needtogetbig.. Ripped me for 98LR


Reaction score
Member Name: needtogetbig
Member Profile:
ICQ: 696841635
Amt in Question: 98LR or 20 Fullz

Member contacted me via PM (admins can check for PM sent and receive) saying he works in a school district and can get the fulls i need.... Contacted member by ICQ
and made a deal with him to gather info and send it to me after he found it.... It has been more then 24 hours from time when member says i should have my fullz.. Tried contacting member through ICQ and PM and no response
Looking to receive refund or my 20 fullz requested....


Joey Naggs 3/8/2013 11:07 PM
Joey Naggs (Joey Naggs) has added you

Joey Naggs 3/8/2013 11:07 PM
Joey Naggs (Joey Naggs) has added you

Joey Naggs 3/9/2013 12:23 AM
hey - i work in a school district.. and the kind of info is easily accesible too me..not sure what you can do with it tho

IamBolt 3/9/2013 12:31 PM
still there dude

IamBolt 3/9/2013 12:32 PM
i know what i can do with it, question is can you get me some and how much will i b?

Joey Naggs 3/10/2013 1:06 AM
approximately how many are you looking for?

Joey Naggs 3/10/2013 1:07 AM
I have access to thousands.. but I'd have to write the stuff down on paper or type it into my phone to copy it... so i wouldn't be able to grab them all at once.

Joey Naggs 3/10/2013 1:07 AM
you give me a fair offer and i will accept or decline.

IamBolt 3/10/2013 10:29 PM

Joey Naggs 3/10/2013 10:29 PM

IamBolt 3/10/2013 10:29 PM
ok. so about the fullz you have. you say you have many...

Joey Naggs 3/10/2013 10:30 PM
i can get them

IamBolt 3/10/2013 10:30 PM
ok, so how much will you cahrge me for each name

Joey Naggs 3/10/2013 10:31 PM
what do you thinks fair? i haven't sold any of these before

IamBolt 3/10/2013 10:34 PM
hmm, well they are info that you cant do much with so they cant b to expensive but on the other hand it is info that not to many ppl have so i would b ok
with paying about 5LR per name and if i buy in bulk the price for each name goes down

Joey Naggs 3/10/2013 10:36 PM
yeah I think we can do 5LR and then bulk price goes down..

IamBolt 3/10/2013 10:38 PM
ok cool.. when can you start getting the names... and are you sure these are correct and valid names right?

Joey Naggs 3/10/2013 10:38 PM
i can start tomorrow - and yes

IamBolt 3/10/2013 10:40 PM
ok cool... so collect 20 names for me, that 100LR and after i use them and they are googd for what i need them fro i will buy more

Joey Naggs 3/10/2013 10:41 PM
alright.. and that was between what DOBs? again?

IamBolt 3/10/2013 10:42 PM
1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, just need those 5 birth years...

Joey Naggs 3/10/2013 10:42 PM
okay i can do that.

Joey Naggs 3/10/2013 10:44 PM
my LR is U5839438

Joey Naggs 3/10/2013 10:44 PM
after the 20 do you know how many you'll be ordering? ..because I'm going to just get a lot of them tomrorow

IamBolt 3/10/2013 10:48 PM
get as much as you can take cuz if they are what i am hoping they are you will b my main supplier and i will most likely get about 100 or
so daily... Also i only have 98LR in my account... I can send it to you now and once you get the names just send it to my emai that way we
dont have to wait around fro each othet cuz when i get busy i am not onine much

Joey Naggs 3/10/2013 10:48 PM
okay 98 is fine i guess its just 2 .. okay sounds good -- whats your email? so i've got all this down..

Joey Naggs 3/10/2013 10:49 PM
ill be sending the email around 12pm PACIFIC time.

IamBolt 3/10/2013 10:52 PM
that cool... send it to this email get************ and i will send the funds now... one sec

IamBolt 3/10/2013 10:55 PM
You are trying to send money to a limited account. Please contact account owner for more information.

IamBolt 3/10/2013 10:55 PM
did you verfiy your account

IamBolt 3/10/2013 10:59 PM
you still there

Joey Naggs 3/10/2013 11:56 PM
sorry bro.. had to run for a bit

IamBolt 3/10/2013 11:56 PM
whats up with your LR account

Joey Naggs 3/10/2013 11:56 PM
let me check it out on second

Joey Naggs 3/10/2013 11:58 PM
alright you should be able to send it now

Joey Naggs 3/11/2013 12:07 AM
let me know when you;ve sent

IamBolt 3/11/2013 12:12 AM
Payment Mode Quick Payment

Date 03/11/2013 04:11

Batch 135111470

From U****669 (IamBolt)

To U5839438 (Joey Nagg)

Amount $98.00


Payment Purpose Other
IamBolt 3/11/2013 12:13 AM
so once you get the names send it to my email... and for the other names you get... hold onto them and i will buy them when i fund my LR again

Joey Naggs 3/11/2013 12:13 AM
alright i recieved the payment.. and ill be emailing you the names etc tomorrow

IamBolt 3/11/2013 12:14 AM
tired, heading to sleep... Chat with u tomorrow

Joey Naggs 3/11/2013 12:14 AM
alright goodbye

IamBolt 3/11/2013 7:12 PM
yo when are you going to send that for me

IamBolt 3/11/2013 7:34 PM
I hope your not trying to screw with me bro bcuz i haven't heard anything from you... I will give you until 12pm tomorrow to get
the fullz else i will blacklist you dude.


Reaction score
24hrs to solve the issue.