Ministry of Digital Development to develop ways to recognize AI fakes


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Mishustin gave the corresponding instruction in the framework of the country's digital development plans.

Following the results of the strategic session dedicated to the national project "Data Economy", Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin instructed the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media (Mincifra) to work out ways to identify false data created using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies by March 19, 2024. This is reported on the official website of the government.

"By March 19, the Ministry of Digital Development will have to work out measures to identify unreliable data, including those generated using artificial intelligence," the report says.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also touched on the topic of AI during his direct line and press conference on December 14. He said that it is impossible to prevent the development of AI technologies, especially when it comes to the so-called "superintelligence". "This means that we need to lead – in any case, we need to do everything so that we can be one of the leaders in this direction," he said.

As part of the Cabinet's instructions, the Ministry of Digital Development, together with interdepartmental working groups, should also provide for measures to develop and manufacture domestic equipment for data transmission networks, assess the necessary and sufficient parameters of computing power, form a data market and rules for access to them and data exchange by March 19, 2024.

Until February 16, 2024, Rosstat, the Ministry of Digital Development and the Ministry of Economic Development should work out the issues of creating data quality standards. And when creating the Digital Code of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Digital Development and the Ministry of Economic Development have until April 17 to develop incentive measures to support market participants aimed at improving the quality of data and their demand.