Neuroprivateness: Protect your Thoughts from Technological Intrusion


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Megacorporations are actively investing in technologies to decipher people's thoughts.

Big tech companies like Meta and Apple are investing in developing technologies that can decode people's thoughts. Such products can revolutionize medicine by helping patients, but at the same time they can compromise privacy. In 2022, Apple registered a patent for AirPods that use EEG technology to analyze biosignatures and electrical activity in the user's brain. On the other hand, Meta* supports a team of neuroscientists who have found ways to detect brain activity without surgery.

Neuro-rights advocates like Dr. Raphael Yuste argue that our thoughts are the latest data that we can control on our own. In this regard, Colorado passed the Neural Rights Act, which expands the state's privacy law to protect mental privacy. This was the first such legislation in the United States.

While neurotechnologies offer huge opportunities for medicine and everyday life, they can also become a tool for violating privacy, as technologies that do not require intervention in the body begin to spread among consumers. Companies are looking to use neurodata for a variety of applications, from medical devices to consumer electronics. For example, Meta develops neural interfaces that can be worn on the wrist and that read the neural signals sent by the brain to control various devices.

There are concerns that without proper regulation and privacy protection, technologies that can analyze or even manipulate thought processes may be used unethically. In response to these concerns, some countries, such as Chile, as well as states in the United States, have begun to enact laws aimed at protecting neuro-rights and mental privacy.

These developments open up new opportunities for investors and companies who are looking for ways to monetize these new technologies, while ensuring that user data is protected. Neurotechnologies can significantly change not only the medical industry, but also society as a whole, providing new ways to interact with technology and improve the quality of people's lives.