Member of an international organized criminal group detained in Kyrgyzstan


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As previously reported, the main Department of digital development of the preliminary investigation of the central office of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus initiated and is investigating a criminal case against members of an international criminal group that specialized in fraud through call centers.

During the preliminary investigation, it was established that in the period from February 2020 to January 2024, an international organized criminal group operated on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, the State of Israel, the Kyrgyz Republic and other states. Its participants placed websites on the Internet with false information about the possibility of receiving monetary remuneration by investing money in profitable financial companies that actually did not exist.

When citizens applied to these sites, they were contacted under the guise of managers by members of the organized crime group, who, using "social engineering" methods, instilled in citizens that they could invest profitably, provided details of" deposit " accounts, which in reality were not such, but were used in the group's activities. As a result, misled "clients" permanently transferred their savings to criminals.

To cover up their activities in Minsk, Moscow and Bishkek, business entities were registered, on whose behalf, under the guise of providing advertising and other services, members of the criminal group rented offices where fraudulent "call centers" were actually located, from where calls were made to citizens using IP telephony.

On the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, the activities of these "call centers"were established and suppressed. In January of this year, 55 members of an organized group, including the organizers, were detained on suspicion of committing a crime. A preventive measure in the form of remand in custody was applied to 49 detainees, the latter were charged.

During the preliminary investigation, it was established that the above-described organized criminal group included citizens of the Republic of Belarus who carried out their criminal activities from the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic. One of these participants was recognized as a suspect in a criminal case, with the subsequent issuance of a decision to involve him as an accused. With the approval of the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic of Belarus, a preventive measure in the form of remand in custody was applied to him. On the same day, the defendant was put on the interstate wanted list.

Representatives of the Investigative Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus left for the Kyrgyz Republic, where they held a number of working meetings with representatives of the law enforcement agencies of the specified state. During the visit, a strategy for cooperation was developed and measures were implemented to catch the criminal. While conducting investigative and operational activities, employees of the GUUR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic in Bishkek detained a wanted member of a transnational organized criminal group who worked through a fraudulent call center in Belarus. As a result of the search at the place of his temporary residence, computer equipment, data carriers and cash were found and seized. Currently, the man is detained and charged with fraud. The issue of his extradition to the Republic of Belarus for further criminal prosecution is being considered.