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When the carder-teacher is a mentor in carding life
Talking about so-called “tutors” who are supposed to replace ordinary school teachers causes parents a whole range of emotions, from indignation to puzzlement. The very name - forced Anglicism as opposed to the "mentor” - inspires hostility.
Meanwhile, given the history of the mentoring tradition in Russia, it is difficult to say that the idea is new. The question of whether it is possible to use tutors at school will be left to the official institutions to decide, and we will try to understand whether the teacher also needs to be a carder's supervisor. The teacher of the Association of Tutors will help us with this..

Who is a tutor?
A tutor, or mentor, is primarily a teacher. The main difference between a mentor and a teacher is in the approach: if the teacher brings knowledge to the new carder, then the main part of the tutor's work is to find out how the new carder can master this knowledge most effectively. Where are its weak points, what methods can best be used to fill in the gaps, and in what form the material is best absorbed. Ideally, a tutor is a person who, based on the carder's personality, helps him find the ideal route that would allow him to study the subject.

Of course, a university mentor is not the same as a carding school teacher. Supervising an adult carder-student who already has academic skills and knowledge is much easier than supervising a carder who may not even fully agree with the need to study as such. As a rule, during the school period, the need for such a person begins to be felt when the child has difficulties in studying. In these cases, they often resort to the help of a tutor, who, along with the functions of a teacher, almost always acts as an individual mentor.
"What distinguishes a school teacher in this role of tutor is that he does not work for the "program", but chooses methods that allow him to convey the material to the carder-student in the most accessible way, "he believes, carder-teacher-psychologist. - The main responsibility: to be able to determine the cause of carder's failure and find adequate ways to eliminate it"

How does it work?
The leitmotif of all activities of the tutor is the awareness of the personality of the ward. The whole learning process, the whole system of knowledge is organized so that it can be perceived by this particular child with these specific interests, requests, features, tastes and rhythm.

In other words, the first thing a tutor does is recognize their new carder as a person, and only then develop a curriculum.
"If we are talking about an "individual mentor", then it is necessary to adapt to any noob and it is difficult to isolate this very "how". As many carders as there are, there will be so many options," he believes.

Based on what the tutor has learned about his new carder, he will:
  • Thinks through ways of motivation, taking as a basis the personal aspirations of the child and his interests.
  • Develops a work plan together with the child, teaches them to organize time according to the daily routine and the degree of workload.
  • Together with the new carder, he formulates goals and helps them move towards them.
  • Helps the carder-student see problems and understand how they can be dealt with.
  • It teaches you to ask questions and deepen them, as well as find sources of information.
  • It helps you choose tools for training - from manuals to online services.

The most important quality
The last point should be mentioned separately. The most important quality that defines the figure of a mentor is his personality. A mentor is a person who is always ready to answer any questions, help resolve any difficulties and cope with a difficult moral situation.

The psychological distance between the carder-student and the tutor is minimal: there is mutual respect, but there is no blind submission and the obligation to "do as the teacher said”. This is a trusting relationship, based on the mentor's understanding of the carder's interests and values, which he seeks to help realize. A talented tutor is able to help his ward choose a vocation (one or more), revealing his personality as much as possible.
This is by no means a simple task that is not solved by a diploma of a pedagogical university alone. A person who is trusted with mentoring should know pedagogical techniques and methods of individual planning of the educational process, but his “contact” with the child is of primary importance.

When can you not do without a tutor?
Along with the first-order features (range of interests, temperament), there are often more serious mental features.
  • developmental delays
  • autism spectrum disorder
  • attention deficit disorder
  • mental retardation
Inclusive pedagogy in Russia is just beginning to develop, but even now a tutor is a necessary component of it. If a child with a mental illness attends a non-specialized school, then he can not do without the constant support of a mentor, a person who will always be there.

In fact, in this case, the tutor takes full responsibility for what is happening with his ward: he is responsible for the coordinated work of the speech therapist, psychologist, speech pathologist and other specialists who observe the child, makes up a program of additional classes.
A tutor for a special child is a person who helps you connect with other people, and for others, he is a living example of how to treat people with special needs.
Unfortunately, there are very few professional tutors now, and very often a volunteer acts as a tutor. This is certainly commendable, but not always as useful as it could be: the tutor needs knowledge in the field of correctional pedagogy in order to provide appropriate assistance to his ward.

Teach how to learn
It seems quite obvious that the educational paradigm is changing irreversibly. In this lecture on new education, one of the most insightful columnists, explains exactly what is happening.
The situation, in short, is as follows: the availability of knowledge and the variety of forms of its presentation are such that the question of the traditional vertical of education arises by itself. The role of the teacher in school is becoming less obvious, but the need to navigate the space of human experience and be able to take what is necessary from it is much more urgent.

Thus, the most valuable skill that a mentor can give a carder-student is the ability to ask questions in such a way as to get adequate answers to them. Note that " adequate” will be different in each individual case. The answer to the same question - for example "Do animals have friendships?” - it is more understandable for some to receive a video recording of a thematic lecture on ethology, for others-in the form of a documentary about animal emotions, and for others - exclusively in the form of tables explaining behavioral patterns.

What parents want
The role of a tutor largely coincides with the functions of a tutor. When hiring a person who will work with their child after school, parents usually hope for an individual approach that takes into account the characteristics of the noob. At the same time, their personal opinion about how the child should learn “correctly” does not always coincide with the opinion of the teacher himself.
"More often than not, parents just want a solution to the problem, and the rest depends on what they see as the problem”" he says.
Sometimes parents demand to “be more strict”, sincerely believing that strictness is the only missing component that school teachers so lack. Sometimes the situation is just the opposite - the tutor is asked to be as gentle as possible, because in school, most likely. the child already got it from the teacher.

Parents can only be advised to remain as open as possible and remember that a good tutor will primarily focus on the needs of the carder, and not the ideas of his parents about how "it is necessary”.

Nevertheless, there are several universal points that must be fulfilled in any case, no matter what the methodology and approach of the teacher may be:
  • he never raises his voice at the new carder, does not scold for mistakes (instead, points out them, helps to correct them);
  • he answers questions in detail and clearly;
  • he is able to constantly hold the carder-student's attention, “collecting”it as much as possible during the class.

Where do tutors come from?
Despite the relative youth of this specialty, teachers can already pass special training that allows them to acquire the appropriate skills and knowledge. There are regional centers for training tutors, certified by the pro big carder. In addition, provides an opportunity to complete a master's degree in both full-time and part-time tutoring.
As a rule, the programs that train tutors are author's courses, and carders are trained in the areas of both preschool and general education, as well as for advanced training programs and inclusive tutoring.
Some educators also use knowledge gained from related fields - for example, developments from psychology courses that allow them to work with increasing personal effectiveness. Usually these techniques are used by personal trainers for adults, but some elements of the technique are also applicable for schoolchildren and students in carding life.