Manipulative tactics of toxic people


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Toxic people have a whole arsenal of techniques to poison the existence of those around them. These tactics distort the reality of the victims and render them irresponsible. Despite the fact that all of these techniques are used by ordinary people, narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths, which will be discussed for the most part in this article, use them all the time.

We've previously written about the Black Triad and how to deal with dark personality traits. Our article touches on two of them. From it you will learn about the most common tactics that such people use, which means that you will be conscious in communicating with them.


Gaslighting is a form of psychological violence, the main task of which is to make a person doubt the objectivity of his perception, as well as reality itself. The purpose of this manipulation is to make a person look abnormal. Gaslighting can be described using the phrases these people use:
  • It didn't happen!
  • You made it up!
  • Are you crazy?
This is probably one of the most insidious tactics, because it blurs the victim's sense of reality and makes them doubt themselves. This is fraught with complications in the form of cognitive dissonance and mental illness.

In order to learn how to resist gaslighting, it is important to understand and monitor that you are in reality. As a last resort, write down things that happened, report events to other people.


Projection (projection) is a situation in which a person chronically does not want to see his shortcomings and uses everything in his power to avoid responsibility for them.

It is a defense mechanism used to shift responsibility for their negative behavior, in which the person attributes it to someone else. It is used by almost all people from time to time, but the projection of narcissists is often psychologically abusive. Rather than admitting their own shortcomings and wrongdoings, narcissists and psychopaths prefer to blame others for it, and in the most offensive way. Self-development is unusual for them, because they do not see the meaning in it, because they are already ideal.

Meaningless conversations​

If you think that at least sometimes you can talk to a toxic person on complex and deep topics, then you are very wrong.

Narcissists and sociopaths use dialogue for one main purpose: to confuse you, to disorient you. It is important for them to discredit, confuse and disappoint you, make you feel guilty. Remember, toxic people are not arguing with you; they are essentially arguing with themselves. They live for the drama and they excel at it. You feed them when you disagree with them.

Empty statements and generalizations​

Toxic people are not interested in books and other people, most of them are intellectually lazy. Instead of taking the time to consider another point of view, they generalize everything, and then make statements that do not stand up to the slightest criticism.

If you encounter such a person every day, then you are probably constantly experiencing microaggression. Any grievances are attributed to your hypersensitivity: "You are always dissatisfied with something", "You are always so sensitive."

How to react and fight? Hold on to the truth and resist generalizing claims that these are forms of black and white thinking.

Distorting your thoughts and driving your feelings to the point of absurdity​

In the hands of a sociopath or narcissist, your differing opinions, legitimate emotions, and experiences translate into character flaws and indicate your irrationality. Such people listen to you attentively for one reason: to change what was said and bring the story to the point of absurdity. This is a way to make you look disgusting.

For example, you tell a sociopath that you don't like the way he talks. In response, you can only hear something like: "Do you think we are perfect?" or "So I'm a bad person now, right?"

In these cases, calmly say “I didn't say that” and leave, reinforcing this behavior.

Hidden and overt threats​

Toxic people feel in danger when their self-esteem is challenged in any way. What do they do in this case? They begin to threaten in one way or another.

Instead of solving adult differences, they distract you from the problem and start to instill fear. They hint at what awaits you in case of disagreement or non-compliance with their requirements. In fact, they put an ultimatum: "You do it and I will do it."

While these threats are often just bluffs, they should be taken seriously. In extreme cases, document and contact law enforcement agencies.

We wish you good luck!