Milking the anxious


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What do you want ?
Phone + Internet + direct hands
1. Create a new mail on google
2. We register an instagram account (with a new mail)
3. Install telegram (hide all personal information in the profile)
4. We create a channel in the telegram (VIP streams with girls), look for pictures of beautiful girls from web cameras in Google (Girl on a web camera), fill them in the cart.
And then, obviously, we pretend to be the chosen girl.
We write in the telegram something like this:
How to get on the stream? Follow this link - * (your link to donate Alert, below there will be a link to the site) * -site donate, send $ 10 in a convenient way, in the MESSAGE specify your @mail. When the money arrives, we will send a stream schedule with a list of girls and links to private streams to your mail. (This money goes to girls as Salary)

5. We also upload these photos to Instagram.
6. In the description of Instagram we write - VIP Online broadcasts. Link below. Below (your site in the profile description) we leave a link to the telegram channel.
7. We go to the site - and log in through Google (through the mail that we created) in the settings "page for sending messages", make a beautiful page, and set it up for a minimum payment of $ 10. In the tab my payments, we indicate a convenient withdrawal method for us.
8. We collect mammoths on Instagram. We are looking for those concerned, I personally looked for all kinds of Caucasians and Chuchmeks, subscribed to them and liked them (there are many ways to promote Instagram, this is a separate topic). We do not subscribe to more than 100 people in 5 hours, otherwise the page will freeze. Learn the limits of the instagram.

And so - for a week of active collection of mammoths, we collect 1000-5000 subscribers, pay, on average, from 30 to 80 people per week, which is $ 300-800)
The money is small, and even if you do not send them links to streams, no one will look for you for $ 10. (Such an account lives for 2-3 months, until it flies to the ban), then on a new one. For a maximum of 2 months of work, such an account brought 2000-5000 $ (already on the first day I had 3 payments, then Instagram was swinging, and there were 10-15 people a day)
You can drive the mammoth in the second circle, if he writes that nothing came to the soap - answer that there is some kind of glitch, and the money did not come, let him send it again, then ban him to hell. There were 6 such people, I drove them out in the second round.

For those who want to get confused and tweaked.
You go to the same YouTube channel mail. In VK, you are looking for female students by typical groups with text (models are needed, urgently, salary from $ 2000, write in a personal message), we explain to the girls that they will stream, 70% of them will DONATE them.
We create another donatalert account for receiving donations for girls. On YouTube, we make the stream available only by link. We explain to those skins how to stream (we collect 5-10 girls, make them a stream plan so that they stream for 2 hours each, everyone streams from one channel). It is not necessary to put pressure on the fact that they should shine on the entire Internet with a pussy. Let the girls stream in a civilized environment.
As practice shows, at first 90% of girls are shy and do not really open up, but then, when money comes in, they begin to open up, diligently pick up things that they themselves dropped on purpose, and so on. And the profit from donations is growing ...
One girl per stream can collect from $ 100, if there are 10-30 jerkers online. So count it.