Minor resident of Hrodna sold bank card details


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A minor resident of the regional center was convicted of trading bank card details and stealing money from the account. This was reported to BelTA by the press service of the Grodno Regional Court.

From November 2022 to April 2023, a minor citizen of Grodno, born in 2006, distributed his personal and contact information, passport details, bank payment cards issued by Alfa-Bank CJSC and BNB-Bank OJSC, and authentication data to third parties. Thus, he provided the possibility of remote access and maintenance of these cards-accounts confirming the authorization of transactions on behalf of the accused. To do this, he used a mobile phone and received a reward in the total amount of at least Br100.

In a branch of one of the banks, on April 10, 2023, the accused secretly stole funds of an unidentified person obtained from illegal activities in the amount of more than Br8 thousand from a bank account opened in his name, access to which was previously transferred to an unidentified person. He used the money as he saw fit.

At the hearing, the accused pleaded guilty to the charges in full.

The Leninsky district court found the Hrodna resident guilty of theft, making illegal distribution of authentication data, through which it is possible to gain access to accounts, out of mercenary motives. On the basis of Part 1 of Article 205 of the Criminal Code, he was sentenced to arrest for a period of 1 month. On the basis of Part 1 of Article 222 of the Criminal Code, he was sentenced to restriction of freedom without being sent to an open-type correctional institution for a period of 2 years. According to the totality of crimes, the accused was finally sentenced to restriction of freedom without being sent to an open-type correctional institution for a period of 2 years. The court also applied special confiscation of the mobile phone belonging to the accused.


Operatives for combating cybercrime of the Central District Police Department of the capital detained a 19-year-old Minsk resident for illegal turnover of means of payment. The guy in the messenger found a part-time job. A stranger in the correspondence offered the person involved to issue a bank card and transfer it with the details for Br100. Within three months, the detainee in the bank issued three bank cards in his name, which he handed over with the details for money to a stranger.
Investigators opened a criminal case for illegal turnover of payment means. The defendant faces up to six years in prison.