LockBit does not consider the consequences of hacking the infrastructure by groups of employees of the US FBI to be critical


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This was stated by the head of the LockBitSupp community in an interview with The Click Here podcast, which is hosted by The Record journalists.

"I knew that sooner or later the FBI would hack me, and they did. At first, I felt fear and panic, but as soon as I understood how they did it, I started to calm down and started working on restoring the infrastructure," LockBitSupp noted.

He confirmed that the security forces managed to gain access to the panels and even to future versions of the ransomware. However, LockBitSupp does not believe that this has any impact on the business. Moreover, he sees the incident as additional advertising and "an opportunity to show everyone the strength of his character."

"I can't be intimidated. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, " stated LockBitSupp. — I felt like I was being hunted, like they were trying to destroy me."

The head of the group said that the FBI bluffs a lot and tries to tarnish his reputation precisely because they can't catch him. However, hopes of destroying the image of LockBit, according to the cybercriminal, are destroyed by the trust of proven partners who "have no reason not to believe" the community leader.

"The FBI can't make me angry, they only teach me and make me stronger. I love the FBI — without the FBI, my life wouldn't be so fun, and they're just doing their job," LockBitSupp told reporters. — Have you ever seen an affiliate program continue to work after the FBI was hacked? The battle is lost, but there was no war. I will continue to work as long as my heart beats, until I die."

• Source: https://therecord.media/after-lockbit-takedown-its-purported-leader-vows-to-hack-on