"Make a prepayment for intermediary services"


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I opened a store and urgently needed a loan for business development. The banks refused, probably because the company has existed for less than a year. I saw an advertisement on the Internet, where intermediary services for obtaining a loan were offered for a fee. I went to the site, read the terms and conditions, everything was clear, the site also looked normal - design, contacts. I decided to leave a request.
A girl called. She said that she could help with a loan, but you need to pay for services in advance. I asked about the guarantees, the contract. She replied that everything would be in order, promised to send off scanned copies with a signature and seal. For efficiency, she offered to send the payment by transfer to the card.
The scheme seemed dubious, but I decided to wait for the contract for payment. I thought, maybe the service is not completely legal, here is the payment method and such a dumb one, but money is needed. I received a document with the details of a banking organization, but there was no signature or seal. When asked about the contract, the girl replied that the process had started, the original of the contract was on the manager’s table, and for now I can read the text. As soon as I transfer the money, I will get a loan without any problems.
The arguments seemed logical and convincing. At that moment, nothing bothered me. I transferred the money, waited a little, but there was no call. I dialed the number and the phone was turned off.
Then I realized that they were scammers. I phoned this number in vain many times. I turned to the bank where this girl was allegedly from, and found out that she had never worked there, the bank does not provide such services.
I went online, found information on the service. There is more than one such site on the web. Has left applications for help in obtaining a credit loan. The guy called, introduced himself as a bank employee. For mediation, I asked for the amount to be transferred to an electronic wallet. Then the girl called, told about the same scheme, but introduced herself as an employee of another organization. They all work in about the same way!

Financial Culture Expert:
The creators of sites that promise to mediate in obtaining a loan, count on the fact that a person is in a critical situation, he needs money urgently, and banks do not approve the loan. Under the pressure of stress and time, people lose their guard and rely on "specialists" to transfer commissions, prepayments and advances.
You should be very careful when choosing a service that provides intermediary services when applying for a loan. Such organizations exist, but the activities of real, non-fraudulent companies focus on the legal aspects of preparing documents.

How to choose intermediaries who will not cheat?
  • The organization must have an official website, a direct phone number and an email address.
  • The agreement that you are asked to sign must be concluded with an intermediary organization, and not with a bank.
  • The official service that provides intermediary services for the issuance of a loan will not ask you in advance for personal documents for transfer to a financial institution. All documents are provided only at the time of the loan.
If you come across fraudulent intermediaries, immediately contact the police and provide all the contact information you have. Most likely, you will not be able to get the money back, but you can stop the attackers.