Minsker on the advice of "experienced traders" "invested" more than Br189 thousand


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The Pervomaisky (Minsk) district department of the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case on the fact of another fraud on the Internet. The victim of scammers was a resident of the capital, who, on the advice of "experienced traders", allegedly invested large sums in Gazprom for several months, losing Br189 thousand as a result. Details of the investigation of the criminal case were shared with BelTA in the information and public relations group of the USC in Minsk.

At the end of June 2023, a 36-year-old Minsk resident saw an ad on Instagram about the development of Gazprom's projects. Citizens were offered a passive, but very profitable income-to invest in the largest Russian multinational energy company. The man became interested in the ad and filled out the application. On the same day, an employee of a specialized department allegedly contacted him, told him all the nuances and immediately offered to top up the virtual account for $150. Following the instructions, the resident of Minsk registered an account on the Internet platform and replenished the balance.

Fraudsters skillfully created the appearance of trading: a schedule of shares was displayed in the personal account, the man was regularly called and agreed to conduct transactions, and all investment activities were accompanied by highly qualified advice. He blindly believed and again and again replenished the virtual account. For July, 2023 for the Minsk resident at swindlers the special personal contract was prepared. To take advantage of the offer, you had to add another $45 thousand to your account. Given that the income in the personal account was constantly increasing, the man, without hesitation, fulfilled the requirement of "experienced traders".

When there was already more than $134 thousand on the balance sheet, the man decided to cash out what he earned. But, as it should be in such cases, business analysts began to argue that it is necessary to make mandatory payments. The man refused. It was at that moment that the Minsk resident realized that he had been deceived, and turned to the police. In total, from June to July of last year, unknown persons seized his funds for a total amount of more than Br189 thousand.

A criminal case was opened on this fact under Part 4 of Article 209 (fraud committed on a particularly large scale). The Criminal Code. The criminal investigation continues. Investigators, together with employees of the internal affairs bodies, identify the persons involved in the commission of the crime.


A resident of Molodechno lost Br22 thousand, trying to earn money on the stock exchange at the suggestion of a businessman from a dating site. BelTA learned this from the police department of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

A resident of Molodechno met on a dating platform with a man who introduced himself as Yaroslav. During the correspondence, the man said that he is now abroad, where he solves work issues on opening a marketing firm. After a long conversation with the townswoman, the "entrepreneur" suggested that she start earning money by trading on the stock exchange.

Having registered the account of his beloved, the fraudster told her that it was necessary to make a deposit to start trading in the amount of $1.2 thousand, but a week later he asked for the same amount, but this time to increase profits. After a while, the woman independently decided to top up the exchange account and transfer another $1.1 thousand to it. The trading week was "successful" for her: the woman allegedly earned $13 thousand and was going to withdraw them. Yaroslav submitted an application for withdrawal of funds and warned that it was necessary to provide an act of money legalization and an international insurance policy to unblock the payment. This package of documents for the woman cost $5 thousand.

After the resident of Molodechno transferred the money, she was informed that the package of her documents was ready and sent to the Central Branch of the bank, but she had to make another payment in order to unblock the operation in the bank later. The woman did not transfer the amount requested by scammers, remaining in the red and losing Br22 thousand. Investigators opened a criminal case on the fact of fraud.


The next victims of fraud brokers were two residents of the capital, who, hoping to get additional income, invested more than Br16 thousand in a fake exchange. BelTA learned this from the police department of the Minsk City Executive Committee.

Two residents of the district who became victims of cyber-pherists turned to the Pervomaisky district police department of the capital. Applicants found an offer for additional earnings on the Internet. They were contacted by supervisors who gave instructions about investing money on the stock exchange. After the first tranche, the intermediary provided one of the Minsk residents with a report on the work done, where the capital gain was visible,and even paid about Br70. However, further withdrawal of money, according to the curator, was impossible due to technical blockages. To resolve the problem, Minsk residents were offered to make another transfer.

In total, applicants "invested" more than Br16 thousand in the exchange. When they refused to transfer the next amount for the withdrawal service, the curators stopped contacting them. Investigators opened criminal cases on the facts of fraud.