More than 600,000 subscribers lost communication due to operator violations


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Verify your identity or lose contact: Roskomnadzor is struggling with "gray" SIM cards.

In 2023, Roskomnadzor found that out of 351 million mobile phone numbers of Russian telecom operators, approximately 43 million were registered with violations. From this number, operators have already adjusted the data for 42 million numbers. From September to December 2023, communication was suspended for more than 600 thousand numbers with unknown owners. This was reported to Vedomosti by a representative of the department.

Roskomnadzor and the Ministry of Internal Affairs held about 200 events in 2022-2023 to prevent the distribution of SIM cards without identifying the buyer's identity, while withdrawing more than 78 thousand "gray" SIM cards.

Since April 2023, operators have started asking subscribers to confirm their passport data via push notifications and SMS. Work on verifying user data continues to this day. Since August 2023, the blocking of numbers whose owners were not confirmed was started.

Operators are required to confirm the client's full name, date of birth, and passport details prior to providing services. This requirement has been in effect since 2018. In the summer of 2021, a law came into force that obliges entrepreneurs to report data on end users of corporate SIM cards.

Operators approach the confirmation of user data loyally, providing various verification methods, including remote ones through Gosuslugi, according to telecom companies interviewed by Vedomosti. In case of blocking, clients can restore access by confirming their data.

Operators are actively working to identify and block "gray" SIM cards in order to eliminate the risks associated with spam and fraud. It is estimated that the number of "gray" SIM cards is constantly decreasing. At the moment, there are up to 5 million of them, and a year ago there were about 7 million such SIM cards. Of the total 5 million, up to 15% of SIM cards are used for illegal activities, such as fraud, theft and terrorism.

The use of SIM cards issued with violations can lead to serious consequences, including fines for companies and agents from 300 thousand to 2 million rubles. The number of such SIM cards is decreasing, but the problem remains relevant due to the possibility of purchasing SIM cards without a passport at markets and train stations.