Members of an organized criminal group engaged in phishing will be tried in Ukraine


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The cyber police of Kharkiv region exposed intruders who sent phishing links on online trading platforms and embezzled money from citizens accounts. The indictment against five members of the group was sent to the court. The defendants face up to twelve years in prison.

The participants of the criminal group were exposed by employees of the Department of Countering Cybercrime in the Kharkiv region together with the investigative department of the region under the procedural guidance of the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office, with the assistance of employees of the security services of Universal Bank JSC, PrivatBank and Oschadbank.

A 23-year-old resident of Kharkiv organized the illegal activity, which involved five more accomplices. To implement the fraudulent scheme, the person involved created a website and a Telegram channel, where he provided other members of the criminal group with instructions and phishing links.

In the future, the attackers contacted sellers on popular online platforms under the pretext of buying goods. The defendants sent phishing links to the victims, allegedly for registration of the delivery service. Using such links, members of the group obtained bank card data from citizens and took possession of their funds.

In the future, the received funds were "withdrawn" to controlled accounts using payment systems, as well as spent on the purchase of cryptocurrencies on foreign exchanges.

According to the results of the investigation, the police proved 16 episodes of criminal activity of the defendants.

Six members of the criminal group were suspected of committing a crime under Part 4 of Article 190 (Fraud) as amended by the Criminal Code of Ukraine, effective until 11.08.2023. To malefactors measures of restraint in the form of bail and house arrest are chosen. One of the accused is put on the wanted list. The defendants face up to twelve years in prison.