Liver is the queen of emotions


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The sages of the East worked for over 5000 years and created the doctrine of preserving life, strengthening and increasing their health. "All diseases are from the nerves" - people usually say. Western medicine and Eastern medicine talk about it, doctors and healers talk about it. Is this fair? We will also try to figure it out.

Emotions are a specific type of energy. Energy can carry both positive and negative charges. The presence of an equal number of these charges is called "harmony." Along with joy, there is sadness, sadness; so calmness - anxiety; with fear - courage and faith; with activity - depression; with doubts - determination and action.

Man is a living, feeling, thinking creature, and all emotions are useful for him. Another thing is when this or that emotion is present for a long time or excessively. Then an inner mental confusion and anxiety sets in, which already entails a violation of health. For example, excessive resentment can disrupt the movement of energy (qi) of the liver and the cleansing function of the liver. Then the qi of the liver soars up, the blood follows it, blocking all the openings that serve for purification. This condition is called "fainting".

Why do we need negative emotions?

It is always good to live joyfully and happily. But the outside world and the person himself cannot be in the same state for a long time - this is the law of the Universe. Everything is in constant motion, everything flows, everything changes. The world is changing - the person is changing too. And this is great! As long as his life is filled with feelings, emotions, experiences, he remains a Human. From each such change, we become wiser, we get to know life, people, ourselves. Whatever the situation or condition, they are ours. They are given to us in order to live them, figure them out, draw the right conclusions and move on.

And now about the liver itself - the "queen of emotions".

The liver is one of the largest storage organs (zang - organ) in our body. Paired (like a husband and wife), the liver is located with the gallbladder (fu - organ). The task of the liver is to accumulate and supply the organs with juices, blood, energy (qi). According to the Chinese, the liver controls the eyes, vision, muscle tone, which causes tension or relaxation of the entire muscles, as well as ligaments and nails. The liver is in charge of the quantity and quality of blood, is responsible for the even flow of qi in the body and the balance of emotions.

The liver and gallbladder are associated with the energy of wood and wind, and this is birth, the beginning of development, rapid growth, childhood. Children (from 1 to 10 years old) are curious, restless, restless, very curious. They are interested in everything, they ask a lot of questions. If a child is created normal conditions in the family, then he will grow up curious, generous, open, with great creative abilities. Unfavorable conditions can give rise to stubbornness, cruelty, intolerance, anger.

The liver cannot tolerate pressure. In many cases, neuroses develop only because in infancy and early childhood, the baby was subjected to pressure: moral, from the work load, additional activities (art schools, music schools, dancing, swimming, etc.), from the excessive demands of parents.

The liver loves relaxation and freedom. Everything that grows requires space, only then will the fruits be able to set and ripen. With increased activity of the child, one should not at all calm down (slow down) his nervous system, one should harmonize the liver, help to gain energy and blood, and breathe freely.

The liver is a "dreamer". It determines our vision of life, and the gallbladder is the readiness for conflicts, perseverance and courage in creating plans. An adult "wind constitution" generates many ideas, makes discoveries, is extraordinary in thinking, extravagant. Likes to create, invent, travel a lot and learn. He is a bad businessman. If the liver is excited, the person reacts to everything with irritation, annoyance and anger. It seems to him that he is being squeezed, encroaching on his living space, happiness. His weakness and aggression do not provide an opportunity to be creative in solving life problems. We gain much more space thanks to the desire to develop, following our dreams, needs, doing what we love, creating comfort in the family and a large circle of friends. Anger is a huge amount of chi energy, which needs to be directed into a creative channel. For example, instead of shouting, raising your voice, stamping your feet, breaking dishes, it is more useful to dig a vegetable garden. This is hot anger. Cold anger is much more difficult to cope with because a person does not feel that he is angry, refuses to notice this problem at all. He begins to complain, blame everyone for his sins, seeks to make the world revolve around him, or seeks salvation in alcohol. Alcohol with its pungent taste will dispel the stagnant energy (qi) of the liver and eliminate depression only for a while. Then everything will return with a vengeance. A vicious circle of dependence, helplessness, inability to make a decision and to act develops. Cold anger is much more difficult to cope with because a person does not feel that he is angry, refuses to notice this problem at all. He begins to complain, blame everyone for his sins, seeks to make the world revolve around him, or seeks salvation in alcohol.

Violations in the liver and gallbladder cause not only emotions, but also the regime, nutrition, external factors. Each organ of our body during the day for 2 hours has maximum activity and minimum activity of qi energy. So, the gallbladder and liver from 23.00 - 3.00 have the maximum energy activity in the corresponding meridians, and from 11.00 - 15.00 - the minimum. Given this, it is necessary to give the liver and gallbladder the opportunity to rest at night, accumulate energy and blood (Yang and Yin). Each organ has an outlet on the body. For the liver, such "windows" are the eyes. Therefore, contemplating beauty with our eyes, we calm the liver, and therefore our nervous system. Straining our eyes in front of a computer monitor at night, we waste energy, become agitated and cannot sleep until 3-4 in the morning.

Eating food requires a lot of energy and juices. Late meals do not allow the liver to accumulate enough blood and energy in the morning. This means that the liver will not be able to transfer its energy reserves to the heart, spleen and stomach for work. During the day, we will feel overwhelmed and tired.

The organ of the liver corresponds to a sour taste. If a sour taste is constantly present in the mouth or a person does not tolerate sour, then this indicates an excess of liver energy. In the food cycle (according to the Wu Xing system), sour and cold foods increase the yin in the heart and weaken the yang in the spleen and stomach. The stomach and spleen gradually cool down, stop processing food in full and become ill. Indigestion leads to stagnation and fermentation of food in the intestines and all the ensuing consequences. Sour and cold foods are yoghurts and southern fruits (citrus fruits) - a typical diet for weight loss. Until the age of 30, such a diet can lead to short-term weight loss due to the use of body reserves donated by parents, and after 30 years, the diet rarely brings a lasting effect, since at this age the amount of natural qi in the organs decreases, and "thanks to" the diet, qi is not replenished. Against this background, chronic diseases begin to develop; including osteoporosis.

Wind energy dominates in spring. The wind blows, swaying branches and leaves. During this period, colds occur more often. The wind can be strong and gusty - yang, light and long-lasting - yin. Who among us, having caught a cold at least once, has not experienced headaches, stiff neck muscles and nasal congestion? It could be from a gusty wind, from a long stay in a draft, from the action of an air conditioner (in a car, apartment, office) or on the beach under the hot sun with a gentle breeze.

The points located on the back of the head and neck, lying along the meridian of the gallbladder, are called “wind gates”. Through them, the wind penetrates the meridian and causes a stop in the movement of energy (qi) and the above-described sensations. To protect yourself from the effects of the wind, you just need to put on a scarf. Wind energy is characterized by manifestations in the form of itching, but not very pronounced and not painful; lacrimation, increased blood pressure, headache (migraine), dizziness, loss of consciousness, muscle spasms, decreased muscle tone. The liver nourishes the ligaments and tendons, and the muscles contract due to good nutrition, blood supply to the ligaments, fascia.

The ligamentous apparatus of the eye is responsible for the function of accommodation and movement of the eyeballs. If the liver is abnormal, various eye diseases develop. Lack of blood in the liver is manifested by "night blindness" (decreased twilight vision) causes muscle cramps, brittle nails and lack of shine.

Doctor of Academic and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ermakova Natalia Viktorovna


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Emotions. Three important understandings for managing your emotions.​


This article is to help those who choose to get up and move on to their new level of consciousness.
We will talk with you about what most often becomes on the path of our spiritual practices as a serious barrier to further advancement. Our emotions and our reactions to current events.
Indeed, the first thing that we have after practices, activations and meditations is a state of inner joy, peace, balance. And the second? Disappointing as every situation brings us back to our usual reactions and emotional responses. And we “lose” the feeling of joy and strength. We lose the feeling that we can control our lives.
This is a wonderful step about which we all stumble on the path of our mastery, but which leads to the fact that we sit on it and begin to doubt. Our spiritual practices and aspirations become irregular. Why practice when everything is the same? If I cannot be wise and calm, if I cannot show my inner mastery, love in ordinary life situations?
We always strive so hard to find this image of a spiritually developed person who knows how to react beautifully to negativity, who knows how to see the truth behind a lot of husks, who, instead of ordinary human reactions, will show wisdom and compassion. But this image remains an ideal for us.
Worst of all, we begin to separate ourselves "spiritual" from ourselves "ordinary", we begin to dislike our reactions and emotions. We begin to struggle with such manifestations of ourselves and enter into separation, rejecting such "wrong" reactions again and again.
And all this time of such an internal struggle, nothing valuable for us happens, we are still sitting on the same step in the illusion of our spiritual advancement.
This is what we all go through in the early stages of our personal evolution and expansion of consciousness. And this is necessary in order to open deep inner truths for the further path. A new look at emotions and reactions, new understandings of energy and space. A new look at how we create our happening.
Those of us who are not ready to move on just stay where they are comfortable now. Stop, slow down, become discouraged, or continue to struggle with their emotions and reactions.
Recently, in one of my son's cartoons, I heard a wonderful phrase: "To fly faster than everyone else, learn to fly faster than yourself." This is one of those keys that we receive in various messages. They all draw our attention to ourselves. Not outside, not outside. Not on what is happening and how it is happening somewhere, with someone. Namely, what is happening inside us - in the very place where we make our discoveries, receive our revelations, where the main internal transformation and alchemy takes place.
Today I want to offer you three simple understandings, by living and exploring which within yourself, you can consciously reconsider and transform such reactions to what is happening as fear, condemnation, rejection. And, as a consequence, emotions that manifest themselves: anger, irritation, contempt, shame.
In general, in my understanding, how does a “master” differ from a person striving to improve his life? Precisely because the transformation occurs consciously, with an understanding of the processes through which we need to go through for greater awakening. This is no longer a tangle of snakes, which we need to quickly get rid of, run away, drive away or kill ... This is an integral part of our personal evolution, which must be treated with understanding and respect. Then our self-development will become for us not a struggle for a better life, but an amazing journey to our own Light!
Let's return to three simple discoveries that we can find within ourselves and make our tools of evolution.

First. To govern does not mean to restrain.​

Managing emotions is often associated with holding them back. This is just about that ideal image of ourselves that we seek to show to the world, hiding the inner storms that arise as a result of communication or events. It is really difficult, and we intuitively choose to release. A paradox appears - we do not accept our low-vibration emotions, but at the same time intuitively allow them to be.
We have a huge amount of evidence that suppression leads to energy distortions and manifests itself in the form of diseases of the physical body. We intuitively feel - showing is better than pinching and restraining. However, if we allow ourselves to constantly show such reactions, we feel the desire to remove this from our reality as something unworthy of our spiritual development.
This is indeed the case. And there is only one way out - transformation, changing the quality of our emotions and reactions. The transition from rudeness to beauty, from sadness to joy, from anger to acceptance.
The first and important understanding is our energy, which must flow, which does not need to be clamped or restrained. It's just energy, the quality of which we can change. This is the same energy, the quality of which we can change. I ask you to pay attention to this.
Yes, there are good reasons why our reactions and emotions are negative. If we begin to examine ourselves, we clearly see that the roots of such reactions go back to childhood, to emotional trauma and deep fears. And this is where we go to heal, forgive, change, improve our present. Recycling the strata of the past is a serious task that takes time and effort. But the goal of this article is slightly different: ease of transformation.
Therefore, I ask you to pay attention to the fluidity of energy and the fact that the energy is the same. But it has the properties of increasing vibrations, changing. Negative or positive emotions are not separate energies. This is the same energy into which we invest this or that quality. To control emotions, you don't have to root out one and replace the other. You need to see the fluidity and changeability of energy - depending on our choice.

This is how we come to point # 2.​

Second. We can choose!
We ourselves create the perception of ourselves and the world around us. We choose to enjoy what we like and reject what we have chosen to reject. For example, we are impressed by our neighbor on the right, but we are uncomfortable with the neighbor on the left. We like our job, but we don't like the journey from home to work. We are happy to see our wardrobe, but we are worried about the shape of our body.
It is not entirely important how such reactions developed, what reasons underlie them, but such emotional reactions are perceived by us as quite real. That is why a certain illusion is created that it is impossible to change these reactions or control them.

What will I do if this person ...?
How can I not scream if you ...?
How can I be joyful if ...?

We close our reactions to external stimuli, identifying the manifestation of negativity with people, events, body, etc.

The magic is that we can choose! And the choice is made inside.
Yes, we can choose our reaction every new day, realizing that reactions are subjective. We create strong event-response (emotion) combinations. But these are our personal subjective combinations. Someone is annoyed if they look at him, someone is embarrassed, someone is interested, someone doesn't care ...
Reactions are neural connections that are essentially the same. Which are simply our choice to react in one way or another to certain stimuli. If we go deeper, we will see there simply energy.
When I walked this deep, for me my emotions and reactions ceased to be the thing that ruins my life.
I realized that I could choose. I can choose how I react. What if, instead of irritation, I choose joy? Here they are, all these psychological tricks: if you do not like the road from home to work, find the advantages of this path, find the positive moments, and your reactions will change. Instead of being annoyed by a long journey, you will experience the joy of listening to music or reading a book.

But I propose to go to the very essence, without additional tricks. This path has a name: "I can choose!"
It is interesting. This is a game based on understanding the mechanisms of reaction formation. We can drop all reactions that are not appropriate for us today and just choose. How do we now want to react to this screaming person? Smile or be scared? Why do we now use those neural connections that were created in our childhood, when we are creating new connections right now?
We choose our emotion right now. We are in control of our energies. We choose the quality of our energies. It can be as easy as we allow ourselves to)

Third. See the illusion.​

This is a combination of the first and second points. Be fluid and choose what and when to manifest as energy. Let's go deeper one more time. Let's look around and see only energy. We will see the tree as energy; stool as energy; the human body as energy.
We will see beautiful beings of Light who are in their earthly biology and who believe in the veracity of the material world. We will see divine entities with unlimited possibilities of creation, "locked" in material bodies on the planet.
We realize how illusory everything is, how all reality is a reflection of our thoughts, our choices and our energy.
When I look at people so deeply, I see magnificent beings who believe in their bodies. Those who create themselves by the power of their consciousness. This person believes in his ugly appearance. And I see the result of this faith and this creation. This beautiful entity believes in her anger. And he shows it to the world. This beautiful creature believes in its strength and opportunities. And I enjoy this creation with him.
We believe, we believe, we believe ... We believe in our appearance, our qualities, in our anger, in our weakness. And we are struggling with all of this, but in reality with ourselves. We waste a tremendous amount of time and energy believing that this is real.
We look for answers outside, when they are inside us ...
We manifest what we believe in. And nothing else.
Struggle always takes place if we do not accept ourselves as energy capable of being fluid and transforming. It is important for us to switch to another way of improving ourselves - love, acceptance and soft exploration: it turns out that we can change easily if we go into the depths of these processes within ourselves!
It turns out that things are different if we respect ourselves as energy and respect our journey on this planet full of miracles. And these miracles - we are with you!
This is not only a topic of our emotions and reactions. And you already feel all its depth, if you have already approached this discovery on your own) All you need is just to accept the information, feel it, live, find a resonance inside. And go further by researching this on your own.


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Clusters of emotions​


There are a lot of emotions and I would like to sort this heap somehow. I want to propose a rather interesting model that has already shown itself well. First, I want to draw your attention to the fact that emotions can be grouped based on different approaches. The first way - in the sense of emotion, based on the rules for evaluating the events (internal or external) that these emotions cause. The second way is based on how emotions are experienced.
I want to say right away that these two methods, according to experience, turn out to be quite closely related. And also for each specific person, the meaning of emotions can be different, and emotions can be experienced in different ways. As a result, the clusters may be slightly different. Here it is important for me to show the general principle.

Assessment of the situation​

To assess situations from an emotional point of view, only 5 criteria are enough.
  1. Whom we value - ourselves or others.
  2. Time - was (possessed in the past, but lost; did in the past); happens (I have now, I do); will happen (get, do or lose); there are, so to speak, "timeless" emotions.
  3. Gain / loss / violation - I got something, achieved the goal or, conversely, lost something; someone has violated rules or values.
  4. Fairness / correctness - how (in) fair the right received or how (in) acceptable behavior.
  5. Accuracy, probability - how high the probability.

As a result, we get variants of the meanings of emotions (for example, for you it may be somehow different):
  • excitement - there is a possibility of winning;
  • guilt - I did the wrong thing - violated important values;
  • delight - received much more than expected;
  • admiration - a person has done something very important and good;
  • anger - my important values are undeservedly violated;
  • pride - I justly / deservedly achieved something important;
  • grief - the loss of something very important;
  • sadness - my needs are not satisfied;
  • anger - someone (unfairly) violates my important values or principles;
  • fear is a (possible) problem in the future;
  • happiness - my important values are fairly satisfied;
  • anxiety is a possible (usually undefined) danger in the future;
  • surprise is a reaction to surprise;
  • horror is a very big problem in the future;
  • euphoria - my important values are much more satisfied than expected.
Almost all emotions can be divided into "clusters" based on these 5 criteria, and for each cluster there will be a set of common characteristics. But the differences within the "cluster" will be related to intensity: how much values are violated, how important is what you gained or lost, how fair or unfair it is from your point of view, how likely the event is. And, for example, fear of fear differs in the degree of danger (possible loss), and fear of anxiety - in the level of accuracy (with fear, the source of danger is known, but with anxiety, it is not).

Experiencing emotion​

But a breakdown into the same clusters is obtained by examining how emotions are experienced. First of all, we will be interested in metakinesthetics: joy - bursting in the chest, fear - twisting in the stomach, anger - vibration in the front of the torso. Here we will have two main criteria for describing an emotion:
  • energy - the level of emotional excitement, the level of adrenaline;
  • sign - the degree of pleasantness / unpleasantness of the experience itself.
Naturally, one can identify critical kinesthetic submodalities of both energy and sign, for example: the larger the sensation, the higher the energy, the stronger the compression, the more unpleasant it is, and the stronger the expansion, on the contrary, the more pleasant. Based on these estimates, you can draw a map - here the adrenaline is from 0 to 20, and the sign is from -10 to +10, just so that there is a close dimension. Clusters on this map will look like such "vectors".

Sometimes it is more convenient to build a cluster based on the intensity of the experience of this emotion. Take an emotion like sadness. Find out how sadness manifests itself at the metakinesthetic level - for example, as pressure on the chest. Determine the critical submodality of the intensity of emotion (it usually differs from both the submodality of the sign and the submodality of energy), for example, the force of pressure on the chest. Scale and go from 0 to 10 points and see which emotions correspond to:
• chagrin - 1-3 points;
• regret - 4-5;
• sadness - 6-7;
• grief - above 8.
So you get your cluster of "losses".
Cluster Description
Once again I want to draw your attention to the fact that this is only a variant of the description of clusters. They may differ for you. Yes, you have to find out and calibrate.

A loss​

In this cluster, emotions associated with the "loss of access" to some experiences: pleasant events that will not be repeated; people who have disappeared from my life; items that are destroyed.
nostalgia - there were pleasant events, but they will not happen again;
grief - the loss of something not very important;
regret - loss of something;
sadness is the accepted loss of something important;
grief is the loss of something very important.


Here are affective emotions: something happened suddenly.
surprise is a reaction to surprise, a sudden violation of expectations, it can be neutral, and with a plus or minus sign: "Wow!" or "Oh!";
That is, it is precisely an affective, quick surprise, and not a surprise like: "I still wonder how he could do this."
astonishment is a strong violation of expectations.
fear is a dangerous surprise, affective surprise plus fear.


My needs / values are met.
joy - the desired event has happened or will occur;
happiness - my important values are satisfied;
delight - my important values are much more satisfied than expected.


Someone else is doing the right thing.
approval - a person (group of people, organization) has done or is doing something good;
admiration - a person has done something very important and good;
delight - a person has done something important and good even more than expected.

Superiority "+"​

I did something good, I am better than others.
importance - a sense of one's own significance, weight;
pride - self-worth, justified by their actions, as well as belonging to a group, race, country, team, organization;
affection - a sense of one's own superiority in relation to something cute and touching: a child, a cat, a bird or a hamster.

Superiority "-"​

You are worse than me.
superiority - you are worse than me;
neglect - you are not worthy of respect;
contempt is utter neglect, you have violated important values and lost value.


My needs / values are not being met.
sadness - my needs are not satisfied;
discontent - I do not like what is happening;
longing - my important needs are not met;
despondency - my needs are not met and there is no way to fix it in the future.


Someone violates social values.
disgust - a person does something that strongly violates social values;
disgust - a person has done something that violates fundamental social values.


Someone violates fundamental values. But if anger is just a reaction to a violation, then anger and rage is a reaction to an unfair (in my subjective opinion) violation. Something like "you have entered into the wrong territory", so I have the right to fight back - from this there is a certain level of superiority in anger and rage.
Therefore, you can be angry at yourself, and at others, and at the situation, and anger and rage are experienced only in relation to other people.
anger - a person violates important principles / values;
resentment - I was treated unfairly;
anger - a person unfairly violates very important values;
rage - a person violates very important values very strongly and unfairly.


I broke the rules, my status is downgraded.
embarrassment - others have noticed that I am doing or have done something that is not very right;
fault - I have violated important values;
shame - others have learned that I have violated important values.


The likelihood of getting something good in the future. The important aspect here is precisely the doubt that this can happen.
interest - the ability to obtain useful information;
hope is the ability to meet expectations;
passion - there is a possibility of winning (in the broadest sense of the word).


Confidence in meeting future expectations.
expectation - passive expectation of the result;
anticipation - I associate in a situation where I already have it.


A dangerous event is possible in the future.
fear - danger in the future;
anxiety is a possible (usually undefined) danger in the future;
fear is a (possible) problem in the future;
panic is a problem in the future that I cannot deal with;
horror is a very big problem in the future.


Clusters of emotions allow this large pile of emotions to be somewhat ordered and reduced to 10-15 clusters, which are much easier to remember. In addition, the clusters will be connected not only by the assessment of the situation that caused the emotion, but also by a specific representation in metakinesthetics, which is quite sensory.