Ministry of Justice exposes Nigerian BEC fraudster


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Now the would-be criminal will answer for himself and all his cybercriminals.

A Nigerian man extradited to the United States was recently found guilty of participating in a fraudulent scheme to compromise corporate email (BEC attack) for many millions of dollars.

Kosi Gudness Simon-Ebo, 29, confessed last Friday to conspiracy to commit wire fraud and money laundering.

From February to July 2017, Simon-Ebo, along with several accomplices, including those living in the US state of Maryland, illegally accessed the victims ' email accounts and persuaded them to transfer funds to bank accounts controlled by fraudsters using fake emails.

According to court documents, Simon-Ebo and his co-conspirators laundered the stolen funds by transferring money to other accounts, withdrawing cash and receiving cashier's checks.

Although the attackers were supposed to steal about $ 7 million (fake financial documents were sent for this amount), their real income was just over $ 1 million. At the same time, Simon-Ebo personally controlled funds in the amount of $ 45,925, according to the US Department of Justice (DoJ).

As part of the plea agreement, Simon-Ebo is required to pay compensation and fully compensate the victims for the above-mentioned million-plus dollars.

The man faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison for conspiracy to commit fraud and money laundering. Simon-Ebo was extradited from Canada to the United States on April 12, 2023, and only last week finally admitted the charges imputed to him.

BEC is still one of the most effective ways for cybercriminals to earn money. According to the information provided by the FBI, last year this type of attack became the second most profitable and in total brought fraudsters more than $ 2.7 billion.