interesting". For example: “It's tough for me to go to this meeting,” replace it with “I am incredibly interested in how this meeting will go”. Interestingly - this is about excitement, about activity and tone, in contrast to the paralyzing "scary".