Man has many ways of seeing


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You can, of course, become in the position of a materialist who repudiates everything, mol, this cannot be, because it cannot be anywhere. But, it is thought that such people will pass by.

The international congress "Science, Information, Conscience" has brought the total to the results obtained,

Vision, memory, imagination and fantasy, sleep, meditation - this is not a complete list of ways of seeing a person. Leading every person has his own dominating in the development of the quality of vision. However, the majority of people have the ability to see by 1.5 -10% of their capabilities. Nash metod cpocoben cuschectvenno pazvit zpenie, memory is, and voobpazhenie fantaziyu, ocoznanie cnovideny and dpugoe, takie kak: biokompyutepnoe, gologpaficheckoe (obemnoe) padapnoe, ppyotamute viechat.

For many, these above-mentioned possibilities seem fantastic, but is it so? More surprising is the other that, according to the leading ophthalmologists of Russia, a tendency towards a sudden loss of vision is growing in the world. It is assumed that in the near future up to 60 - 70% of people will be blind or weak-seeing. What's the matter? Po-vidimomu, vozdeyctvie texnogennoy cpedy cdelalo cvoe delo, affecting nA opganizm cheloveka have kotopogo evolyutsionno otcutctvuyut zaschitnye cvoyctva From enepgo-infopmatsionnyx vozdeyctvy, tak kak etogo ne yavleniya panee cuschectvovalo. We are engaged in technology, ensuring the safety of a person from energy-informational activities, and in this plan to open the view of a new game

The dream is a lot of information about what some people are taught in their sleep. And this teacher really exists in dreams. I will not tell the story too much, about the fact that D. Mendelev saw his periodic table in his dreams. And there are plenty of such examples.

Fantasy is also a way of seeing. By training the ability to fantasy, imagination, a developed person is able to see imagined as real Every driver who feels the gabapit of his car also possesses a technical volume of vision, about which he does not even know. And such abilities are present in everyone.

There is and, so-called, alternative vision, grandfather, direct, computer. And we develop these qualities, inherent in every person, but not yet required.

In this connection, I will briefly describe the history of the occurrence of the method, as it came to me. This is essential, since he came to me not from books. So it happened that, even as a little child, I saw from the beginning tonic processes, and only afterwards dense objects. Often it happened and how, it is difficult to say, but this is a reality already in the very beginning of life gave me great additional capabilities, perfect. For example, already in 1 class I could sculpt a bouquet of poses, feeling the volume and space, besides, I saw various obstacles and walls. Seychak children, possessing similar properties, are called "indigo-children". They are born with unique abilities, but in the social plan they are absolutely not typical. Because of this ability, I myself had a lot of problems in the childhood.

I even passed exams at school in writing, because I could not speak. But there was a teacher, a certain person who helped me in this way, to guide me in my organization, to overcome these difficulties, to get through it. When I brought myself to a normal state, I realized: "Who does not own this, that is simply unprotected, weak and unprotected." Therefore, realizing how important it is, I became the first to teach my children. I think that one of the most important indicators of my success is that my wife, daughter, son, close relatives, friends also became specialists. Although it was never possible to assume that it just can be necessary and important, that it is necessary to do this and nothing else. Leading by nature I am an artist, a sculptor, and I thought that I would find my own vocation in art. But acquaintance with Prof. Akimov, who invited me (with my team) 10 years ago to Moscow for scientific and research work, turned my life back. The method has received widespread dissemination and is being studied in various institutions. On the basis of the method, a number of openings of different levels have already been made.

But those people who take this method as the development of some kind of vision are deeply mistaken. The ability to see is 1/10 of it. From my point of view, this is at first a new systemic-integral psychology. At the present time, social and informational processes have a powerful impact on a person. Most people are leaving this development. So, from a person of a reasonable, living empirical, a person is formed as an intelligent person, based on knowledge of the results of future events. If a steam machine has been created for 200 years of empiricism, then the creation of a computer, a package and a plane is an ingenious technology, where the reason for the work Thus, a person must clearly know his future, and then take steps ... This requires a completely new psychology, and I am engaged in systemic-integral psychology, informational processes that a person can use in his life. And due to this, to open up the unnecessary properties and quality of organism. They exist in every person. Children are better educated than adults, and people who are well-educated, large scientists, especially mathematicians and physicists, are worse. Because they have already created an artificial power ca motive psychology, blocking further development. When a person is sick, has problems, this ability to open very quickly. And for children up to 14 years old - the effectiveness of training is almost 100 percent. From my point of view, everything is in psychology, new psychology. Not every person can correctly respond to what we do. Now there are still debates about the possibility of opening the blind with direct vision, to open up the unnecessary properties and quality of organism. They exist in every person. Children are better educated than adults, and people who are well-educated, large scientists, especially mathematicians and physicists, are worse. Because they have already created an artificial power ca motive psychology, blocking further development. When a person is sick, has problems, this ability to open very quickly. And for children up to 14 years old - the effectiveness of training is almost 100 percent. From my point of view, everything is in psychology, new psychology. Not every person can correctly respond to what we do. Now there are still debates about the possibility of opening the blind with direct vision, to open up the unnecessary properties and quality of organism. They exist in every person. Children are better educated than adults, and people who are well-educated, large scientists, especially mathematicians and physicists, are worse. Because they have already created an artificial power ca motive psychology, blocking further development. When a person is sick, has problems, this ability to open very quickly. And for children up to 14 years old - the effectiveness of training is almost 100 percent. From my point of view, everything is in psychology, new psychology. Not every person can correctly respond to what we do. Now there are still debates about the possibility of opening the blind with direct vision, and people who are well-educated, large scientists, especially mathematicians and physicists, are worse. Because they have already created an artificial power ca motive psychology, blocking further development. When a person is sick, has problems, this ability to open very quickly. And for children up to 14 years old - the effectiveness of training is almost 100 percent. From my point of view, everything is in psychology, new psychology. Not every person can correctly respond to what we do. Now there are still debates about the possibility of opening the blind with direct vision, and people who are well-educated, large scientists, especially mathematicians and physicists, are worse. Because they have already created an artificial power ca motive psychology, blocking further development. When a person is sick, has problems, this ability to open very quickly. And for children up to 14 years old - the effectiveness of training is almost 100 percent. From my point of view, everything is in psychology, new psychology.

How to understand what is hidden behind this phenomenon?

In the letters coming from simple people, there is a request to send me methods, students on the development of clear vision. But to relate clarity to fine processes is simply confusing. This category can include the vision of aura, fields, different ethers, casual, mental, etheric, etc. Ability to see all entities, angels, etc., chakras, channels. But this is only an insignificant part of the phenomenon, which includes in itself a lot of physical processes, such as: radiation, magnetic phenomena, radio waves, glograms, microscopes.

Our method is also associated with the use of fast sleep in a waking state, and now to the so-called "third eye" there is no relation to them. From the historical literature it is known that in China a similar phenomenon is called "SHEN", and in Christianity - "The Light of the Christs". And if christianity does not know what is the "Light of Christs", then what kind of christian are they? Read some advice about this from Seaphim Sapov ...

While scientists argue about the validity of the phenomenon, we are already working on the DNA level. Remember the tale about Levshe, who pushed the block. Our specialists are able to "feed" DNA. Only the question: "Who needs it?" By developing the capabilities of the human brain, we create citizens capable of influencing future events. Do you understand all the importance of the question now?

According to ancient Chinese technologies, it took 10-12 years to open a person's inner vision. With training on the basis of the method for opening the internal vision, 30 sessions are sufficient.

The next stage: the screen of the internal vision is converted into a biocomputer. But how can he work if there is no program? On this and directed the 4th step, which develops in a person the ability to invest in his BC different programs for a specific task. We are on the verge of discovering a wide range of practical possibilities.

Behind this is the notion of "overknowledge" (information is attested). But, if in the nearest time she is not available, then an ordinary person simply will not be able to psychologically misunderstand her. Let us take as an example the situation when a person is: choosing a product, nibbling, milling, swallowing, changing, it picks out something, and what is And in terms of information? More than 90% of the information entered into the organization is unconscious. And a person is not able to develop in it, for he does not have the ability to process it all, having mastered the necessary and highlighting the rest. The modern person also lacks protective properties against these informational processes. Therefore, our task is to give new psycho-logical technologies in human development, in which technologies of driving are not used.

Feeling the question about that, is it safe to have people with such abilities? I want to improve the community so that only 2% of people can possess such abilities. In addition, each person determines for himself: he needs it, or not. Yes, and we develop not a wide range of abilities, but a very limited one. Let's go to the task. To whom it is necessary to restore the motor function - we develop it. To whom is the ear - we develop the ear. To memory, memory. Vision is vision. Consciousness is consciousness. Etc.

That level of knowledge that we give is absolutely safe for humans and those around them.

This technology will gradually lead to the creation of a safe environment for all of us. This is a long way, and we are glad to co-operate with all people who have been interested in our method, with those who are interested in going from direct vision to direct knowledge, to discover life. motor psychology, blocking further development. When a person is sick, has problems, this ability to open very quickly. And for children up to 14 years old - the effectiveness of training is almost 100 percent. From my point of view, everything is in psychology, new psychology. Not every person can correctly respond to what we do. Now there are still debates about the possibility of opening the blind with direct vision, but for us it is already yesterday.
