Meditation to Help Relieve Fatigue


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A 10-minute meditation guaranteed to relieve fatigue and energize, from integrative medicine specialist Soher Rocked.

The benefits of meditation have been proven by several hundred scientific studies. It lowers blood pressure, improves sleep, helps to relax and get rid of bad habits. For example, quitting smoking or eating stress with sweets. The principle of meditation is to "calm down" the inner dialogue that we have with ourselves almost all the time. You can learn meditation in specialized centers **, in yoga classes and even on your own. Fortunately, there are many videos on the Internet with examples of meditation. In fact, everything is simple: you need to sit down in the way that suits you, close your eyes and try to calm your mind. How? Focus on one thing. For example, on inhalation and exhalation or on a candle flame. A good way is to count until you are distracted by your own thoughts. Most people rarely get to three the first time. So don't be discouraged. When we think about something, this is absolutely normal. Let the thought come and go, brush it off if necessary, and start over. The more often you exercise, the easier it will be for you to calm your mind and the less stress you will have. Here is an example of a simple meditation that you can check the effect right now.

Take an upright position.

The back is straight, the chest is straightened, the shoulders are laid back. It is good to remember that a straight, noble posture itself contributes to the appearance of cheerfulness even without meditation, by itself.

Take three deep breaths in and out.

Close your eyes. Feel the movement of air inside your body as air enters and leaves your lungs.

Place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach.

The next time you inhale, try to breathe through your belly. The hand on the chest should not move.

Exhale slowly through your mouth. Feel physically how it happens.

Imagine that as you breathe in, you are filled with energy.

If you love to visualize, imagine that your body is filled with light, nourishing every cell of the body, and a calming, uplifting energy. If it doesn't work out, then choose the image that is closer to you. There is no right or wrong option here.

Smile a little
Smile throughout this breathing meditation, even if you are not in a very good mood. It will also help you energize.

Get your attention back
Bring your attention back to breathing every time you get distracted by something. Do it gently and delicately. Try not to be angry with yourself, not to be annoyed. You are learning!

Finish the meditation in ten minutes. Open your eyes slowly. Do you feel it? Fatigue vanished as if by hand.


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MEDITATION (for beginners)

Stage - 1.

The first stage can be called preparatory. Its purpose is to teach you the ability to focus on a chosen object. Duration of classes is 2-4 weeks (provided that the exercise is performed daily).

Take a blank landscape sheet and cut it into four equal pieces. You should have cards that are 105 x 148 mm in size. In the center of the first card, draw a bold black dot. In the center of the second - two points, the third - three, and the fourth, respectively - four.

Now set the timer for five minutes, take the first card and, having chosen the most convenient position for you, carefully look at the image. Drive away all extraneous thoughts. Your attention should be completely riveted to the point.

When the timer beeps, put the card aside, close your eyes, and mentally visualize the point you are just contemplating. Try to make the image seem as "alive" and natural as possible. Your goal is to keep the image of a point in your consciousness for as long as you can. (Roughly, you can choose all the same five minutes). Having learned to visualize the point perfectly, move on to the second card, then to the third and fourth, until you learn to easily and naturally hold four points in front of your inner gaze at the same time.

Working with cards can take from a couple of weeks to a month. And, despite the seeming ease of doing the exercise, take it seriously. The success in mastering the next stage depends on how well you learn to perform it.

Stage - 2.

You should proceed to it only after stage 1 has been fully worked out. Not earlier!

Sit in a comfortable position and relax. Keep your back and neck straight, keeping an angle of exactly 90 to the plane of the ground. Defocus your gaze by allowing it to wander freely. Close your eyes after a few minutes.

Give your thoughts complete freedom. Let them flow the way they want. Do not attach your attention to any of them. Just behold. Your attention should be like a mirror reflecting the movement of thoughts and images, but not participating in this movement.

Very soon you may have certain desires and emotions, but they should not have any effect on you. Let them pass through you like a ray of sunshine through a window pane. You remain completely indifferent to everything that happens.

Stay in this state for as long as you can. The approximate time to complete the exercise is 15-20 minutes. It should be done daily. Starting to practice, you will very soon get a taste, and the exercise will not only not be a burden, but it will become something pleasant for you.

Stage - 3.

The third stage is a logical continuation of the previous one. As soon as you plunge into a state of non-perception ("the state of a mirror" or "window glass"), when thoughts, images, emotions and experiences pass through you without having any effect on you, try to imagine before your inner gaze the black dot from the first exercise.

Concentrate on her. All other thoughts and images should disappear by themselves. Contemplate it for a while (consciousness should remain completely empty!), Then imagine how the point begins to grow, increasing in size.

So it became the size of a dinner plate, then the size of a basin ... Black as pitch, a point ... Finally, it grows to such a size that it completely covers you. You seem to fall into a dark abyss. There is nothing around you! No sounds, no visual or kinesthetic sensations. No thoughts. No emotions. No worries.
There is nothing! Not even you yourself ...

Stage - 4.

As soon as the Emptiness engulfs you, try to see yourself, or rather, your body shell, as if from the side. You seem to go beyond your own body! You see yourself meditating with concentration, you see the room in which you are at the moment. If you have such a desire, gently "feel" the objects in the room, walls, floor, ceiling.

You can easily "walk" through them and go outside. Feel free and easy. Accelerating speed, rise above the house, then even higher. You should not be constrained by anything. Finally, you go beyond the stratosphere and find yourself in open space. You see the globe, which shrinks and shrinks in size as you move away from it.

Do not be afraid of anything. What surrounds you is not physical space. At the moment you are traveling through the subtle substance of your consciousness. This is the place where energy and information come together. Don't worry about the length of your stay here. You can control it by giving yourself the appropriate settings. Start with five to seven minutes. Gradually, you will be able to bring this time to an hour or more.

What can be revealed to you during such a "journey" can only be known to you and no one else. Perhaps you will draw on new knowledge or creative ideas. Perhaps you will try to influence objects and events of the material level at a subtle level in order to improve your position in the physical world. You decide...

In order to complete the "journey", it will be enough for you to wish to wake up, and at the same moment you will find yourself in your dense body, open your eyes and ... smile. Peace and quiet will reign in your soul ...