Mac in danger: The shadow market offers easy hacking of Apple PCs


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Perhaps silent cyberpirats are already running rampant on your macOS 13.2.

Cybersecurity company Guardz has discovered an HVNC tool designed to hack Mac computers. The main purpose of such software is to steal confidential information and user accounts.

According to Guardz, HVNC (Hidden Virtual Network Computer) is distributed in the shadow market. As a confirmation of the stated capabilities, the developers placed a guarantee fee of 100 thousand dollars on an escrow account.

According to experts, the malware is aimed at intruders seeking to gain access to devices used in small and medium-sized businesses. The personal data of a large number of employees can be a good tool, for example, for extortion.

HVNC is a modification of the standard VNC remote management tool. These programs are required for technical support of Mac and Windows systems. They allow you to gain control over someone else's computer, but with the owner's permission and with the ability to see the actions of a specialist.

HVNC itself gives a remote attacker full access to the victim's device, and you can act unnoticed and without having to ask for permission. In fact, a completely hidden parallel user session is created.

According to Guardz, the tool is quite sophisticated. It runs in stealth mode and is not detected by most of Apple's security tools. After a system reboot, the malware persists.

Escrow of 100 thousand dollars helps other cybercriminals to verify the reliability of the developer, since the funds are stored in the account of the forum administration as a kind of"insurance".

Although HVNC is targeted at businesses, it can be equally effective against personal computers.

Experts point out that one of the key ways to protect yourself is to regularly update the operating system to the latest version. HVNC only works up to macOS version 13.2, although 13.4.1 is already up to date.