Marketplace Incognito acquired one of the largest darknet media in the world


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In November 2022, the Incognito marketplace specializing in the sale of drugs acquired the Darknetlive platform, which is considered one of the largest and most independent media outlets in the dark space. This became known to the Darkdot portal, whose journalists have not found a single critical material about Incognito on the pages of the famous media since then.

Information about the sale of the resource was confirmed by the first administrator of Darknetlive, who stated that the counterparty in the transaction carried out more than a year ago was the administrator of Incognito with the nickname Pharoah. Darkdot notes that their colleagues in the shop used to promptly disseminate information about the fraudulent activities of certain sites on the darknet, as well as about signs of dishonest competition. Now, apparently, there can be no trust in such information.

The author of the material compares the fate of Darknetlive with what once happened to DeepDotWeb, a portal that for several years had a monopoly on the Western darknet media market. However, its story ended in closure at the behest of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation.

In addition, Pharoah is directly accused of trying to build a centralized system of platforms, which would become a kind of axis of the darknet. In addition to Incognito and Darknetlive, he already owned such resources as Libre, Sector, Antinalysis.