Lecture: Introduction to Security


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Lecturer: crowe

[19:20:34] <crowe> I apologize for the delay! Today we will conduct a lecture in the rhythm that is familiar to you.

Then I answer your questions.

[19:20:56] <crowe>

[19:21:01] <crowe> Introduction to security

[19:21:16] <crowe> I will try to explain in simple language how you can theoretically be hacked. I will manage without complicated terms for ordinary users of the lecture. I will also give you a colorful idea of hacking the operating system, and more advanced users will read technical information between the lines.

[19:21:30] <crowe> I believe that a user of any operating system, and especially those who are involved in this work, needs to understand that professional viruses are not an executable file that has been renamed to a document and asks you to run (stiller or warrior). And not always blocking macros will prevent an attacker from executing code on your system.

[19:22:30] <crowe> I myself use various OSes, from Windows to Linux, and have long been no longer a supporter of such holivars, which I will analyze a bit later on the example with MacBooks).

[19:23:10] <crowe> I work on Linux, but sometimes use Windows. Further, there will be a lot of negativity about Linux, but it is not associated with any fanatical beliefs, I just want to objectively tell and convince you that it doesn’t matter what operating system you use - they can crack you everywhere.

[19:23:21] <crowe> Remember my words with which I completed the articles on Encryption, namely in the Epilogue ..

[19:23:29] <crowe> Security is the so-called weak link phenomenon. It is as strong as the weakest link in the chain. Strong encryption is often a strong link.

[19:23:35] <crowe> As human beings, we are usually a weak link. As they say, my tongue is my enemy.

[19:23:40] <crowe> Your choice of operating system is important to your security, privacy and anonymity. Different operating systems are suitable for different needs.

[19:23:44] <crowe> For example, to draw graphics for you, I need to leave Linux on Windows since I need Photoshop and other graphic editors, we’ll talk more about that. But I think the basic message of the information is clear.

[19:23:51] <crowe> The purpose of this section is to help you understand this difficult situation. Answer the questions: which operating system is suitable for your requirements based on risks and why you want to use it, for a specific situation, for specific requirements.

[19:23:58] <crowe> It's like at school, to teach you how to orient yourself on the ground, it's exactly the same here, since your paranoia will not bring you to good. After all, without knowledge you can only make it worse ..

[19:24:06] <crowe> Promise and clarity

[19:24:20] <crowe> Let's talk about our choice of operating system and how it affects your security, because the operating system is the real basis of your security.

[19:24:29] <crowe> There are many misconceptions when it comes to operating systems and security. You have probably heard, for example, that MacBooks cannot be infected with viruses.

[19:24:37] <crowe> Also, many people constantly discuss how much a holey Windows operating system can be argued for years, but I wonder how safe Linux is?

[19:26:23] <crowe> And there are people, let's call their Linux camp, who think that Linux is the best operating system. If you ask fans of Linux, and if you have an antivirus, then the answer will be only laughter.

[19:26:32] <crowe> The argument is that Linux was created by professionals, and everything is protected by default (standard). Here we plant our beloved dog for Ubuntu and you can not worry about its data.

[19:26:38] <crowe> In general, there are two things that are endless, the universe and the fools. Everything is clear with the universe, but what about the latter? Here's how to explain to various Windows users that you cannot work without anti-virus protection? And how to explain to the creators of MEGA Information Security Systems (antiviruses in the common people) that you cannot protect yourself from hacking by an access matrix (this is when they block reading or writing of certain files, that is, access control) and that hacking is not always: “Threat detected: autorun process .exe, trying to write to the system registry branch. "

[19:26:43] <crowe> Your security looks good only in theory. Suppose you are the same Ubuntu user, you install this OS on the PC of your beloved dog Bob. Then many say the following - if Bob receives myDocument.docx message to Bob, then even if it turns out to be an executable file, and he starts it according to the instructions, then nothing will happen - after all, for most actions, you need the root password (administrator password in the sense). Are you seriously? Are you defending yourself from the invasion of the elementary school? Or, after all, from attackers who are members of criminal gangs, control large financial flows and simply mow loot on their brothers?

[19:26:52] <crowe> This is a reference to those users who use and blindly believe in Information Security Tools (SES) or those courses that were taught to them in textbooks on Information Security (IS).

[19:27:01] <crowe> Once upon a time, when Linux was just in its infancy, its users were mostly professionals. But over time, distributions convenient for the simple user appeared and the number of housewife users began to grow. And what does any housewife do? That's right, he makes Internet payments, and wherever the money flies there, like bees to a swarm of different scum who wants to fix his finances for free. 90% of housewives use Windows - and viruses are developed for this operating system, and only at least 20-30% of housewives will switch to Linux, then big finances for the development of malware will immediately pour in. And reports from antivirus companies show a slow but increasing number of such programs.

[19:27:11] <crowe> Okay, back to Bob, the only reason you don’t worry about your safety is that developing a Trojan under its OS is unprofitable. And here it is - economically disadvantageous, the possible income of the attackers will be less than the costs. How long this will continue is a big question.

[19:27:29] <crowe> But still, technically, how possible is it that Bob is hacked and the data is gone? If Bob’s security hobby is that nobody needs him and the viruses for his OS are not yet written, then this is a game of Russian roulette.

[19:27:41] <crowe> Alice, Bob’s girlfriend, knows that Bob’s account has a tidy amount of coins (BEETHOVENY)))), the key rests on Pinocchio’s PC, and together with Pinocchio they decided to figure it out for two. What they need for this: a small start-up capital, direct hands of Pinocchio and a little courage.

[19:28:00] <crowe> Alice knows that Bob is using Ubuntu 14 LTS. How does Bob hack the process? He, like most users, believes that Alice will send him an e-mail file with an attachment that he will be asked to launch and since he considers himself a specialist in the PC field and he will not start the file, then of course his data is safe!

[19:28:11] <crowe> Mnogohodovochka from Pedro

[19:28:19] <crowe> Then Alice goes to some nameless and shadow resource and buys from Pedro a vulnerability to Bob’s favorite browser for the Nth amount of forever green. Pedro not only provides Alice with technical information about the vulnerability, but also sends an example for Pinocchio (Alice’s accomplice).

[19:28:25] <crowe> https://imgur.com/a/YMCfx

[19:28:36] <crowe> The vulnerability Alice receives is a zero-day vulnerability in Google Chrome. For example, open holes CVE-2015-1233 or CVE-2014-3177, CVE-2014-3176, CVE-2013-6658 (see screenshots above) and how many are not closed yet and are known only in limited circles - a big question . (we will analyze in more detail later).

[19:28:47] <crowe> see the link above (screenshots where)

[19:29:01] <crowe> Take your time, take the time to look normally

[19:29:24] <crowe> As can be seen from the description of vulnerabilities (see screenshots above), Alice can execute code in the context of the process and it will work not only on Windows, but also on Linux and Mac OS. Vulnerabilities are taken as an example randomly. Once again, these are BROWSER vulnerabilities.

[19:29:39] <crowe> Pinocchio composes a script (JS - Java Script) and writes there a shell code (a set of lines that are written on the command line), which should be executed on the target system - Bob’s PC. To do this, he needs to somehow pass the link. The first option with mail Alice and Pinocchio immediately dismissed - Bob is a cautious user and does not open links from the mail. Then they decided to improvise a bit. They know that Bob is an ordinary person and does not suffer from paranoia ... Okay, in short, it’s not the point, for simplicity, Bob just clicked on the link - Alice persuaded, there was a gasket, or what kind of crap is not important. In general, he switched.

[19:29:52] <crowe> After Bob visited the link in the context of his browser process, a small code was executed that wrote Pinocchio - just a few commands that later downloaded the virus body and went into its execution. But what about. Bob is sure that Alice just shows him her photos, no files are downloaded to the disk, there are no warnings, no one asks for passwords from root.

[19:30:05] <crowe> We increase privileges

[19:30:16] <crowe> After the development of Pinocchio began to carry out its first instructions on Bob's processor, the question arose, what to do next? In Bob’s theory, even if an infection occurs, he won’t be anything, Bob set up a complex password for root access, and suddenly he won’t enter it at any cost.

[19:30:23] <crowe> Pinocchio and Alice foresaw such a question and resolved it in advance. The same Pedro told them that he had a couple of zero-day vulnerabilities in the Linux kernel, like the latest vulnerabilities in the kernel version 3.17 and 3.14 - CVE-2014-9322, CVE-2014-3153.

[19:30:30] <crowe> Having read the description of vulnerabilities, Pinocchio realized that they would allow him to execute code in the context of Bob’s kernel. And all he needs is for his malicious application to take advantage of these fresh holes and execute the code in ring-0.

[19:30:41] <crowe> While Bob suspects Alice’s unsuspecting photos, Pinocchio’s code has already seriously intruded into his system’s expanses and neither the antivirus (it simply doesn’t exist) nor anything else can even display a message about intrusion. Since Pinocchio decided not to stop there, he went on. Once at the lowest level of Bob’s OS, where only trusted code is supposed to be executed, Pinocchio began searching for the file that is responsible for running the OS. As soon as the Pinocchio software found this file, it modifies it so that when the Bob's PC restarts, the Pinocchio code continues to be executed.

[19:30:52] <crowe> Rootkit (in Russian, "rootkit") - a program or a set of programs to hide traces of the presence of an attacker or malicious program in the system.

[19:31:05] <crowe> And so Pinocchio and Alice got access to Pinocchio's PC running Linux, but how can they hide their presence? Bob is not a fool and every 5 minutes they will check the integrity of the OS system files. For this, Pinocchio decided that they would rewrite the code of the operating system itself, which is loaded into Bob’s PC memory, but how? After all, if you carry out the same actions on Windows, then one small system component will detect this and force restart the PC.

[19:31:28] <crowe> Bob is not worried about his safety - after all, even if the malicious code is executed in the kernel, then in the latest versions of the Linux kernel, system memory areas are write-protected. Even if Pinocchio tries to rewrite the OS code in RAM, the processor will give an error and the PC will reboot.

[19:31:37] <crowe> of course

[19:31:39] <crowe> We can

[19:32:46] <crowe> Then Pinocchio opened the documentation for the processor, which is on Bob’s PC and began to study ... He knows that the architecture of the processor is Bob x86, but what does it give? After all, the necessary pages in the kernel have write protection. Then Pinocchio drew attention to the register cr0 - a small memory block in which data is stored with which the processor works. And what will happen if I set the 16th bit to zero, quickly overwrite the necessary kernel methods and immediately restore the register - Pinocchio thought. And so he did, as it turned out if you reset this bit to zero, then write protection can be temporarily disabled.

[19:32:58] <crowe> In this way Pinocchio gained full control over Bob’s OS, but then they found and fixed the vulnerability, but the code that entered this way in Bob’s OS could not be found. Every minute integrity control shows that not a single file in the system is changed - the Pinocchio program simply replaces it when reading. There are no new processes - the malicious process is simply hidden and if there are solutions on another OS that have been discovering such techniques for a long time, then this is not the case under Bob's OS.

[19:33:14] <crowe> In general, the conclusion, Alice and Pinocchio took pity on Bob ... and deleted all his files. Oh well, seriously, never be so fanatically confident about anything. I tried to state the essence of the problem in a light form and without technical terms.

[19:33:27] <crowe> Epilogue

[19:33:37] <crowe> I wanted to show simple principles with this simple story. How does all this happen, that it is necessary to clearly separate virtualization and use it, because virtualization is another large-scale thing in your security setting. We will come back to this.

[19:33:46] <crowe> That is, do not try to surf any resources on your PC, open suspicious links and download any unnecessary software, and it’s still not clear where to carefully approach your security issues regarding JS and include it on trusted resources and more.

[19:34:00] <crowe> But as I promised earlier, I will not nightmare you. Typically, such vulnerabilities cost a lot of money, and the fact that it’s you who are hacked is reduced, while they are interested in you, the probability is extremely small.

[19:34:15] <crowe> Risk Assessment

[19:34:32] <crowe> In this part of the article, I would like to visually make some kind of risk assessment based on these points so that you can do it yourself as well. without any special skills, purely by its logic. We knowingly in the previous article abstracted and analyzed vulnerabilities, penetration modeling and other points.

[19:35:02] <crowe> But why ask you .. Why did I tell you now about this, and the fact that not only the safety features matter. We worry about what our real risk is in the real world, and to determine it, we also need to take into account the history of bugs and security vulnerabilities. How weak, in fact, was a particular operating system? Perhaps you are interested in the question, which of the operating systems will we consider the weakest? Windows, OS X, or various Linux systems, perhaps the Linux kernel, which of them was the most vulnerable in history?

[19:35:22] <crowe> https://www.cvedetails.com is a free database / source of information about CVE vulnerabilities (This is a generally accepted standard for naming vulnerabilities present in commercial and open-source software products). You can view vulnerability information by CVE number, exploits, vulnerability links, metasplit modules, a complete list of vulnerable products and cvss assessment reports and vulnerability tops over time, and much more.

[19:35:38] <crowe> Let's try to work with this site. First, we will go to this page of the site - https://www.cvedetails.com/top-50-products.php - here is a list: “Top 50 products by the total number of vulnerable vulnerabilities” (from 1999 to the present) .

[19:35:55] <crowe> And as we can see on the first line we have Linux Kernel - speaking in Russian. This is the Linux Kernel, as we see it takes the first line in terms of quantity .. And you probably ask what the hell? Linux you should be a standard.

[19:37:30] <crowe> Okay, let's figure it out! The numbers that are shown in the right column are the number of vulnerabilities found in a particular operating system or application.

[19:37:40] <crowe> https://i.imgur.com/yz6dmcX.png

[19:37:49] <crowe> https://i.imgur.com/LhiTLgC.png

[19:38:03] <crowe> There is a difference of 3 months between the data in the screenshots

[19:38:18] <crowe> And so it will be further

[19:38:35] <crowe> Let's go down to the bottom of the web page. We see there the following “Total number of vulnerabilities of 50 products by manufacturers” (see screenshots above).

[19:39:05] <crowe> And as we can see Linux is no longer on the first line, but you say that Windows (Microsoft) is constantly updated, and it has a bunch of products on the Office market and other programs, and Apple has different versions of the operating system and their nuances too ..

[19:39:25] <crowe> Yes, that's right. All of you will be right, but Linux has a bunch of everything ... Let's take a closer look at the specifics of this use.

[19:39:41] <crowe> I want to teach you self-analysis. And the best way is to teach at least the base, just so that you start thinking with your head, and not the head of some school hacker, who are now divorced and who want to sell something without knowing the niche itself and the many moments that flow from it.

[19:39:58] <crowe> Okay, we won’t be very abstruse, it’s better to sort it out in practice, and there I think you yourself will understand what I want to tell you about.

[19:40:12] <crowe> Go to the page https://www.cvedetails.com/vendor.php?vendor_id=33 - this page shows Linux Vulnerability Statistics

[19:40:22] <crowe> https://i.imgur.com/eYcMyc6.png

[19:40:31] <crowe> https://i.imgur.com/r8bDjUF.png

[19:40:45] <crowe> Let's get to know the first thing you should pay attention to (see screenshots above).

[19:41:00] <crowe> 1. The number of vulnerabilities by year

[19:41:17] <crowe> 2. Vulnerabilities by type

[19:41:48] <crowe> Now you need to make out which parameters you should pay attention to:

[19:42:08] <crowe> The first thing we should pay attention to is the number of vulnerabilities by years (figure 1), as we can see that every year there is a trend towards increased vulnerability detection;

[19:42:24] <crowe> The second thing we should pay attention to is the degree of danger of vulnerabilities (figure 2), as we can see serious here are the execution of the code (Execute Code) and the buffer overflow (Overflow).

[19:42:41] <crowe> Red and orange

[19:42:55] <crowe> • The red column is the execution of code on the client side without his knowledge, I think no need to tell what is fraught.

[19:43:06] <crowe> • The orange column is a buffer overflow, ie this refers to a phenomenon that occurs when a computer program writes data outside of a buffer allocated in memory. It is fraught with the fact that an increase in the level of privileges and a whole bunch more .. You can read more at https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffer_Fill

[19:43:15] <crowe> https://i.imgur.com/ilfcwll.png

[19:43:29] <crowe> https://i.imgur.com/Ny4goay.png

[19:43:43] <crowe> And for the sake of completeness, we can go a little higher and see a table with vulnerability trends over time (see screenshots above) based on structured data, we can easily analyze, since we see data ranking according to the time cycle (year) and also according to the degree of danger of the ulcers (these are columns).

[19:44:01] <crowe> As we see in the first screenshot for October 2017, it was found: 166 potentially dangerous vulnerabilities in code execution (number 1) and 37 potentially dangerous vulnerabilities in overflow (number 2);

[19:44:51] <crowe> Then, when 2017 is over, we see the following statistics: 169 vulnerabilities in code execution and 42 in buffer overflows.

[19:45:11] <crowe> A little remark, I just update the training and on this I can make such statistics, in fact you do not need to wait 3 months, you can compare by years. I just thought that it would be nice to give such statistics, but not to delete the old one.

[19:45:28] <crowe> https://i.imgur.com/yYYTnra.png

[19:45:45] <crowe> https://i.imgur.com/JjAUSS3.png

[19:45:59] <crowe> Detailed vulnerability statistics: 1st code execution and 2nd buffer overflow

[19:46:10] <crowe> You can also click on these numbers and see detailed statistics on vulnerabilities (see screenshots above).

[19:46:19] <crowe> Developer Analysis

[19:46:33] <crowe> Now we have a small picture of how everything works, we analyzed it on the basis of Linux, but several candidates are required for analysis. Now I will consider in a brief capacious form on the example of 3 main developers, namely:

[19:46:47] <crowe> • Linux

[19:47:05] <crowe> • Microsoft

[19:47:35] <crowe> • Apple

[19:47:55] <crowe> https://i.imgur.com/LhiTLgC.png

[19:48:12] <crowe> we took this screenshot at the beginning

[19:48:29] <crowe> As we can see (see the screenshot above) in the general vulnerability statistics for all products:

[19:48:43] <crowe> • Microsoft - 8938 vulnerabilities;

[19:48:52] <crowe> • Apple - 5408 vulnerabilities;

[19:49:09] <crowe> • Linux Kernel - 2000 vulnerabilities.

[19:49:20] <crowe> https://i.imgur.com/Ny4goay.png

[19:49:27] <crowe> https://i.imgur.com/oep1hkM.png

[19:49:34] <crowe> https://i.imgur.com/6GUuyXq.png

[19:49:45] <crowe> top to bottom: Microsoft, Apple, Linux

[19:49:57] <crowe> https://i.imgur.com/ESqV1dc.png

[19:50:10] <crowe> To make it easier for you to open and read

[19:50:34] <crowe> For a better understanding, it will give information just like that ..

[19:50:49] <crowe> https://i.imgur.com/6uNE2SP.png

[19:51:02] <crowe> https://i.imgur.com/SgrbSMH.png

[19:51:15] <crowe> Here it will be easier on the screenshot

[19:51:26] <crowe> Let's look at some of these beliefs based on facts and statistics, and find out what we’ll actually come to when it comes to the security of these operating systems.

[19:51:34] <crowe> So, 1st, we will be disassembling Windows, how much a holey Windows operating system can be argued for years. Actually, as I said earlier ... It is enough to look at the statistics previously described and that red light should light up in your consciousness that would signal you.

[19:51:41] <crowe> But statistics are statistics, but let's see why. She initially had a weak security system .. It is worth giving her credit. In later versions of Microsoft operating systems, they began to take security issues seriously.

[19:51:52] <crowe> And taking into account the latest products, the latest security features such as: BitLocker, EMET, Device Guard, Windows Hello and trusted Windows applications trusted apps, now there is a very serious set of security features.

[19:52:03] <crowe> But is this really so? In general, I agree that the security of Windows operating systems is gradually improving, but this is not enough, and even more so for us.

[19:52:16] <crowe> In these operating systems, everything is closely interconnected with Microsoft servers, all your actions in the system are reported to Microsoft servers by strings, Windows also fail, especially in the current version of Windows 10, problems associated with surveillance and confidentiality, this is not particularly related to security tools, but it pushes some people away what to say about us ..

[19:52:40] <crowe> I would recommend reading article - so you can look at the picture as a whole from the side.

[19:52:55] <crowe> Important point: If you read the license agreement from Microsoft that comes with every Windows operating system, you will see that they will give your encryption key from BitLocker on the first call from law enforcement, and this will queue stumbles upon the idea, what the hell is Windows ?! Why are you storing my encryption passwords on your servers, what the hell.

[19:53:08] <crowe> The fact is that by “ticking” the license agreement with Microsoft, users give corporations the right to manage their data. “We can access, disclose and store for ourselves your personal data, including any content, any files on your devices, in your letters and in other types of personal communications, if we have reason to consider it necessary to protect our customers or to comply conditions governing the use of our services ”- reads the license agreement.

[19:53:22] <crowe> In other words, everything you say on the Web, write, save, create or download on your computer or any other device with Win 10, all this can be remotely deleted or copied from you - if someone at Microsoft decides that they need it. That is, under the terms of Microsoft’s EULA, even the authorization of the authorities is not required to interfere with and control the privacy of customers!

[19:53:32] <crowe> Only enough permissions when installing OC from users who are too lazy to read the full license agreement.

[19:53:40] <crowe> As I said, I will not disassemble Windows, my goal is to provide you with information so that you can see it and make some kind of comparative visual analysis.

[19:53:47] <crowe> Most likely I will write an article about it shortly, and then I will refer to it ... It will be published in my section. If I find time for this ...

[19:53:58] <crowe> Mac OS X

[19:54:09] <crowe> Next we have it, Mac OS X, for today, again, like Windows, it contains reliable security features. Things like randomization of address space allocation, sandbox for launching applications, FileVault 2, privacy settings and Apple's trusted application store (AppStore). All strong security features.

[19:54:23] <crowe> But if not for one “BUT” Mac OS X also has privacy issues

[19:54:46] <crowe> If you upgraded to Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10), and you use the default settings, every time you start entering Spotlight (to open an application or find a file on your computer), local search terms and location that are sent to Apple and third parties (including Microsoft) (see screenshot https://puu.sh/xTGkj/dbe1f88d3e.png).

[19:55:02] <crowe> The Washington Post also posted a Yosemite live video tracking demo.

[19:55:15] <crowe> Let's open it https://www.washingtonpost.com/post...-os-x-yosemite-tracks-you/2014/10/22/66df4386 -59f1-11e4-9d6c-756a229d8b18_video.html I want to add right away, if anyone is bad with English and with understanding, do not try to translate, then we will analyze everything in parts

[19:55:28] <crowe> By the way the other day about poppy also came out info about hacking is not very good news, I did not prepare a text for it, but google for 2 times

[19:55:39] <crowe> Let's take a look at this video, and whoever has a bad English will try to make out all the key points that you just watched.

[19:55:46] <crowe> 1. For example, a simple Spotlight search output, a tool for finding files on your operating system, now transfers your location and the names of the files you are looking for to Apple on an ongoing basis. You may notice that your location is transferred to Apple even though you do not see the corresponding notification icon. They decided to withhold this notification under the pretext that users would be overloaded with too many notification messages. This means that if you agreed to use geolocation services, then you also agreed to transfer information about your location to Apple (see screenshot https://puu.sh/xTGyC/11d372083a.jpg)

[19:55:53] <crowe> Let's open the .gif animation (https://puu.sh/xTGZQ/58a24bfd28.gif) and analyze it

[19:56:04] <crowe> You may notice that data begins to be sent before you type, just as you press keys, that is, when I type, text is also sent))

[19:56:15] <crowe> As we can see, the author of the video says: “I’m looking for a document on my computer called“ secret plans that Obama leaked to me ”, and Apple receives information about this together with my location and user ID, which is a unique string of letters and numbers used for my identification. Apple tells us that this value changes every 15 minutes, but we have to believe that the new value does not bind to the previous one. Again, they get information about our location, and as the author shows, that he really is in the Washington Post office, based on the transmitted coordinates.

[19:56:29] <crowe> Okay, let's quickly talk about how we can turn off these things with surveillance

[19:56:52] <crowe> To disable these things, we first need to go to System Preferences> Spotlight (https://puu.sh/xTJ6F/e59027c2cd.png), we see in the screenshot all the places where Spotlight looks in order to search for you. This can be very helpful. However, this may be a privacy issue, as you can see. I would recommend disabling everything, but if you need something you can of course leave it.

[19:57:08] <crowe> If you use Safari, then you need to disable the following, click Safari> Preferences> Search and uncheck the Include Spotlight Suggestions checkbox (see the screenshot https://puu.sh/xTJ2m/dcb32d4c13. png)

[19:57:43] <crowe> There is also a good guide here, a link of karoch, it contains a lot of information about privacy issues in Mac OS X. More specifically, the site certificate has expired and the project seems to be dying. But if anyone has an old axis, you can deal with this problem, so I think it’s inappropriate to write about it

[19:57:45] <crowe> https://github.com/drduh/macOS-Security-and-Privacy-Guide

[19:57:57] <crowe> Next, we have Linux-like operating systems, the very foundation of our course. Please read this article before reading further.

[19:58:15] <crowe> In your case, I gave it yesterday, but today I’ll repeat all the links in principle on DZ so do not worry guys

[19:58:16] <crowe> :)

[19:58:36] <crowe> Linux-like operating systems, Unix-like operating systems. There is a wide variety of them; I group them all into one category. If you are looking for the most secure operating systems, then you will find them here, more precisely it will even say ONLY here.

[19:58:47] <crowe> Things like SELinux are a good example of this, it is an implementation of Delimited Mandatory Access Control - MAC, which meets the requirements of the government and the military.

[19:58:55] <crowe> Definition: Mandatory access control (MAC) - restriction of subjects' access to objects, based on assigning a confidentiality label for the information contained in objects and issuing official permissions (admission) subjects to access information of this level of confidentiality. Also sometimes translated as Forced Access Control. This is a method that combines protection and restriction of rights, applied to computer processes, data and system devices and designed to prevent their unwanted use.

[19:59:02] <crowe> SELinux (SELinux) is a kernel-level access control system. This is not so much an important point for you to focus on this point.

[19:59:13] <crowe> We will analyze more standard operating systems: Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch Linux, Tails, etc. - again, they all have fairly reliable security features.

[19:59:24] <crowe> When we look at Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, they are all in similar conditions.

[19:59:37] <crowe> But when it comes to their existing security features and capabilities. When we add privacy to our security kit, we need to start looking at Linux distributions.

[20:00:01] <crowe> I would recommend using Linux distributions for security, but you will have to sacrifice interoperability and usability. For example, you will not be able to use Photoshop or Microsoft Office, although this can be solved with the help of “wine” - what it is you can watch on YouTube, or maybe I will analyze it in this course. I don’t know, it takes a lot of time to write, a lot of disastrous ..

[20:00:16] <crowe> In a nutshell, if you don’t know, there are many, many operating systems that have evolved in a certain way since the mid-1960s from an operating system called UNIX (it was headed by a paid system for corporations, etc.)

[20:00:36] <crowe> I promised to give you a list of operating systems when I said that it’s worth choosing systems that have money to quickly eliminate vulnerabilities, here you can see clearly how many Linux distributions are and from whom they came from:

[20:00:50] <crowe> Just look at how many operating systems are based on Debian, now you can return to the statistics that we did on the analysis earlier, and look at it slightly from a different angle.

[20:01:00] <crowe> To do this, open: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1b/Linux_Distribution_Timeline.svg - plus of this link is that it is a * .SVG format, therefore you You can search for this genealogical tree via Ctrl + F directly in the browser;

[20:01:09] <crowe> Just look at how many operating systems are based on Debian, now you can return to the statistics that we did on the analysis earlier, and look at it slightly from a different angle.

[20:01:23] <crowe> Minutes 3 you can poke to see where everything comes from an important moment analysis in detail then read more

[20:01:38] <crowe> Here you will see that mainly distros have a so-called chassis, or rather not a chassis, you forget to forget this is my connector ... of course, it’s more like a carcass without casing .. something like that .. So here it is all have one and the main non-existent

[20:01:55] <crowe> also in Linux .. red hut, debian, arch .. they are basic as you can see

[20:02:25] <crowe> and from them everything develops in general look carefully poke then go read on

[20:02:45] <crowe> At least take a basic look at some distributions you know and their parents, so to speak

[20:03:02] <crowe> how it works

[20:03:19] <crowe> Okay .. We’re going further

[20:03:33] <crowe> I would recommend using distributions based on Debian - Debian, Kali Linux, Parrot OS, as well as Fedora, Arch Linux

[20:03:43] <crowe> At the end there will be a list with a bunch of distributors for Debian and in the same place with a little remark

[20:03:53] <crowe> Let's talk a little about these operating systems

[20:04:07] <crowe> As you already noticed when you became acquainted with * .SVG infographics above, the 2 main communities are Debian and RedHat, there are also a bunch of others, but as I said earlier: "if if you have a lesser-known Linux or Unix-like operating system, you may find that patching is slower because they are not backed by huge multibillion-dollar corporations where all patches are on stream. "

[20:04:21] <crowe> The same goes for the community support and so on ...

[20:04:39] <crowe> Fedora Linux is a Linux distribution with one of the largest user communities, among other distributions. But it is not as popular as Debian. There is a perception among users that Fedora is difficult to use and configure.

[20:05:09] <crowe> A significant plus of this system is that Fedora is only free software. The Linux operating system is very often regarded as free software. But this is not 100% true. Although most of the programs you use are free, some drivers and firmware are closed source. There are also open source components, but with a limited license, such as media codecs.

[20:05:29] <crowe> At the very beginning of the Linux section, I asked you to familiarize yourself with the article that described security issues and proprietary software, specifically for this reference.

[20:05:46] <crowe> Distribution developers determine how often their users will come in contact with proprietary software. They may include media codecs, video card drivers and network adapters, as well as additional modules, such as Adobe Flash, in the distribution kit. This will help users listen to music, play games and browse the web, but this is not free software.

[20:06:03] <crowe> Fedora takes a principled stand on this issue. This helps to avoid lawsuits against Red Hat.

Non-free software is simply not allowed in the repository. The distribution kit will not stop you from installing such programs, but it will not help either. You will have to use third-party repositories, such as RPM Fusion. This is one of the reasons why Fedora is considered difficult. But adding a repository to the system is a matter of several minutes.

[20:06:17] <crowe> But such articles, https://habrahabr.ru/post/337290, are of course a little misleading .. Since before, non-commercial products, as far as I remember, did not fall under such prohibitions. Although the Fedora Project is sponsored by Red Riding Hood to develop new technologies, it is a non-profit structure and does not derive profit from its activities, as I understand it. Strange is all.

[20:06:27] <crowe> You can record it at home too

[20:06:36] <crowe> Arch Linux is an independently developed Linux distribution optimized for i686 and x86 / 64 architectures, aimed at experienced Linux users.

[20:06:50] <crowe> In general, you need to be a competent user to use this system, you need to be aware of this in advance. She uses Pacman, a proprietary package manager from the creator of Arch Linux. Pacman provides the installation of current updates with full control of package dependencies, working on a system of floating releases or rolling releases. Arch can be installed from a disk image or from an FTP server.

[20:07:05] <crowe> I’ll explain the package manager / repository - it’s like the App Store or Google Play from where you can download and install the application or program you need in 2 clicks.

[20:07:22] <crowe> The default installation process provides a solid foundation for users to create a custom installation. In addition, the Arch Build System (ABS) utility provided the ability to easily build new packages, modify the configuration of stock packages, and share these packages with other users through the Arch User Repository. This is a lightweight Linux distribution. It installs primarily freeware and open source software and software from the community-supported AUR repository.

[20:07:52] <crowe> Ubuntu - To dismiss this question, I’ll say right away that Ubuntu sends your data to 3 parties without your consent.

[20:08:12] <crowe> If you are a Ubuntu user and you use the default settings, every time you start entering Dash (to open the application or find a file on your computer), your search terms are sent to various three people, some of which advertise you.

[20:08:29] <crowe> By the way, you can recall the situation about Windows that decided to give out WIndows 10 for free, but in the end it collects all the data supposedly for advertising, that is, all your personal information, etc. In general, I do not want to repeat myself for this reason, since the bias is more precisely not towards her, I already talked enough to think about her. If you want more information on this system, at least check out the WIndows License Agreement. And your eye will begin to twitch)

[20:08:46] <crowe> To your Ubuntu account, to prevent sending data to third parties, you need to follow a series of instructions on this site https://fixubuntu.com/ follow the instructions here, it shows how to change the necessary settings . Earlier, we looked at a similar situation using Mac OS X as an example.

[20:09:00] <crowe> However, in any case, I do not recommend Ubuntu, I only bring this to your interest if it so happens that you use this system. Ubuntu is better for privacy and anonymity than Windows or Mac OS X. I recommend Ubuntu to people who have no Linux experience and who think that the above distributions are too complicated to learn.

[20:09:10] <crowe> There are Ubuntu Mate forks there, sort of fixed

[20:09:19] <crowe> Debian is a Linux-based operating system, it is a Linux distribution. It consists entirely of free, open source software, most of which is under the GNU General Public License.

[20:09:33] <crowe> The Debian distribution contains over 51,000 packages of compiled programs that are packaged in a great format for easy installation on your machine. All of them are free. It looks like a tower. At the base is the kernel, above it are the main tools, then all the programs that you run on the computer. At the top of this tower is Debian, carefully organizing and putting it all together so that all components can work together.

[20:09:48] <crowe> With this approach, your system will not knock on Microsoft home servers.

[20:10:05] <crowe> Tails is a Debian-based Linux distribution designed to ensure privacy and anonymity. It is a continuation of the development of the Incognito OS. All outgoing connections are wrapped in an anonymous Tor network, and all non-anonymous connections are blocked. The system is designed to boot from LiveCD or LiveUSB and does not leave marks on the machine where it was used. The Tor project is the main sponsor of TAILS. The operating system was recommended for use by the Free Press Foundation and was also used by Edward Snowden to expose PRISM.

[20:10:36] <crowe> Use it only for surf, for example, surf is a communication browser, etc. that is, one-time rides like surfing and mustache

[20:10:56] <crowe> ride = chatted = looked

[20:11:13] <crowe> Since you get fucked with him sho mama don’t grieve your ass will burn like hellish hell

[20:11:30] <crowe> For example, they came somewhere to PayPal a USB flash drive from their OS, surfed, pulled out everything

[20:11:44] <crowe> Kali Linux - GNU / Linux-LiveCD, which emerged as a result of the merger of WHAX and Auditor Security Collection. The project was created by Mati Aharoni (Mati Aharoni) and Max Moser (Max Moser). Designed primarily for safety testing.

[20:11:54] <crowe> The predecessor of Kali was BackTrack, created on the basis of several linux distributions. Originally intended for use on the Slackware OS, then it smoothly switched to Ubuntu. After the basis became Debian.

[20:12:04] <crowe> Parrot OS - A growing sesurity distribution based on Debian-linux. Pretty easy to learn, suitable for both beginners and professionals. This distribution is aimed at both penetration testing and anonymous work on the Internet.

[20:12:18] <crowe> A fairly easy and effective tool, many security experts found in it a replacement for the increasingly "gluttonous" Kali, especially since Parrot uses Kali repositories for updates. Uses MATE graphical dummy and LightDM display manager.

Lecture # 4 Introduction to Security Based on * unix-Like Systems

[20:12:32] <crowe> In terms of functionality, it is similar to Kali Linux, here, too, a huge amount of special software for security testing is supplied with the system.

[20:12:50] <crowe> As you can see, all the systems that I mentioned above are mostly based on Debian one way or another. (starting with ubuntu and below

[20:13:20] <crowe> How you will resolve with Linux security updates will depend on the distribution you are using. I am going to talk about security updates using the example of Debian and Debian based systems.

[20:13:40] <crowe> See, here https://wiki.debian.org/Derivatives/Census lists all derivatives of Debian distributions. Many of them are operating systems important to the security field, such as Kali, Tails, and so on. The Debian project does an excellent job of providing security updates for Debian.

[20:13:57] <crowe> Here you can read about other distributions, I just said that to find some kind of distribution from the list, in stop words, what it is oriented to, its main idea (the idea of the project means etc.)

[20:14:14] <crowe> Security is a priority for this project and this operating system.

[20:14:28] <crowe> If you want to find the details of the security issues patches are being fixed for, look at the security information page provided by Debian.

[20:14:38] <crowe> https://www.debian.org/security

[20:14:48] <crowe> If you go down below, you will see all the updates. You can click on any update and get more information about this particular update. You can go to the Miter CVE directory and learn more about the vulnerability you select. Here is detailed information about this vulnerability. See more details here. And from here we can get to various sources for more information, and in principle, we can even find the exploit code for this vulnerability. We analyzed this earlier using the example site https://www.cvedetails.com.

[20:15:02] <crowe> According to the Debian Project, they handle all security issues brought to their attention and fix them within a reasonable amount of time. They also say that many security warnings are coordinated by other free software vendors and published on the same day as the vulnerability found, and that they have an internal Security Audit team that looks for new or uncorrected security errors in the archives. They also believe that security by hiding does not work, and that the public availability of information allows us to find security vulnerabilities, and that's cool.

[20:15:16] <crowe> All this is good, that’s why I recommend Debian based distributions as the main reliable operating system for everyday use when it comes to security, privacy and anonymity.

[20:15:34] <crowe> I decided not to give a parsing of the installation example, etc. The only thing you need to understand is that you need to record the installation flash drive in ddimage mode through rufus for example, and Linuxsoids can use the dd command to do this.

[20:16:04] <crowe> https://i.imgur.com/tD3lDok.png

[20:16:24] <crowe> Here is what dd image is

[20:16:41] <crowe> In order to simply not litter and make porridge in your head, if there are those people / group of people who have decided to master Linux environment tightly. Put the system, you can directly contact me, or as I said earlier, contact via correspondence QUESTION / ANSWER.

[20:16:58] <crowe> Where everyone will already consult and help with certain issues, in essence, the segment of your actions is similar to working with Windows and what Payne will tell you, so maybe a little installation is different, and so everything is similar.

[20:17:12] <crowe> A lot of videos are on YouTube where an example of installing the operating system, partitioning a disk, and other things is shown.

[20:17:23] <crowe> Linux is an amazing system that you need to learn to work with and it will become your faithful friend. It’s like with a pet, how to train it on how to master it, it will be so complaisant and half-schoonous for you.

[20:17:32] <crowe> So if anyone has any questions, put a “?” And we will sort them all out.

[20:19:08] <crowe> So guys let's give you more info right now

[20:19:10] <crowe> updated

[20:19:14] <crowe> to you, but I'm out of the way

[20:19:17] <crowe> and you read the pluses put

[20:19:23] <crowe> And in general

[20:19:24] <crowe> ???

[20:19:26] <crowe> write

[20:19:30] <crowe> who has questions

[20:21:22] <crowe> https://labanote.com/?d724ed508338b350#UiRqMPN73f4OxobIq6yY6jLwrTnt3LeWcPlv9F3vczQ=

[20:21:29] <crowe> Threw it like that

[20:21:35] <crowe> to make it easier to read who read

[20:21:39] <crowe> put the pluses there

[20:21:44] <crowe> Who has questions write ???

[20:21:48] <crowe> and we will work on issues

[20:23:20] <crowe> Lecture all

[20:23:30] <crowe> If you have any suggestions or questions or need help

[20:23:33] <crowe> I will give contacts in DZ

[20:23:36] <BruseLee> how to make macro lock on windows and can it be done?

[20:23:38] <crowe> yours so you can contact me

[20:23:50] <crowe> Macro lock as I understand it for Word?>

[20:24:13] <crowe> Generally better to use isolation

[20:24:20] <crowe> that is, the system inside the system

[20:24:20] <BruseLee> for where it can be implemented)

[20:24:32] <crowe> relatively speaking virtual

[20:24:40] <crowe> that is, you place a malicious file in it

[20:24:43] <crowe> or subtle

[20:24:46] <crowe> open it there

[20:24:56] <crowe> and then roll back the state of the virtual machine to the previously saved thereby

[20:25:01] <crowe> exclude the fact of system infection

[20:25:20] <crowe> it’s clear what is meant?

[20:25:26] <BruseLee> + - yes

[20:25:38] <Boat> How can I connect vpn to a virtual machine (Virtual. Box) and generally the whole vpn-tor chain (vusoniks :) - vpn. The foundation I have Kali Linux put Virtual box in it threw Wyusix connected Windows for work

[20:25:43] <BruseLee> in practice, do it and it will be clear

[20:28:16] <crowe> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qte4X-rdr2Q

[20:28:20] <crowe> How to use snapshots in a virtual box

[20:28:21] <artil352> There is so much information that there’s a mess in my head, but it’s capacious and understandable to the best of my ability)) I think I’ll reread everything in the logs slowly and if there are questions, I’ll throw it into the question and answer))))

[20:28:23] <crowe> if that's what I was talking about

[20:28:33] <crowe> Yes, I see right now I’ll answer

[20:29:22] <crowe> In general, with regard to VPN and how to throw it

[20:29:26] <crowe> The variations are just REST

[20:29:29] <crowe> In general, that

[20:30:02] <crowe> the bottom line is

[20:30:10] <crowe> if you do it you can do it both programmatically and using

[20:30:27] <crowe> there hardware routers

[20:30:29] <crowe> or systems that

[20:30:33] <crowe> are used there

[20:30:37] <crowe> FIR and stuff like that

[20:31:00] <crowe> If you have questions in principle, you can already

[20:31:07] <crowe> ask or write me the contacts in the DZ

[20:31:22] <terrorgreed> why is Qubes OS not mentioned?

[20:31:24] <Boat> I wonder how programmatically how to get it into a virtual machine

[20:31:48] <Boat> Ok I’ll write on the contacts

[20:32:32] <terrorgreed> the most advanced in terms of security and convenient OS with virtualization of everything that is possible

[20:32:46] <terrorgreed> in its very architecture

[20:32:47] <crowe> Well, the system is generally convenient

[20:32:51] <crowe> but it’s not standardized

[20:32:57] <crowe> if people have some kind of non-standard systems

[20:32:59] <crowe> oh

[20:33:10] <crowe> non-standard use cases and stuff like that

[20:33:14] <crowe> then this is not a system

[20:33:17] <crowe> And the whole hatred

[20:35:36] <crowe> Karoche is waiting for questions from you

[20:35:37] <crowe> guys

[20:35:42] <crowe> while read there ask

[20:35:44] <crowe> let's do

[20:35:45] <crowe> break

[20:35:49] <crowe> then 10 minutes

[20:35:59] <crowe> And after the break we’ll continue

[20:44:20] <terrorgreed> yes, Qubes OS requires a lot of knowledge and understanding of the intricacies and even the right hardware for effective use, but in skilled hands, I’m sure there is nothing more powerful at the moment. Under it, the Whonix virtual machines easily live. The main feature is that all applications run in cubes, i.e. separate virtual machines between which you can create any conceivable traffic connection. For example, you can build a VPN1-> Tor-> VPN2 chain in a couple of minutes, while the torus gate will be in a separate virtual machine, the VPN machines will also be in separate ones, the firewall will also be made separate and the physical access to the network adapter will be separate. In general, the topic is very deep, it has been developed for a long time and is constantly being improved. Naturally, all are open-source. Who cares, I advise you to study

[20:48:29] <terrorgreed> also, I would like to add that there are vulnerabilities that do not concern the operating system, and you also need to know and think about them. For example, firmware in the Intel Management Engine that is present on almost any laptop

[20:48:39] <terrorgreed> is essentially a separate computer

[20:48:44] <terrorgreed> with proprietary software

[20:50:56] <crowe> if you want to ride

[20:51:01] <crowe> the bottom line is that with the chain

[20:51:04] <crowe> VPN Thor VPN

[20:51:53] <crowe> you lose the essence of the torus

[20:51:53] <crowe> namely what the torus has

[20:51:53] <crowe> 1 im 3 knots

[20:51:53] <crowe> that is, they don’t know each other

[20:51:53] <crowe> that is essentially

[20:51:53] <crowe> If you have a global passive

[20:51:53] <crowe> observer

[20:52:02] <crowe> then you essentially do

[20:52:05] <crowe> him all the work for himself

[20:52:09] <crowe> because you are aiming for two vpn

[20:52:12] <terrorgreed> VPN1 and VPN2 are different in this chain

[20:52:15] <crowe> and limit the possibility of a permanent shift

[20:52:18] <crowe> un address

[20:52:19] <crowe> at the end of the torus

[20:52:31] <crowe>))))))))))))) 0000000000000

[20:53:03] <crowe> The tour is not big how the TOP works

[20:53:03] <crowe> 1 relay it is assigned to YOU

[20:53:03] <crowe> for 3 months

[20:53:03] <crowe> 2-3

[20:53:03] <crowe> called GUARD

[20:53:03] <crowe> two subsequent relays

[20:53:03] <crowe> are constantly changing

[20:53:09] <crowe> To read traffic

[20:53:11] <crowe> more precisely install

[20:53:13] <crowe> who connected

[20:53:19] <crowe> it is necessary that the input relay and the input

[20:53:23] <crowe> were compromised

[20:53:25] <crowe> by one person

[20:53:30] <crowe> to proliferate traffic correlation

[20:53:31] <crowe> in case

[20:53:34] <crowe> if you use

[20:53:37] <crowe> VPN at the end after the torus

[20:53:45] <crowe> that is VPN 2 belongs to the party

[20:53:49] <crowe> who has commented

[20:53:53] <crowe> input relay

[20:53:55] <crowe> that is, GUARD

[20:53:59] <crowe> then flutter to everyone what is your TOP)

[20:54:01] <crowe> since by

[20:54:03] <crowe> of the correlation

[20:54:06] <crowe> will figure you out

[20:54:09] <crowe> with a 100% chance

[20:54:13] <crowe> VPN VPN

[20:54:14] <crowe> works

[20:54:16] <crowe> but not everywhere

[20:54:19] <crowe> and not for all tasks

[20:54:23] <crowe> here the question is if it’s in anonymotsi

[20:54:25] <crowe> special

[20:54:28] <crowe> then the question is pure

[20:54:33] <crowe> tore is welcomed more

[20:54:36] <crowe> VPN is not anonymity

[20:54:39] <crowe> it's just a cover-up

[20:54:43] <crowe> of your downloads

[20:54:53] <crowe> and hiding your traffic

[20:54:55] <crowe> from the provider

[20:54:56] <crowe> ALL

[20:55:03] <crowe> So it's not so simple with a cube

[20:55:08] <crowe> yes he is well reorganized

[20:55:17] <crowe> But you can stir up things like that using

[20:55:24] <crowe> perrot or potassium

[20:55:40] <crowe> while on the cube you won’t turn on TeamViewer

[20:55:50] <crowe> Have to install Standalone

[20:55:53] <crowe> system

[20:55:59] <crowe> there are its own nuances of this system

[20:56:09] <crowe> and for ALL, or even most, she won’t

[20:56:11] <crowe> since it’s very difficult

[20:56:17] <crowe> it is built on the basis of Fedor

[20:56:19] <crowe> And that's another minus

[20:56:23] <crowe> In the plan for beginners

[20:56:43] <crowe> Anyone else has any questions?)

[20:56:46] <terrorgreed> agrees that VPN1-> Tor-> VPN2 should be used wisely, like everything else. As for the increase, I ask you not to take it like that, since there was no such goal, even in the slightest manifestation

20:57:26] <Rarka_> questions will come later) this amount of information is hard to digest)

[21:01:55] <Reimon> What axis do you recommend to set for work and for homework?

[21:02:05] <crowe> Guys just shouldn’t blindly go over some decisions

[21:02:07] <crowe> like a cube

[21:02:10] <crowe> is a very complex system

[21:02:16] <crowe> and very moody in iron

[21:02:26] <crowe> and she’s very memory friendly

[21:02:36] <crowe> you need at least 8 GB

[21:02:46] <crowe> And better all 16 GB for a minimum of its use

[21:02:55] <crowe> Normally it's 32 or more

[21:04:59] <crowe> Ramon

[21:05:01] <crowe> did not see the question

[21:05:03] <crowe> on the axis count

[21:05:09] <crowe> you can take essentially any OS

[21:05:10] <Reimon> What axis do you recommend to set for work and for homework?

[21:05:15] <crowe> from Windows

[21:05:16] <crowe> Before Linux

[21:05:22] <crowe> here the question is how you feel comfortable

[21:05:25] <crowe> Linux is safer

[21:05:28] <crowe> windows less

[21:05:37] <crowe> For home use windows

[21:05:45] <crowe> if you use for home use

[21:05:46] <crowe> there

[21:05:48] <crowe> movie games

[21:05:51] <crowe> payment of bills

[21:06:05] <Reimon> From Linux, what do you recommend?

[21:07:51] <crowe> Kali

[21:07:55] <crowe> or feather

[21:07:59] <crowe> you can bet if advanced

[21:08:06] <crowe> and so, in principle, you can put ubuntu

[21:08:07] <Rarka_> in

[21:08:08] <crowe> and start with her

[21:08:11] <crowe> or pure debian

[21:08:13] <Reimon> ATP

[21:08:34] <jayall87> to work on debian, does it make sense to leave mas pro or need to buy another car?

[21:09:01] <crowe> Many fuck with poppies

[21:09:07] <crowe> and it’s easier to buy a car for 20 pieces

[21:09:12] <crowe> extra and without care with hands somewhere

[21:09:14] <crowe> relatively speaking

[21:09:20] <crowe> So here depends on skills

[21:09:49] <crowe> But knowing how the Apple wants to control everything and other things do not inspire confidence

[21:09:52] <Rarka_> which VPN do you recommend from paid ones and if you need it if you work through the sphere

[21:10:10] <crowe> VPN is needed if you want to hide your traffic from the provider in fact

[21:10:16] <crowe> and YES you need him

[21:10:21] <crowe> always

[21:10:26] <crowe> which VPN I advise

[21:10:29] <crowe> His

[21:10:32] <crowe> 10 bucks

[21:10:33] <crowe>: D

[21:10:34] <crowe> month

[21:10:51] <crowe> And as a matter of fact I won’t tell you

[21:10:53] <crowe> to VPN account

[21:11:21] <Rarka_> it makes sense to raise its vpn for personal needs on European servers?

[21:11:54] <crowe> Generally yes

[21:11:57] <crowe> since most of the time

[21:12:01] <crowe> spying on the main

[21:12:03] <crowe> VPN servers

[21:12:05] <crowe> by the GPA

[21:12:07] <crowe> of the same

[21:12:13] <crowe> so there’s a double-edged sword and even that

[21:12:18] <crowe> Your VPN is always better

[21:12:25] <crowe> since you are sure that providers do not store logs?

[21:12:32] <crowe> any provider will store logs

[21:12:35] <crowe> at least a technical plan

[21:12:44] <crowe> since if some kind of load from a person comes out

[21:12:56] <artil352> And your VPN is in terms of connecting to yours? or can you raise for 10 bucks a month personal?

[21:13:08] <crowe> It’s not just the issue of configs

[21:13:10] <crowe> So

[21:13:15] <crowe> shcha for services

[21:13:16] <crowe> I will give Old

[21:13:18] <crowe> by his

[21:13:21] <crowe> and there will be an answer

[21:13:26] <crowe> do not read between the lines I will copy it even

[21:14:31] <crowe> https://labanote.com/?f5d444b6e248adfd#z63RkTedby5wHA7fJsB9X4b7LQKCU+jqrr0cx/IwlJg=

[21:14:59] <crowe> https://imgur.com/Wtgmjtg.png

[21:15:25] <crowe> IMPORTANT

I want to immediately answer the common point that arises among many people, I paid for the training, why should I pay for consultations or safety training if this should be included in my course program.

You are right, but there is one point.

I can easily help anyone who wants to answer his questions that he asks me for free, or redirect him if it’s not in my competence where to turn to him for help.

Otherwise, if you come to me not with a question or you don’t have a desire to understand the topic, immerse yourself in it, look for material and dig in everything yourself, but you just want to get the service without any problems, but only for money.

Since I will spend much more of my time on this, since there it will already be necessary to find out the problem, sort it out, clarify what you need and how you see it, that is, completely immerse yourself in the solution with your head to give you a conditionally speaking service, but for services accepted to pay.

Once again, if you ask me questions, no problem, I will help for free, otherwise only for a fee.

[21:15:58] <crowe> And yes you have a discount of up to 50%

[21:16:12] <crowe> If you order conditionally speaking now who needs what

[21:16:17] <crowe> there are contacts you can consult

[21:16:24] <crowe> If you need anything related to the questions

[21:16:26] <crowe> as I said

[21:16:31] <crowe> https://imgur.com/Wtgmjtg.png

[21:16:33] <crowe> Read this screen

[21:18:20] <crowe> Anyone have questions?

[21:19:10] <Serrwrtet> If using a VPN provides only concealment of traffic, then how do you programmatically implement anonymity in a cart?

[21:20:15] <crowe> Use the TOP

[21:20:21] <crowe> traffic traffic

[21:20:32] <crowe> That is, VPN - TOR

[21:20:34] <crowe> onwards

[21:20:41] <crowe> Yes, for example, after the Torah, you can set the VPN if necessary

[21:20:47] <crowe> But understand what tuning issues are here

[21:20:48] <crowe> depends

[21:20:57] <crowe> since the bunch can be more secure or super less

[21:21:05] <crowe> Well basically always less

[21:24:14] <artil352> Another question: Does the sphere not cover all privacy problems? How to build a better chain with her?