Lifelong learning carding: how to make it a habit


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In the modern world, stopping development and not learning new things is an impermissible luxury. Intelligence should always be in good shape, respond quickly to changes and adapt to changing conditions. This means that it is necessary to form a habit of constantly learning and gaining new knowledge. And it is precisely the question of forming such a habit, despite all its usefulness, that causes the greatest difficulties for many. In this collection we will talk about the concept of lifelong learning, what it means, how to implement it in your life and make it a habit.

How to develop the habit of continuing education​

Many of us do the minimum we can. We seem to know quite well what we do for a living, but not more. What's the problem? It is that most people do not want to develop after graduation. It seems that we have completed our task, and now all that should be done is to work monotonously, climbing the career ladder. And if earlier it was normal, now a lot has changed. The habit of continuing education is an ongoing, voluntary and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for personal and professional reasons. For many reasons, continuing education is no longer a choice, but a necessity, and in this article we will try to understand why.

How to create a continuous learning system​

Life-long learning or “lifelong learning” is an approach to education based on the continuous acquisition of new knowledge and skills. Nowadays, continuous learning is becoming not just a fashion and a whim, but a means of survival in a rapidly changing world. What was relevant yesterday is outdated today. The ability to quickly switch and master new things remains in demand. Constant, systematic training will help to keep up with the times. In this article we will talk about how to correctly set up the self-education system, how to make learning a habit and master new knowledge faster and more efficiently.

Lifelong learning: 5 tips​

Life-long learning is lifelong learning or lifelong learning. This term denotes the pursuit of continuous knowledge acquisition. Life-long learning is a way of life in which a person refuses to stop his development, and with the help of various forms of learning, including independent, continues to absorb new knowledge and master new skills. In this article, you will learn what Life-long learning is, as well as receive specific practical recommendations on how to make lifelong learning a part of your life. You don't think that education should be limited to school and college, do you? If you agree, start reading.

What does it mean to be literate in the modern world​

Do you know how to write and read? Do your relatives, friends and acquaintances know how to do this? It is not surprising if these questions cause you perplexity, because there is nothing surprising in the ability to read and write. But can you say with confidence that every person you communicate with is literate? Not everyone will answer this question in the affirmative, because reading and writing are by no means synonymous with literacy, at least today. There is no common understanding of the essence and level of educational skills that reveal the essence of the concept of "literacy" today. But we can say with confidence that people now understand literacy as something completely different from, for example, half a century ago. And in the article we want to dot some i's in this issue.

Modern educational technology: how to learn and teach today?​

Today, as never before, education is becoming the most important sphere, because the acquisition of knowledge takes on the character of a routine (in a good way), a necessity on the path of a successful existence. Therefore, educational technologies, with the help of which teachers bring this or that material to their listeners, are acquiring special relevance. In this article, we will tell you what kind of technologies are used today, what are their features and why they are generally needed. But before that, let's look at the main trends that prove the need for continuous learning.

Distance learning problems and ways to solve them​

You can study in different ways: in a large audience among like-minded people, individually with a teacher, remotely or even independently, having mastered special techniques from our online program "The Best Self-Education Techniques". Distance learning occupies a special place among the listed ways of acquiring knowledge. It has many advantages and is an excellent alternative to the classic lessons, but it also has its own characteristics that can jeopardize the success of the whole idea. In this article we will tell you why the future belongs to distance education, what problems those who have chosen this method of learning may face, and how to overcome them.

Why study all your life: we understand the meaning of education and self-education​

Many of us have asked our parents at least once in our lives: "Why do you need to study?" Perhaps someday such a question will overtake you, because children, as a rule, do not strive for knowledge, they are more interested in abstract affairs and not related to study. What do you think - what's the point in the education process? Do you need to learn and how do you feel about the concept of lifelong learning? In this article, we want to discuss with you what the meaning of education is. And we will start with, seemingly contradictory to our topic, stories associated with successful, but poorly educated people.

Frequently asked questions in self-education and answers to them​

You decided to do self-education, great! The first step is to decide what you want to learn and set a goal using the SMART methodology, which allows you to transform an abstract dream into a really achievable goal, because you need to know in what area you will be engaged in self-education and what you want to achieve. But this is only the beginning of a long journey. What's next? What questions are gnawing at you? In this article, we consider the most frequently asked fundamental questions that people ask themselves in self-education, and give detailed answers to them.

10 useful educational habits​

Learning is one of the most useful flexible skills today. And, perhaps, it will remain so in the near future. In this article, we will present 10 good habits that will allow you to make your learning process more effective and, just as important, enjoyable. By implementing at least a few of them into your practice, you will surely feel the results and improve your academic performance. These tips are suitable for both academic study and self-study. But they will be useful not only for those who are studying at the moment, but for any person who wants to achieve success and succeed in life and work.

Online program "Self-Education: Best Techniques"​

In this program, in 5 weeks you will learn how to apply various techniques and models of self-education, with the help of which you can learn faster, more efficiently and more interestingly. You will understand how to set educational goals correctly, motivate and discipline yourself, deal with laziness and procrastination. Learn to draw up a plan for self-education, select relevant sources for training and work with them, as well as master a lot of useful skills related to self-education, such as speed reading, the use of mnemonics, effective note-taking and others.

We wish you always have the desire and strength for new victories, and let our articles serve you as a worthy support. Good luck!