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I used to have a vendor with lots of great Hong Kong CVV

but now he is away for a month

need this Urgent!!!

Thank You!!!


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Have a lot, but not for sale, if u can cashout and work with escrow, then send me a p.m
Also I can send u by bins, cos I have over 160 hong kong cvvs....visa and MasterCard only


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Add me on icq : 620484373

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I can't pm you as you are deer status -.-
Another kid that claims he can work with escrow, but when time comes to deal, he begs for test.
I really find it amazing when a kid screams yes I accept escrow, but in reality he is just to broke to feed


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Sorry, but I don't deal with people with "DEER" status no matter who they are.

It's just to protect my self and investments.

I rather be safe than sorry.

Grow up.


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Sorry, but I don't deal with people with "DEER" status no matter who they are.

It's just to protect my self and investments.

I rather be safe than sorry.

Grow up.

It is just a lame excuse for someone untrustworthy and unreliable you.
You can't deal with deer but on icq u were begging I paste u one for test? U can't deal with deer yet u added me on icq?
Ironically I was the one that found as a liar and probably ripper.
I specifically asked u, do u accept escrow and u steamed yes, but in reality u knew the word "escrow" made u jittery and scared like a thief
Protect urself how? When I was the one that insisted on escrow to protect the deal...u were the one begging for upfront and I was the one that ignored ur noob self when I realized escrow scared the shit of u.
Next time u can't afford and is too scared escrow, say so and don't come on icq begging for test.....Beggar


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Wow, your english blows my mind.

Sorry but I am not interested in wasting my time with you, and this is why I walked away. You are a little bitch for crying and started posting this kind of garbage, why can't you take it that we can't work together and be on with life? You're acting like a sissy and throwing a fit trying to make yourself "feel" better.

Did anyone lose anything in the process? No, does anything change? No.

I just don't feel comfortable working with you and thats life.

This is a business and a lot of the times when someone doesn't "feel" right to work with someone they walk.

suck it up princess; and grow up.

I don't mind using escrow its the fact it doesnt feel right to be working with you, I have found a partner already so thats okay.

Dude just give it up and grow up, just because we can't work together doesn't mean you have to try and undermine people.


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Actually it was I who wasn't interested in wasting my time with a liar and potential ripper like you. I told u if u can't afford to feed talk less of accepting escrow, then no deal.
The deal never went on cos I insisted on escrow.....so all your lame and dumb excuse of me being deer was the reason is just sheer stupidity.

Isn't it ironic u opening ur empty mouth saying u don't feel comfortable working with me? But yet on icq u opened ur mouth begging for a test!
U don't wanna work, but was begging for test and if I had agreed to send u a test u would have gladly accepted.....the fact is that u are a noob and unprofessional and a liar and it has nothing to do with u not willing to work with me...the only reason I kicked ur time-wasting ass was that I specifically asked if u could do escrow and u opened ur hungry month and screamed yews, when in reality u were scared of escrow....or maybe perhaps I should paste the logs then members can see how a time-wasting lieing noob u are
I lost nothing in the process cos I stuck to my guns on using escrow, if I had skipped escrow like u were dumbly dreaming of, I would have been another victim of urs....same way u were acused of ripping someone on mad trade.
You need to grow up and stop being a natural time-waster, liar and a natural noob.
I mean ask urself this questions
1. Did u add me on icq or not? If u didn't want to deal with me as u claim why did u add me? Ans: cis u are a liar and just looking for a lame excuse
2. Did I asku for escrow and u agreed yes? And: yes
3after u said yes to escrow, did u beg me to send u a test upfront? And: yes
4. Why did u beg for upfront when u had agreed to deal on escrow? Ans: cos u couldn't afford escrow and u are just a natural liar that says yes when in reality u mean no...practically escrow scares the shit out of u.
5. Are u a pro? And: no, u are just a noob who wishes escrow is never discussed and demanded so u can try your trial and error and possibly rip again like u ripped on mad trade
Conclusion: nochildporn is a time-wasting noob, he will claim he can work with escrow when in reality he gets jittery and scared of it, deal with him if u wanna have ur time waster, become his victim if u choose to be fooled by his begging antics of please no escrow, send me upfront


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Wow, your English blows my mind, grammar and sentence construction.

You don't even know how to use the word "Ironic"

I just didn't feel right working with you right after and also forum members told me not to work with you.

I have not ripped one person and the forums knows that. Anyone who I have worked with knows that as well.

Also you don't even know who I am on madtrade so stop dreaming and shut the fuck up.

I don't need to prove anything to you because I know for a fact on this forum people know me and respect me as they have worked with me.

I asked for 1 test if interested in doing anything if not then be on with it and just say no.

Perhaps you don't have anything to sell and that is why you are screaming and trying to act outraged. I have never met anyone like this, if a deal does not work out then on to someone else with a new deal not spend a lot of time and writing essays that doesn't even make sense.

Also you are really mature as to throwing empty insults like " you can't afford escrow " and shit like that. Whats your backup to that? I dont even know you.

Like I said, I have a new seller on the forum and it's as easy as that. I don't need you and thats about it and where it ends.

You must be the kind of person that gets dumped and then go BITCH YOU DIDN'T DUMP ME, I DUMPED YOU, I DONT WANT YOU.

Such a pathetic person.

I am sure people on the forum understand when a sales doesnt feel right it doesnt feel right and should move on.

You are the type of person that won't shut up because you think you are always right about everything although you know nothing.


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No kid, u wanted to desperately work with me, that's why when I asked you if you could cash out, u quickly opened ur empty mouth screaming yes. Also when I asked do u accept escrow, u opened that same empty mouth screaming yes when in reality u prayed I could skip that for you

You sound more stupid with your lame replies about not willing to work with me, when the real reason I kicked you out was the simply fact that you were so scared and jittery when I insisted on escrow.......listen to this your lame excuse u just wrote saying u didn't deal with me cos other members said u shouldn't...lol
Others said u shouldn't but u still added me? Others said u shouldn't but u still begged for a test? Dude ur lies are are stupid as ur brain. The only reason u couldn't deal was cos u couldn't afford escrow, no one believes ur cock and bull story, mr " I am scared of escrow"
I 100% know who u are on mad trade, how do u think I figured out u were the one who ripped someone on Ireland cvvs, u didn't deny that on icq, I can paste the logs incase u are having some memory loss
I am not asking for u to prove shit to me. The only reason I am writing this is the fact that u are a noob, a non-professional and a liar and have ripped someone else on mad trade. All this I didn't want to deal with are just lies and lame dumb escuse. You were just wishing I skipped escrow so I can become ur new victim, something I wasn't interesrted in and btw I sell no cvv and it was I who requested we deal with escrow, it was u whonwas begging for upfront.....in reality it was I who was protecting myself and it was you who was begging for upfront
No u are that kind of person who gets dumped, then go on and say I didn't really like her when in reality u begged her to say but ur pleas were turned down cos u are a pathetic low life noob and a very dumb liar too not to talk of once ripping if not more.

I am 100% sure the forum understands by now that when a low life noob screams he can work with escrow, then later one demands upfront with escrow, they clearly know the person is fishy and has ripping intentions. Worst is when the person desperately tries to deny the fact that the deal was cancelled cos he was jittery and cared of escrow.

I may not know everything , but with this I am 100% right. You are the kind of person that prays every minute I shut up , so I don't keep exposing how a noob, liar and unprofessional u are....obviously the exposure is affecting u and u wish I stopped...I will when u stop fooling urself with the lame and dumb excuse of I wasn't interested in the deal, when the real truth was that u were not interested in escrow.....nooob


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Lol, I am not even going to bother talking to you.

You are such a kid throwing empty insults.

At least I can man up and walk away when I should and stop being a little bitch; bitching and crying.

My madtrade account link it bitch, if you can find who I am on there then post how "I ripped" ireland cvv.

Sorry but I have gotten a new provider and its as simple as that.

Just because we can't work as a partner doesn't mean you try to drive them to the ground making shit up.

Grow up this is a business not your little high school childs play.

I just don't feel right working with you and its as simple as that.

I work with escrow but it just doesnt feel right working with you when it could waste my time.

Why should I work with you when simply I can work with someone else without your bitchy and whiny attitude? I don't need shit from you so just shut the fuck up.


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Lol, u are not even gonna talk to me, but u responded with a lengthy text? Moron it seems u don't just lie and deceive others but deceive urself too.
No u are the kid here, I am the pro exposing how a noob, a non-pro , a liar and a potential ripper you are.
You get so jittery and scared of escrow, u practically shit on ur pants and turned on ur begging mode for upfront..Beggar.
The issue was not us not working together, dumb moron, the issue was u opening that dumb mouth of urs screaming u can work with escrow, when in reality, the word escrow scares the he'll of u, u wish it never exists.
U had gotten a new provider, but still begged for test? Lol.....didn't ur imaginary provider provide ur begging ass with test?
You need to grow up and be a pro and stop being too stupid, a liar and an immature noob...I mean how long will u keep on being this stupid?
Only kids will say one thing and when it comes to deal, they chicken out like lizards; and that was how u reacted when u saw I would deal with no kid like u too jittery of escrow.

What is simple here, is the fact that I kicked u out and put u on my ignore list cos u are unreliable, a noob and a liar...I cut off d deal when I realized u were insure and too scared of escrow...that was what happened. Keep deceiving urself, when everyone else can see how a noob u are.
U don't need shit from me? But on icq u turned to be a beggar, begging for upfront..lol
Yes u can work with someone else but will shit on ur pants again if that person insists on escrow, cos we all know u dread that word...ha ha
And no I am not winning and bitcy I am just exposing ur real self....which is a Big dumb hungry Noob begging Liar .....and ur cries won't make me stop, till u stop deceiving ur dumb brain


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Learn to speak english.

And god for you NOob,
Learn to be a professional and stop being a Beggar
More importantly stop crying and getting scared and jittery of escrow......escrow does not kill, only for Hungry Noobs like u who have ripping intentions