Mobile banking. Advantages and disadvantages.


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You can manage your bank account using your mobile phone. Let's consider this process using the example of the mobile bank "Sberbank Online"

Mobile bank. Or how to prevent your phone from stealing from you.​

Give a man what he needs and he will want comfort... Ernest Hemingway

The quotation from the epigraph is not given in full, its ending sounds like this: “... give him everything he wants - he will complain that he was deceived, that he did not get what he wanted.” Approximately this situation occurs with the advent of a mobile bank that works in contact with your bank account independently, carrying out “autopayment”.

First of all, it is worth distinguishing between the two concepts of “Internet bank” and mobile bank. The first is a specific Internet site, by logging into which you can carry out transactions with your bank account. The capabilities of modern phones allow you to work with Internet banking, but this is a violation of security rules. Internet banking can only be used using a computer or laptop (and not even a tablet). It’s stupid, of course, but there are a lot of reasons for this, we’ll talk about them below.

Mobile banking is a special version of online banking, optimized for work on devices with small screens and having a simpler interface and functionality.

This is a definition from Wiktionary. Let's look at it more carefully. Let's begin to find fault with the words of the definition, taking as an example the most common mobile bank in our country, Sberbank Online.

"special version of Internet banking" - using a mobile bank you can: pay for utility bills, transfer funds between different personal cards of one bank, replenish electronic wallets, pay your own and other people's mobile phone bills, receive details of account transactions, block an account, participate in bank shares.

optimized” - using a mobile bank you cannot: open an account, close an account. Problems may arise when transferring funds to accounts of other banks. You cannot pay for any purchase - only Sberbank affiliate programs. There is a limit on transactions through mobile banking.

That is, apart from the notorious “convenience of quick payments,” the mobile bank does not have any super-tasks. The mobile phone begins to quietly ask permission to eat money from a bank card: for this, for that. The amounts are sometimes scary, but the mobile bank always reports on its transactions without making unnecessary ones.

"optimized" - problems with conducting Internet and mobile banking transactions have now been resolved. Payments and transfers do not get stuck on the way as before.

"for working on devices with small screens." A small screen is not an obstacle to full-fledged work. Every schoolchild already knows about this. The point is different. The lesser functionality of mobile banking is not due to the limitations of smartphones, but to their level of security. Essentially, this is software for working with a phone with Internet access, which is not fundamentally different from any other entertainment program. In theory, such programs, working on mobile phones and tablets, can easily send user information of any properties to a third-party server and simply steal it. Such a pest program can also masquerade as MB. There is no single organization in the world that standardizes and controls mobile applications. Anyone can write and distribute any mobile application.

This problem is completely new, and no one knows how to solve it yet. Sberbank encourages the use of mobile banking exclusively from its website; connection is made only through Sberbank structures. If computers have more or less learned to protect themselves, then with phones and tablets the situation is more complicated. Even if you have an application installed, it is possible that a program spying on it is running at the same time. The bank is unable to rid your phone of it. In addition, a phone that does not even contain third-party mobile applications can be infected with a virus with the same properties. The mobile bank does not have reliable protection other than a system of user passwords.

Let's draw conclusions. Mobile banking in Russia is a relatively “crude”, albeit high-quality product. Its two most significant drawbacks are related to the fact that mobile banking is not an independent version of Internet banking and is not tied to the functions of the SIM card. To solve these problems, mobile banking and online banking will likely merge. But it will not be soon.
