Linking a bank card to a phone. What is it for and how to do it?


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You can perfectly use the bank card without being tied to a cell number, paying for goods and services at retail outlets. But in order to make payments on the Internet (with the support of modern 3d-Secure technology), control any card transactions in the form of SMS messages, and, finally, for convenient remote management of funds on your card account, you need to link your bank card to your phone.

To do this, you need to connect the SMS banking service "Mobile Bank" (MB), which is a convenient service for obtaining various information on cards and makes it possible to perform various operations (payments, transfers to other cards) using your smartphone or regular cell phone via SMS. requests. Additionally, we note that access to the Internet bank Bank Online is impossible without connecting the Mobile Bank, i.e. we can say that this service must be activated for every cardholder, if he keeps up with the times.

Linking to a phone card (i.e. connecting to a mobile banking service) is free of charge, but there are some nuances that depend on the chosen tariff (full package or economy package). The difference between these packages is the presence of a subscription fee (paid SMS-notification) for the full package (some money per month or free, depending on the category of the card) and the economy does not have it. For details and nuances about connecting MB, see your bank account.

For credit cards, the MB connection is mandatory, and the full package is provided free of charge (credit cards have free SMS-informing).

For information. Only one phone number can be linked to each card and it is very important, in order to avoid possible misunderstandings, that the phone is issued to you. Up to 8 cards can be linked to one phone number, it is enough to ask the employee to connect it to the MB registered to your current number when issuing a new card, or to issue a corresponding application.