
Reaction score
Now we know what the processors are monitoring in order to prevent fraud. We will look at what we have to do.

Keep in mind that certain sites, amounts, items and areas are much harder to card than others.

? Its very easy to order take away food for $100, then again it is almost impossible to card a $100 iTunes/Amazon eGiftcard.?

This is due to the fact that eGiftcards have a high value on the DW because it can be exchanged for btc and therefore was the most bought online product with stolen money/CC/PP. ?

So obviously the security to card an eGiftcard has been lifted to the utmost extreme. Having said that, its still possible because it is still available to be purchased, just very hard and you're system needs to be perfect. ?

Id like to break the levels of security down to 3 levels:

Level 1️⃣

Easy: Everything that cant be exchanged for BTC online.

Food, clothing, software etc

- VPN / RDP , CC with Name, ZIP.

Level 2️⃣

Moderate: Things that can be sold online but there's a risk.

Electronics, hardware, some e-wallets etc.

- VPN / RDP , Clean Socks5, CC with Name, ZIP, Address, Maybe DoB/SSN, AD / FraudFox.

Level 3️⃣

Hard: All the things that is directly link to money which doesnt lose value.

Real money, Bitcoin, eGiftcards, Popular e-wallets (Paypal, Skrill, Webmoney, ecopayz) etc.

- VPN / RDP , Clean Socks5, Complete Fullz with CC details, Name, ZIP, Address, DoB/SSN, Acc Number, Sort code / route number, Anti Detect / FraudFox, User agent, Cookies, VBV bypass/Password, Certain BINS, VMware, Kali Linux - Optional.

✍️ NOTE: In addition you would most likely also need Fake ID's and documents.


1️⃣ Identify your target.

Pick an item at a shop which will ship your product as soon as possible without too many security and verification steps.

You want to get that item at your drop before the cardholder / Bank charge back.

I will add a few lists of sites which is cardable:

2️⃣ Find the correct card / BIN for your product.

Say we will be carding the Samsung S8 @ $600.

We will need a moderate to high quality card like a Premier, Gold, Platinum non vbv card or alternatively, my favorite - High Level Fullz.

Fullz contains DoB, SSN / ID, Account Number and route/sort code. This information is enough to reset most VBV / 3Dsecure codes!! Especially the UK Cards and some USA.

Lately Hawaiian Mastercards are easy to do ??

Then the most important step of your whole session is to check the card to see if its live and to see if there's balance.

The best checkers, including balance checker are found in cvv2finder It does cost A LOT, but I suggest you team up with someone you trust and buy these checkers.

If you really cannot afford it, then its okay and definitely not the end of the road for your carding dreams.

You will maybe just have a bit more hickups and headaches.

The best investment I ever made was to get a balance checker. I realized a frightening reality after conducting an experiment. The experiment was that I bought 10 cards at a time from DW autoshops, checked them all to see if they were live.

I then took the live ones and check the balances on that! This is what I found:
◾️Average of 5 cards were live.
◾️From the 5 live cards, only 1 had a significant balance of more or less $1000.

= This means that only 1/10 cards found on the DW, can actually be carded.

This experiment was done over and over maybe 20 times and those are the averages i determined.

It is very important to know the balance as you will most likely fail if you dont. Its an instant flag if you try to card a $600 item whilst there is only $80 on the card.

Surely the real owner would have known he cannot card $600 with his broke ass. Payment processors, banks and other financial security tools are very smart!! Remember that.

3️⃣ Now that you have your target site and product, with a live card with sufficient funds on, you can start setting up your system.

You need to basically configure / spoof your setup to adapt the identity and location of your cardholder / accountholder.

You must make the payment processor believe that you are the owner of the card!

Here is what you do:
◾️Clean your PC to remove all traces of your own existence. - Run CCleaner first and thereafter Bleachbit. It will clear all your cookies, cache, history and other traces.

◾️Use a VPN or RDP to protect yourself

This is for defense as a VPN encrypts all packets sent aswell as changing your location and this would make it very hard or almost impossible to trace you. a RDP will allow you to connect to another PC somewhere else in the world and wont connect your own PC to the crime.

Use an area in the same country as victim. Since this is only for defense, it doesn't have to be in the same city/state. Pick the most stable and fastest server in the country.

◾️ Now you have options and you need to use your discretion to determine the best possible way.

The options are:
◾️Use VMware / Vbox to card on a Virtual computer instead of your own. For defense and offense
◾️Use your own PC and browser.
◾️Use your own PC with Anti Detect/ Fraudfox browser.

These browsers should be used if you have the recent user agent of the victim. You can then setup your system to look exactly like the victims setup.

4️⃣ Whichever way you chose to go, step 4 is your most important offensive step

SOCKS5 proxies

Many people are debating about the best socks and where to get etc... In my opinion I say that it doesn't matter where you get your socks, as long as its clean.

However if I have to mention some decent socks suppliers, here you go:
vip72.com (Debatable - For advanced users)

You can use several methods and tools to connect with a proxy. The 2 most used ways are through Firefox Preferences or Proxifier. If you are new to carding the I suggest you simply use firefox browser to connect as Proxifier can be complicated. Here is how you connect with Firefox in my quick picture filled tuto:

Use http://www.ip-score.com/checkip/ or http://check2ip.com/ to see if your proxy is not listed on any blacklist due to previous fraud committed while using that proxy. Once you find a proxy in the area (Within 50km/30miles) of the account holder and the IP is clean, then you can carry on to step 5.

5️⃣ Now you must have your VPN/RDP as a base with your Socks5 proxy connected on top, your IP should be the proxy you are using.

Go to https://whoer.net and make sure that:

◾️IP is in same country than the DNS.

◾️Your time corresponds with the real time in the City of your victim. Simply change your timezone.

◾️Your proxy must have an adress with a ZIP and not be blank or N/A.

Check whoer.net where they show your anonymity rating in %.

It will explain to you what is still wrong and how to fix it. 90% is okay, depending on your setup and whether you are going with Javascript on or off (AD or Not).


There is no definite method that will work across the net on every site and item. As mentioned in the beginning, there are many different security systems in sites and processors and a method can work on one site, but not on another.

You need to study and experiment over and over again on the site you want to card and determine exactly what makes you fail and what makes you succeed. That\92s the only way unfortunately because of the following secret I am going to tell you:

All these guides on how to card certain websites, DOES NOT WORK 100% ANYMORE! Its most of the time a valid method that has been exploited by the carders already and it is already saturated or patched up and if its not, then it will soon be. No-one will give their working method away to the world because if it\92s that valuable to them to bring in thousands of dollars daily, why would they get it saturated by selling it for less than $5 in most cases.

I however do not card for a living and if I do find a working method, then I share it immediately because it attracts long term valuable customers.

I will now explain briefly how you to card websites in general. Some points wont be required and there might be some extra things to do at other places. But in general this will work as follow:

1️⃣ Choose the site you want to card

2️⃣ Get an appropriate Card/PayPal to card the site

3️⃣ Start your VPN or RDP in the same country as your CARD (Not as site)

4️⃣ Connect with socks 5 closest to the card / account owner. In USA it has to be close or Inside the same City , but for the rest of the world you can get away with just getting socks in the same country. However always try to go as close as possible.

5️⃣ Get an email address at a popular provider like gmail, yahoo, aol, Hotmail etc.

6️⃣ Get a phone number with the area code as close as possible to owner of card. Some sites allow you to use virtual phone numbers but other dont. You can get virtual phone numbers at textnow.com / Googlevoice. Real numbers you can get at Verizon (You can get hacked Verizon accounts)

7️⃣ Register an account at the site with your card owner\92s details and new email and phone numbers for verification. Always try to verify as much information as you can.

8️⃣ After registration you should do a final check on your setup to assure that everything is 100%. You should check your IP if its in the desired location and not blacklisted. Clean your PC with the cleaner apps and finally setup your browser / AD /Fraudfox to spoof the user agent IF you have this info.

9️⃣ If the above was all done then you can proceed to go buy the item of your choice with your fake account. This is straight forward normal buying procedure as if you are the owner of the card. Any person can buy something online.


To delete FLASH(macromedia) cookies you should go to the: C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Application Data\Macromedia then delete everything there, or you can use Plugin for firefox (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/forget_me_not/?src=search).

Also you can use ccleaner - Delete DNS CACHE.

There are one more way how to use paypal. Install vmware, english one, set up time as socks's time, use proxifier set stick in it on remotly, do it to change dns, check dns there - whoer.net/ext.

If you decide to use the same vmware copy you must clean the system. You should do the same things as in dedicative server. Delete cookies, flash cookies, etc. Do not forget to use change MAC of your vmware.


All The Reasons Why PayPal Might Limit Your Account PayPal Might Limit Your Account and Freeze Your Funds Because:

◾️You received too much money into your account (this can be any amount that is not in proportion to what you normally received during the average history of your account).

◾️You transferred too much money out of your account ($2,000 US is the rumored amount that triggers the fraud system).

◾️You called customer service at PayPal and made somebody angry (there are documented cases of irate customers calling PayPal only to find out their accounts were limited moments after the phone call was made).

◾️PayPal has reason to believe you have more than the allowed two PayPal accounts (One Personal Account/One Premier Account).

◾️Somebody filed a complaint with PayPal about you (a buyer or a seller or an interested third party).

◾️You filed a complaint against somebody (a buyer or a seller).

◾️You initiated a chargeback with your credit card company.

◾️You initiated a chageback with your credit card company before you filed a claim through PayPal's Buyer or Seller Protection Program.

◾️PayPal thinks you are trying to avoid paying PayPal fees by charging excessive shipping & handling charges for your sales.

◾️PayPal thinks you are using your PayPal account to speculate in the currency market.

◾️PayPal doesn't agree with some content on your website (example: a man who ran a well known blog had his PayPal account limited because his website contained a link to the Pearl terrorist killing. He accepted PayPal donations on his website for his news blog).

◾️PayPal believes you are in violation of its User Agreement.

◾️PayPal believes you are in violation of its Acceptable Use Policy (example: PayPal believes you used your account to purchase a dirty book or dirty magazine).

◾️PayPal believes you are in violation of its Privacy Policy (example: you gave information to the police about a fraud suspect who is also a PayPal member).

◾️PayPal believes you are in violation of their User Agreement.

◾️You used your PayPal Debit Card to purchase material that PayPal finds objectionable (even if it's legal in the real world).

◾️You charged too much money on your PayPal Debit Card.

◾️You went on vacation and used your debit card in another state or another country.

◾️You used your PayPal debit card to make an online transaction that was not through PayPal (or a telephone order).

◾️You refunded a buyer through your PayPal account -- but did not use the proper refund methods.

◾️You lost a dispute claim.

◾️You are late Paying your eBay fees -- or you owe eBay money.

◾️You received a negative feedback comment on your eBay account.

◾️You chose to use your PayPal account without verifying it.

◾️PayPal believes that your account information is not up-to-date -- even if they have no grounds to actually believe it.

◾️PayPal tried to contact you over the phone and you did not answer.

◾️You were the victim of fraud (example: you clicked on a link in an email that you thought was from PayPal but it was really a phishing website).

◾️You reported to PayPal an unauthorized purchase made on your PayPal account or your credit card.

◾️You moved into a house or new apartment that was occupied by somebody with a limited PayPal account.

◾️You logged into your PayPal account from a location that was not your usual log in location (example: friend's house or place of employment).

◾️PayPal has linked your account with another person who has a limited account and/or outstanding issues to resolve with PayPal.

◾️PayPal froze your account because they linked you as being "associated" with a family member of yours that has an outstanding PayPal problem to deal with.

◾️After conducting a credit check on you, your credit score was too high, too low or you had too many open lines of credit or debt. *A third party contacts PayPal saying -- without evidence -- that you are engaging in fraudulent activity. *PayPal suspects you are engaging in fraudulent activity.

◾️PayPal believes that your business practices are risky and pose a potential harm to yourself, to PayPal and to other PayPal members. *The phone number you registered with PayPal happens to be the same phone number of somebody who has/had PayPal problems. *You new ISP number was associated with somebody who has/had PayPal problems.

◾️You conducted a transaction with an individual who has PayPal problems (such as a buyer or a seller). PayPal will "link" you with that person.

◾️You sold something and the buyer was a con artist or scammer. You get "linked" to that person.

◾️You violated PayPal's user agreement by posting anti-PayPal writings or thoughts in a public place (example: internet) *Your name, your address, your phone number, or your ISP is SIMILIAR to a person who has/had PayPal problems.

◾️You were associated with a person who has a frozen PayPal account.

◾️You refused PayPal's request for very private information about yourself.

◾️PayPal requested information from you which you supplied -- but you did not supply it fast enough.

◾️You logged into your PayPal account from a public internet cafe.

◾️You sold an item on eBay that is popular for scammers to sell (high priced items or popular items like Rolex watches, Play Stations, Computers, etc.)

◾️You sold a Play Station 3 on eBay.

◾️You sold an online e-book to a buyer who later filed a complaint against you -- PayPal asked you for a tracking number and you could not provide it.

◾️You went to PayPal's website and logged in using a proxy service or other anonymous software that you use to protect yourself on the internet.

◾️While registering, you typed your name wrong into your personal profile (example: Smith, John when it should be John Smith)

◾️You bought or sold something that was on PayPal's Restricted Items List (academic software, concert tickets, OEM software, surveillance equipment or adult material, etc.)

◾️You sent money to a country that is on PayPal's unauthorized list.

◾️You received money from a country that is on PayPal's unauthorized list.

◾️The bank account you verified with PayPal was a new account.

◾️You have a high credit card balance that triggered PayPal's fraud detection system -- a high card balance means a higher risk that you will engage in fraud.

◾️PayPal conducted a third party investigation of you. Based on those findings, they limited your account (you have been sued, arrested, charged with a crime, have too many debts etc.).

◾️PayPal tried to withdraw money from your bank account or credit card and was declined.

◾️You PayPal account shares similar details with an account that has already been frozen.

◾️You PayPal account is in the negative.

◾️Your PayPal account might become in the negative.

◾️A chargeback was filed against you.

◾️You attempted to modify or change your personal details but were not able to.

◾️You removed your bank account or credit card information from your PayPal account.

◾️PayPal believes you are not who you say you are.

◾️You withdrew or transferred $2,500 or more from your PayPal account within 24 hours or over a weekend.

◾️You did something strange (example: transferred money to a roommate with a PayPal account or a family member).

◾️Your overall withdrawal and deposit activity is "suspicious."

◾️Your name on your social security number does not match EXACTLY what is on your PayPal account (example: Social Security Card/Number is *Robert Smith but your PayPal Is Will Smith


Dumps with Pin is a really great way to invest your money to make Great profits. , but to start making great profits you must know how to use Dumps+Pin!

When you buy a Dump with pin, each piece comes with the track2 and the Pin to that specific Dump. So, when making card you only need to write the track 2

For example:

4147097698495167=180320115218492901, this is the track2 and this is all you need in order to write dump on to card.

Majority of stores and ATM’s where dumps are used DO NOT NEED TRACK1

Dumps with Pin can be used all over the World where Visa, Master, AMEX, Discover and maestro are excepted. You can use dumps with pin at almost every ATM and Store. So, the best way to make full use of dumps is to check the balance at ATM and you can know the balance of each Account before going to make purchases.

Some customers struggle in being able to use 201 Chip dumps, but there are many ways to By-Pass chip.

These methods for 201 use are, the best method is using cards with the chip malfunctioned. This means that the card has a chip which is programmed to malfunction chip readers and automatically lets you swipe your card to make purchase. This works very good on VeriFone and Ingenico, which are the 2-main card and chips readers in majority of stores around the Globe.

Another method to use 201 dumps in stores is to Insert a card with a fake chip (not programmed chip) Insert 3 times and then this will malfunction chip reader for you to be able to swipe your card. These 2 methods are the best way to bypass chip readers for you to be able to swipe 201 dumps and again track1 is not needed to use any of the Dumps with Pin.

If you know how to use the dumps with pin, you will be able to maximize Profits for a longtime. In our shop, we also offer credit Dumps with Pin and there is 2 ways to use the Credit dumps. You can withdrawal cash from the atm with credit card Dumps+Pin. When withdrawing from Credit card you must select the credit card option on the ATM not Checking or Savings like the Debit dumps+Pin. when you do this, you will be able to withdrawal cash from the Credit Line of the Account. You can Keep withdrawing cash from ATM until the credit card has Reached its credit limit. Credit Limits are different all depending on the card holders available credit Limit.

Another way to use credit Dumps+Pin is to go to stores which have the option of using pin to with credit card purchases, this way usually works very Strong as compared to using credit card dumps with No PIN. But the Issue with this method is that many stores DO NOT have the option of using Pin to make credit card purchases but there are specific stores and markets which allow you to do so.

So, that’s what makes the credit Dumps+Pin different from debit Dumps+Pin. because Debit cards can be used with pin at ANY stores or markets. So, with the Pin of a debit card you can make any type of purchase you choose to make at any location. Many people choose to make money orders or make electronic purchases. Any type of purchase doesn’t matter but you must keep in mind that some Dumps work for a certain amount because people set up the accounts to minimize spending. But there is also cards with very large spending limits or withdrawal limits. it just depends on the account holder.

The main thing is to always know how to use Dumps+Pin and once you understand these Different factors that influence the working of dumps you will be able to maximize on all profits from Each piece. This mean understanding that all Pieces work differently for different amounts just depending on balances and card Spending/Withdrawal Limits. Sometimes the location of user also plays a factor in the Use of Dumps.



◾️Emv software
◾️ATM hacking software
◾️Blank card

The MSR is linked to the EMV software and ATM hacking software when you are about to write the dumps with pin on a blank card.

Then emv software makes the blanks card looks real and no one or machine will be able to detect that it’s a clone card they will see it to be a real card so no one can trace you or something.

The emv software is a software which protects the blank card and makes it look real. With that no atm will be able to detect that the dumps with pin was written by yourself but it’s will make it look like it was a card from the bank and also the emv software protects the card from any region block..without the emv software it is 50% that your dumps with pin is gone work or not but with the use of the emv software when the dumps with pin don’t work meaning the dumps is not legit

The ATM HACKING SOFTWARE helps you to breaks the limit of every ATM so you can cashout more than the ATM limit without no notice.meaning you can cashout all the amount in the card with the use of the atm hacking software

The blank card is what the dumps with pin is written on.

And the embosser is what write the numbers of the dumps with pin on the blank card. Understood

MSR Software + Guide ✅
EMV software ✅
Embosser : https://amzn.to/30x0ogb

That is the price for all the equipment you will need to make a clone card.

Meaning if the clone card will be done linking the emv software and atm hacking to the msr with the equipment listed above that will be the cost for it..Understood...The balance on the clone card is 60$k and above as same as the balance on the dumps with pin...When you order for the clone card and make cashout of all the balance at ones cuz the atm hacking is linked then you come back and order for the equipment with the some of the money cashed out from the clone card which was sent to you, after the equipment ordered for you just have to now order for just the dumps with pin and you will be taught how to make a clone card so that very will be simple for you.