Making money on FACEBOOK


Reaction score
The very bottom line is that we publish a post with a link attached to it like "this is how good it is, go and register." And, in fact, we get $$$ for leads.

You can start by maintaining about 3-4 accounts. To begin with, we buy or create already warmed up ones, then publish posts on them with links and attract potential customers. Can be done in about 10 minutes

First, we go to a dating affiliate network, such as Lospollos, Adcombo, and so on, and choose some popular dating offer. Go to the offer itself, get and copy the link that potential clients will follow.

Now go to any service for creating a strip, like Canva or Google Sites. We choose a resolution for the phone format, create an attractive design, write a title and, according to the classics, create two buttons that the client will use. For example “yes” and “no”.

Account management
Never forget to bind a proxy and also use an antidetect browser. There is also one important point, be sure to use a smart link in order for a potential lead to get to the site that he needs.

Accounts need to be fully completed, with photos. It is not difficult to find them, you can take them from Yandex, or borrow from girls on Instagram, uniqueize and then use them.

Let's start making money
We are sharply added to the maximum number of dating groups. and we begin to add photos, and that "you want to meet", the main thing is to do it so that people are added to you as friends.

This is how you will drive traffic and get paid for it. Traffic will be really active in this way of earning for obvious reasons.

Also, do not forget about the almighty TikTok and Pinterest, through them you can drive traffic even more successfully than through other social networks. That is, you simply uniqueize photos, videos, post them and thereby attract potential customers.

This theme can be easily scaled and customized by, for example, increasing the number of accounts. The main thing is to always be creative and improve.