I have been a member of this community for a little while, and have broadened my perspective, as well as sharpened my skills in certain aspects. my sole intention with this community is to be an asset and assist the newcomers with overcoming the starter hurdles so the learning curve isn't as frustrating as how i grew. i am fairly certain i have mentioned previously that i have been in this life for many years. Unfortunately i had a brief 5yr "vacation" (unrelated) and when i came home the game had changed significantly, being chip technology was in full effect. being experienced with the fundamentals made progress somewhat easier, but a task to say the least. in order to beat something effectively, you must know how it works instead of listening to recycled misinformation from people that have more than likely not been successful themselves. i recently posted a TRUE process to successfully utilize the software as the videos, and written tutorials floating around are either inaccurate or doesn't pertain to the average individual. let me reiterate and explain the difference in accuracy.
* Most tutorials focus on having a "donor" card to clone, but essentially majority are working with DUMPS and that process is significantly different. without having the original card that is where the .IST and ATR files come in and that having the compatible files are imperative to a successful copy. without them the APDU applets will not be correct, causing errors.
* It is a common question that when going to ATM some can get a balance, but an error following. This can be a couple different factors. MOST IMPORTANT is to generate 3 ARQC codes when cloning. ARQC codes are a 1 time use per transaction process. Generate 3 and this is 1 possible remedy.
CREDIT dumps have less encryption than DEBIT so if possible focus on CREDIT.
STAY AWAY from major bank branch ATM's as their Binary detection is more complex than less secure i.e. standalone or small branch machines. IDEALLY a trick i use is use the MASTERCARD ATM LOCATOR on their website. filter EMV option and it will show which machines don't have EMV technology incorporated in their machines. i speak from personal experience so if it differs elsewhere do some research. In my searches it has brought me to the MOM & POP stores with the standalones. you will be surprised how many businesses haven't transitioned even to today. when it comes to these small stores, it is more feasible to not spend a substantial amount of funds to upgrade unless they are hit by a carder.
These are only a couple examples and hopefully it clarifies some discrepancies to reevaluate the information you are basing your success on.
For me FRAUD is more than a YOUTUBE video and a couple softwares. It's a lifestyle in how i am wired. it takes Ambition, Intelligence, and MOST IMPORTANT the ability to think outside the box. i have been in this life longer than i knew it was a thing. from keeping my mini123 with me to swipe anything with a magstripe, to making funny money, creating IDs and documents etc.. i have a plethora of knowledge and techniques that have proven invaluable over the years and having a community of like-minded individuals to share these GEMS with is invigorating. It has been brought to my attention that negativity has been cast on my name without any reason and that infuriates me. i stand by my name and always have. i am obviously not going to share any personal info, but i am well known and highly regarded for many years. i believe in trustworthy business, and facts, so to hear this nonsense and not have the ability to get my hands on some lame hiding behind a keyboard trolling is frustrating.
The intention of this post before i went on a rant is to offer a copy of X2 (2020) even though it is outdated, my intention is to show it's authenticity. i have EVERY edition since the original X1 as well as any other supplemental software to effectively Get SWIPIN @ backdoordownloads.com. as well as MGM GRAND.
I hope this was helpful and at least answered some questions. feel free to ask and if i know, i will be more than happy to assist. This community should be a fellowship, uniting to cash in on the unlimited potential from financial institutions and not each other. LET'S MAKE THIS $$
* Most tutorials focus on having a "donor" card to clone, but essentially majority are working with DUMPS and that process is significantly different. without having the original card that is where the .IST and ATR files come in and that having the compatible files are imperative to a successful copy. without them the APDU applets will not be correct, causing errors.
* It is a common question that when going to ATM some can get a balance, but an error following. This can be a couple different factors. MOST IMPORTANT is to generate 3 ARQC codes when cloning. ARQC codes are a 1 time use per transaction process. Generate 3 and this is 1 possible remedy.
CREDIT dumps have less encryption than DEBIT so if possible focus on CREDIT.
STAY AWAY from major bank branch ATM's as their Binary detection is more complex than less secure i.e. standalone or small branch machines. IDEALLY a trick i use is use the MASTERCARD ATM LOCATOR on their website. filter EMV option and it will show which machines don't have EMV technology incorporated in their machines. i speak from personal experience so if it differs elsewhere do some research. In my searches it has brought me to the MOM & POP stores with the standalones. you will be surprised how many businesses haven't transitioned even to today. when it comes to these small stores, it is more feasible to not spend a substantial amount of funds to upgrade unless they are hit by a carder.
These are only a couple examples and hopefully it clarifies some discrepancies to reevaluate the information you are basing your success on.
For me FRAUD is more than a YOUTUBE video and a couple softwares. It's a lifestyle in how i am wired. it takes Ambition, Intelligence, and MOST IMPORTANT the ability to think outside the box. i have been in this life longer than i knew it was a thing. from keeping my mini123 with me to swipe anything with a magstripe, to making funny money, creating IDs and documents etc.. i have a plethora of knowledge and techniques that have proven invaluable over the years and having a community of like-minded individuals to share these GEMS with is invigorating. It has been brought to my attention that negativity has been cast on my name without any reason and that infuriates me. i stand by my name and always have. i am obviously not going to share any personal info, but i am well known and highly regarded for many years. i believe in trustworthy business, and facts, so to hear this nonsense and not have the ability to get my hands on some lame hiding behind a keyboard trolling is frustrating.
The intention of this post before i went on a rant is to offer a copy of X2 (2020) even though it is outdated, my intention is to show it's authenticity. i have EVERY edition since the original X1 as well as any other supplemental software to effectively Get SWIPIN @ backdoordownloads.com. as well as MGM GRAND.
I hope this was helpful and at least answered some questions. feel free to ask and if i know, i will be more than happy to assist. This community should be a fellowship, uniting to cash in on the unlimited potential from financial institutions and not each other. LET'S MAKE THIS $$