LockBit administrator sentenced to prison term


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The 34-year-old cybercriminal finally got what he deserved for his digital exploits.

In Canada, one of the administrators of the well-known LockBit group, specializing in the distribution of extortionate software, was sentenced.

Mikhail Vasiliev, 34, who holds Canadian and Russian citizenship, pleaded guilty to eight charges and received a nearly four-year prison sentence. Meanwhile, Vasiliev was detained about a year and a half ago, in October 2022, in the Canadian city of Bradford. The arrest took place as part of an international operation involving the authorities of Europe, the United States and Canada.

Judge Michelle Furst described Vasilyev as a "cyberterrorist" and noted that his actions were motivated by personal financial interests. In addition to the prison term, the man will also have to pay $860,000 in compensation to the victims.

Vasiliev pleaded guilty to charges related to cyber extortion, illegal possession of weapons and other crimes. Its activities caused serious damage to three Canadian companies in 2021 and 2022. In addition, the criminal was involved in LockBit's activities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is also reported that Vasiliev agreed to be extradited to the United States, where charges are brought against him, including conspiracy to intentionally damage protected computers and transfer ransom demands. If convicted in the United States, he faces up to five years in prison.

Vasiliev became one of two named LockBit members in custody. Ruslan Astamirov, accused of using LockBit against victims in Florida, Kenya, France and Japan, is also awaiting trial in the United States.

In general, recent months have been marked by an international struggle with LockBit. So, in February, the UK authorities managed to dismantle the group's infrastructure and identify many affiliated individuals. Two members of the group were also arrested in Ukraine and Poland, but their identities have not yet been disclosed.

Despite the attempts of the authorities to stop the activities of the group, the leadership of LockBit scoffs at the efforts of the special services and claims that it only gets stronger with each blow of law enforcement officers.

LockBit is still considered one of the most active ransomware distribution operations, with literally thousands of government agencies, businesses, and organizations around the world working for the group.

The group started operating in 2019, offering its software as a service. According to Recorded Future, these ransomware attacks have already accounted for almost 2,300 attacks, and the total amount of ransomware has exceeded $ 120 million.