Moscow offices of bitcoin exchanges Beribit and ABCEX were searched


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On March 29, security forces searched the office of the Beribit cryptocurrency exchange, located in Moscow City, on the 52nd floor of the Federation Tower. This is reported by the Telegram channel Shot.

To get inside, law enforcement officers had to break down the door. At the time of writing, the Beribit website is down.

As a result, equipment was withdrawn from the exchange's office, according to the Telegram channel Brief. He also cites the comment of Beribit representatives:

"We want to assure all our customers and partners that the funds and data of our users are completely safe, and during the review, no violations or grounds for sanctions against our platform were found."

They added that they have always adhered to "high standards of transparency, security, and regulatory compliance," and that "such inspections are part of regular activities in the financial industry."

According to SHOT, searches are also taking place in the offices of a number of other cryptocurrency companies, in particular ABCEX.

"Representatives of crypto exchanges tried to withdraw the crypt, but operations were blocked," the channel said in a statement.

Representatives of ABCEX also confirmed that investigative actions were being carried out in their office by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They refused to comment on the reasons for the visit of law enforcement officers.

At the same time, customers were assured that all trading operations, including the withdrawal of cryptocurrencies from the platform, continue to work.

"The exchange does not have the ability to withdraw fiat money to bank cards either directly or through the P2P section," ABCEX stressed.

At present, the investigative actions have been completed, and the exchange's lawyers "are in close contact with representatives of law enforcement agencies."

The Garantex exchange said that their office is operating normally.

In a comment to ForkLog, Anton Shkurenko, technical consultant of the SmartSwap project, noted that any centralized platform actually acts as an intermediary for transferring funds, so it must comply with banking standards regarding customer identification.

"All centralized platforms will eventually be subject to the same rules as banking institutions. This area may even come under the control of banks. Only decentralization can prevent this process," he added.

Earlier, the media learned about the investigation of the United States and Great Britain against Garantex for circumvention of sanctions. Authorities are investigating $20 billion worth of USDT transfers through the platform.

According to Transparency International Russia, several cryptocurrency platforms from Moscow City provide anonymous money transfer services abroad, including to the UK.