Lecture: Carding and Cash out PayPal Training


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❌ [Spur] Terms

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:34]
❌ FULLZ - SSH - GV = must be of the same country and state. DON'T FORGET THIS (ssh is best for a city or zip fullz)

moon-wey, [01.04.21 19:34]
PP - PayPal - Stick.
Minikis - miniki - mini-deposits - micro-deposits
Tranza - transaction
BA - bank account
Acc - account
Samoreg - self-registered account - self-reg

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:35]
Fullz (Fulka, full info) - Complete information about the person.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:36]
SSN - Social security number. (consists of 9 digits 000-00-0000)

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:36]
VCC - Virtual card

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:37]
Echek - Purchase from BA, which falls into the pending.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:40]
Pending is a payment from a bank account, it is considered fully completed within 3-5 banking days, with such a purchase, a message is sent to the mail on what date this payment will be completed. It can prevent her from completing: if the holder burns her in his bank account and cancels the transaction, either the BA will not have enough money to write off this amount, or the stick will consider our actions suspicious and limit our account

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:43] Instant
Purchase (Complete) is a frequent occurrence when a stick treats you with trust, in which case the stick credits you and the goods are paid for immediately, it doesn't matter if it goes into the limit the stick or the holder will try to withdraw their money, the goods will have already been paid for.
(ref of such a tranza is done 2-3 days later, after the money is debited from the ba)

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:44]
An example here you can see transactions that are in pending and should go into a complete, as well as transactions that have already been completed

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:47]
Limit is a temporary account limitation, "freezing", the reasons for the limit are different: either the stick itself considered you suspicious, or the holder made a chargeback (refund), the holder changed the password to BA and he fell off the stick and so on.
With an easy limit, where we will need to change the password, confirm the BA again, receive SMS and then we will remove it without any problems. But with such a limit, we are more likely to score on this PP, in rare cases we draw documents and try to limit it, but you should not strain for $ 700-1000, it is better to spend this time more productively and create a new PP.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:48]
Minikis are when the BA did not authorize by the instance after entering the login and password, but requested "minikis", that is, the stick will write off a certain amount from the BA and return it back, and we have to write how much she wrote off, this is a so-called security measure.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:48]
PayPal balance is money that, directly, is already in the PayPal account, in this case, if we buy goods for the amount that we have on a stick, payment is instant

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:49]
Deploy - replenishment, directly, of the PP balance from the previously linked BA.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:52]
Refat - everything is about the same as with the depot: we also get money for the PP balance, but in a different way. Let's say we buy a phone from ebay for $ 240 and it falls into the pending, after the pending decreases and the amount is debited from the BA, we write to our seller that this product is no longer of interest to us, we ask him to return our funds (it is necessary to do this is until the moment the goods have already been sent), the money is returned to us not to the BA, but to the PP balance. There are shops (for example: http://www.rockauto.com/) where there is already a built-in "cancel order" button, in this case we do not need to write and contact sellers, but there are not so many such shops, in most cases, we need to write either to the seller or cancel through the support.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:54] Ref
We go into tranza through the old diz and look at the details of the specific payment
2) On to the tranza , copy the page code and cut out our specific tranza code from it, it is between the characters equal to details & info = HERE = 4 & history
https://history.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_history-details&info= JjVgLAfPg2Dr3y0D7a2fEK4AJ% 2dLpR5VF2ym9sIFFNvh72HacYZqEFDQ2PAa & ptype = 4 & history_cache = AAAAAAAAr68A
3) Grab code and inserted into the link between the marks is equal
https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webs...=PpdgoRAQglNPxOE8bXlU1nzRZN0Gols_CribOk0WjoLh % 2dVydbJ% 2doz% 2dGQXEm & ptype = 1 & history
ps Then we go through the stages and the status of the payment will change to canceled.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:54]
Swinging contains such concepts as:
- Send
In general, any kind of transaction swings the PP, which ultimately gives us a positive result.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:55]

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:55]
Bitvise SSH Client - to connect SSH (to spoof our IP address), the program looks like this:

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:56]

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:56]
Proxifier - auxiliary software for "Bitvise SSH Client", or a utility for using socks - we launch it once and do not touch it again, the program looks like this:

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:56]
CCleaner - I think I know everything here, what it is and for what, if not - do you know how to use Google? :)

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:57]

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:57]
CCTools - to replace the characteristics of our hardware, poppy addresses, etc. (Runs as administrator), the program looks like this:

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:57]
https://dublik2uqiorycsj.onion/threads/shpora-terminy.119412/ (tor)
https://dublikat.im/threads/shpora-terminy.119412/ (regular version )
Necessarily for familiarization.
(you will be given access to the closed section later)

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:58]
- == THEORY == -

moon-wey, [04/01/21 19:59]
Fulka - full information about the person: name, date of birth, state, city, residence address, house, apartment, ssn (social security number), phone number.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:03]
I want to clarify about fulku:
1) CLARESE | ANDREWS - Name and Surname
2) 246 | 59 | 6551 - SSN (Social security number) - (Our analogue TIN always consists of 9 digits)
3) 1 | 12 | 1978 - DOB (Date of Birth). An important fact! Amers spelled MM / DD / YYYY. Don't be confused with Russians !!!! DD / MM / YYYY !!!!
4) 3613 daughtridge drive - Residence address
6) NC - state
7) 28311 - Zipcode (always 5 digits)
8) 9104234387 - phone number.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:07]
!! Attention, for any registration, be it on a stick or in any other shop, in no case should you enter the phone number of a person from a fuller !!!
Here we replace the fullz phone number with our virtual number from GV (GoogleVoise).
When buying fullz, pay attention to ssn. If it is not there, there is a high probability that this fullz is randomly generated.
If we make self-registration only for the thorn of the staff (goods), then the fullz does not play a big role here, you can use the generated one, but with a serious account limit, it will not work to limit it.
In other cases, when we need to send or drop, we need a perfectly flat fullz of a real person, and not generated by random services, for example, as - http://www.fakenamegenerator.com/ (fullok generator)

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:09] I
recommend not to use generated fullz. Today you think that with this PP you only need a product, but do not think that a PP can live for 2 months or half a year or even a year, and out of 20-30 sticks there will always be at least 1 PP (minimum), which you can will be milked to the end, and in such cases you may be tempted to transfer to another SME with cash in order to get clean money right away.
There are also self-registers that are limited to 180 days. After 180 days have passed, they, which are not uncommon, have very appetizing balances. To limit this, an even fulka is needed for this, since it is useless to draw documents to a non-existent person.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:12]
Where to buy fullz:
@ Labus1 - even fullers
https://ssndob.org - there are curves
pixmarkt.ru - fullers and not only

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:15]
BA - Bank account (information about the bank account, login and password of the online cabinet, account numbers and balance).
There is no way to go directly to your personal account. We will use the "chase bank" and use its example to analyze some points.
It will look like this:
hfsrueq qweqwe123 - Login and Password
TOTAL CHECKING 3.350 - Account name and balance
Account number: 23454235 - Account number CHECKING
CHASE COLLEGE 10.830 - Account name and balance
Account number: 25832474 - Account number COLLEGE
CHASE - SAVING name 20.830 and balance
Account number: 4823641 - Account number SAVING
Routing Number: 111000614

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:16]
What do these accounts mean, let's look at an example: you have one wallet, but it has 3 different departments. You call one "big", the second "small", and the third "under lock and key." So here, the CHECKING account - usually purchases are made from it, as a rule, a card is tied to this account with the holder.
COLLEGE - It is logical to assume that tuition fees are paid from this account.
SAVING - It's more like a savings account where money is deposited and saved.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:21]
When we tie the account to the stick, we will be offered to tie one of them (you can all at once), but I do not recommend more than one.
Which of these accounts to bind is a controversial issue, I'm more inclined to CHECKING, SAVING - also showed itself well, sometimes even better than CHECKING, but self-registers with tied saves limit faster. Although my most expensive purchase was made from a self-register with a SAVING account attached

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:22]
When we tie a BA to a stick (https://ibb.co/fzXNh6), after entering your login and password, you may have one of the following problems:
1) https: / /ibb.co/he0xFR - this account was used the maximum number of times in the PP. No matter how you would like to attach it, it will not work. Let's screen this error and throw it to the seller (in such cases, he makes a replacement or money back)
2) https://ibb.co/eMopUm - in my opinion, this occurs when the seller is unscrupulous and sells BA for a couple of rounds, in this case you need ask for a replacement or ask if he can provide minikis, if he can, then we wait 2-3 days and write to the seller from whom the BA was purchased.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:22]
P: S IMPORTANT - Look at the dates, what date this ba was put up for sale in the shop, if yesterday or yesterday, we do not buy this, we look only fresh (today), if necessary waiting for replenishment in the shop.

moon-wey, [01.04.19 20:23]
BA can be bought:

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:24]
@ deadokin1
@GogaSanders - sells balances up to 1000 (not suitable for pp)
http://shopba.liavel.ru/ store website @ belder2 support
✅Chase replacement: invalid / max link
To replace accounts that are already linked to the PayPal payment system, you must provide a video from the moment the privnote was opened (the video should show how you open the privnote, if at the time of recording it is already open, replacement is not provided, be careful) and until the BA is linked to PayPal, ? (VIDEO FROM THE PHONE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED) ? Everything is very difficult to see.
Download programs

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:26]
Working with GoogleVoise
This is a mail on Gmail, with an attached virtual number, which you can both call and receive SMS.
In order to receive an SMS with a code, we can simply go to the gmail.com mail, this will be necessary when registering a new stick, or https://voice.google.com/messages The
GW will look something like this:
[email protected]: sdsdDSwq23 - Our soap with GW
(802) 234-2256 - Number
[email protected]: Ikdjgfytsd - Reserve soap, sometimes you need to enter it when we go to the main one (in most cases, only login is enough)
USA code is always +1 (remember)
For in order to take a call, if necessary, you can use https://hangouts.google.com/webchat/start

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:31]
There are cases when the stick does not want to give anything at all, or it gave for $ 200 and you decided to try for $ 400, but it does not give you, then return for $ 200 and it gives you already does not want to give for this amount, stupidity, therefore I recommend not to be greedy, but to buy for the amount that was initially chosen. There is a high probability that playing with the price, it will not give at all.
Also, it often happens that it does not give even for $ 5, but a product for $ 300 gives it instantaneously (God only knows what happened to her :)

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:31]

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:32]
Why did I touch on this topic, in both cases with a 70% probability, if you rush from one product to another too often, the stick will suspect you of "suspicious activity" and ask you to verify before buying a product by SMS.
You will receive a message of this kind (sms) by mail. We
send the answer to the number 1 and go back to the window from which the request was sent.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:32]
GW can be bought here:
@makcler - seller from GW to 100r
gvoice.pw (shop)
here - crd2.life
and https://zorg.cat/

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:32]
SSH (tunnel)

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:39]
but best of all under zip or at least under the city
An example of what the tunnel looks like: - IP
22 - Port
admin - Login
password - Password
The principle of operation is the same as for vpn, it is used to change the IP address for the country and state that we need.
You can check the ip on the website whoer.net, as well as the time and whether our system is configured correctly, but more on that later.
When connecting SSH / socks / proxy (to spoof our IP address), we need Bitvise SSH Client.
Proxifier - auxiliary software for "Bitvise SSH Client" - we launch it once and do not touch it again.
IP - with the help of it your state, zip city sees.
It also checks your ip for the number of "blacks", i.e. if this Ip is in spam lists.
Checks for the ASN network - that is, in other words, it shows which provider this IP address has, checks how many IP addresses this provider has in total.
For example, a provider has 100,000 IP addresses.
70,000 IP addresses are porn sites, domains, forums, sites, and more. PP will treat this account badly.
We need no more than 5-10% of all IP = providers to have any domains, sites and hosting.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:39]
* Copyright *

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:43]
ASN is a purely technical term, there is no need for an ordinary user to bother with why he is needed.
ASN, or autonomous system on the Internet - a set of IP addresses that have a single routing policy with the Internet, each IP address on the Internet belongs to some ASN.
I am by no means against the use of such tools to combat fraudsters, but specifically the ASN check only indirectly indicates that the user is a fraud. The use of anonymization tools such as VPN or proxy is checked, if the user uses the anonymization tool, he is recorded as a scammer.
Thanks to this method, all users who are worried about their safety and anonymity on the network receive a high fraud rating or are simply blocked. As a result, law-abiding users are forced to turn off VPN, losing anonymity and, more importantly, encrypting Internet traffic.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:45]
Indeed, there are ASN networks, where more than 50% are bad IP, but there are not even two dozen such networks. All other restrictions relate specifically to anonymous users in
text it will take a very long time and I can hardly show on screenshots and explain what it is.
There is a video where Vektor T13 explained everything about ASN networks, how and where to check, see this video.
Video link:
Useful for general development.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:46]
You can buy ssh:
1. @prodiks [email protected]
2. [email protected]
3. x-servers.pw
4. getssh.net is a convenient shop, before buying, they show the info for the tunnel, whether it got into spam + register is not necessary
5. @sshseller_tk
6. @OllyWilly
7. xmarket.cc
8. @Patriotik
9. @friend_trade

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:48] An
intermediary is a company that will accept our parcels from shops, and then we will send to drops, stingy, to ourselves, who like.
I do not recommend sending it to yourself, some do this, and there will even be those who will say "yes, I have been working like this for 10 years and everything is fine, even with my mother's SS I pay for delivery."
Have your head on your shoulders and don't listen to such smart guys.
Why don't we immediately send the goods to the Russian Federation from the shop?
A large number of shops, I would even say everything, as soon as they see that the payment is coming from the USA, and delivery to the Russian Federation, immediately increases our fraud, and there is no need for unnecessary suspicion.
We will use the intermediary "Mist Express" (meest.us)
You can pick up any other. I have not had any problems with this medium for quite a long time.
I also recommend changing accounts sometimes, working on one, downloading the product from it and registering a new one under the new data.
We register an account with an intermediary on the left, you can use fictitious data, then you can add delivery addresses, do not worry, at least 10 additional ones.
After registration, you will be taken to your personal account, it looks like this:

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:48]

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:50]
Let's analyze:
1. This is our address in the USA, to which we, in fact, will send the goods.
We were given two addresses, one in the state of NJ and the other in DE. We use the one that NJ.
2. All the parcels that you send to this address and when they reach the intermediary they will be in the "packages" item By
checking the track from the shop and the track on the intermediary, you will understand what exactly came to you.
3. At the point of departure there will be parcels that will come to you shortly.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:52]
* Do not go to the intermediary from your IP, under the intermediary we make a separate snap on the virtual machine, you can also use the "thunderbird" from this snap
* Pay the intermediary with QIWI VCC. (I think no one needs to explain that the qiwi must also be registered on the left mob tel.)
* We pay for the delivery of packs from the middleman with clean money, in no case do not drive into it.
You risk losing all packs.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:52]
P: S - Alternatives (other middle-services)
http: // Uneol.com

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:52] The
virtual machine and what information the PP collects about us.

moon-wey, [01.04.19 20:53]
1. IP

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:55]
2. cookies
She sees which sites you were on before.
When working with PP, the main thing is to save cookies, also do not climb on the left sites, we immediately discard all sites, whoers and others, a normal user would not climb there.
It is very important for us not to lose them. Before closing the virtual machine, be sure to take a "snapshot" so that our cookies are not lost.
* More on this later.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:55]
3. Hardware
Everything is simple here, when creating a new self-registration, you just need to use the program "CCTools-Shortcut.exe,
this software will replace all the hardware for us, the Windows key, the name of the account, and so on (it works only when launched from the Administrator).

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:57]
4. Time / languages
By going to www.whoer.net, we can see that the site sees our languages in the system, system time, etc.
We always take these moments into account and adjust the time, we use only English, there should not be installed Russian packages. (after all, we are pure Americans), the time should correspond to the state with which we work, as well as fullz-gv-ssh, do not forget this.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 20:58]
5. Pagins should be disabled like here - https://ibb.co/fTGajm I
want to pay attention to WebRTC: it fills up our main IP address, although they pulled SSH, sock, proxy , it will still fire through DNS, to avoid this we use the
Mozilla Firefox browser in it we can disable WebRTC by writing "about: config" in the address bar, then find "media.peerconnection.enabled" in the search and switch to "false"
There are also options for substituting WebRTC.
Can be done through a firewall or using plugins. (I would strongly advise against plugins, all this is firing) I can’t say anything about firewalls, but in my practice, that the disabled WebRTC was replaced, I didn’t see any difference. Therefore, we just chop it off and that's it.
"Why Mozilla Firefox and not Google Chrome?"
- Because in Google Chrome there is no way to disable WebRTC, only using plugins, but, as we know, this will not help us.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 21:01]
This is the standard set. PP collects much more information, we cannot know everything, but this is the basis, the base of things that must always be adhered to.
I have poured the finished configured virtual machine for you so that you do not bathe with all this, but start right away to create self-registration.
You should know this base, even if you don't have to configure anything on your own.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 21:01]
❌ The main rules when working with PayPal.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 21:03]
Let's figure out what to do correctly and what is wrong
! The best treatment for a stick is a BREAK.
! The more transactions you passed through self-registration, the greater the chance that it will give you more next time, perhaps even immediately * instantly.
! The less we go to the stick account, the better, we don’t need to log in 10 times every day.
! A stick is like a girl, you need to talk to her carefully and affectionately, do not rush to get everything from her from 1 time.
! Download the account gradually, made the first 2 purchases for $ 10 -15 $ - pending slept, made 2 more purchases for $ 30-35. If it does not give in the amount of $ 10, it is worth trying 2 goods at a time for small amounts ($ 1-5), if it does not give for this amount too, we make a purchase for at least $ 0.01 (we do not care which one to make the first transaction, the main thing is to do)

moon-wey, [04/01/21 21:04]

moon-wey, [04/01/21 21:05] We
created a self-registration, started work, went through all the shops, donations, goods, gave nothing, even $ 1. What should be done?
1. Going to the end, trying to buy the product until it gives is WRONG.
2. Try to buy a couple of goods of different prices from different sellers and stores (2-3 shops and donations), try to send them as soon as we receive at least 1-2 such messages by mail,
confirm if nothing gives us after a confirmed SMS , put this stick aside, and let it lie down for 3 days, and try it all over again. - RIGHT

moon-wey, [01.04.19 21:06]
Newreg allows you to buy for example 10 iPhones, and a couple of laptop (mainly in such festive days or when the PP in a good mood.)
1. stock up to the eyeballs STAF, and rejoice. - WRONG. (80% chance that your account will go into the limit)
2. Make the first purchase for $ 150-250 one, maximum 2, get off the stick, write down what date the pending will be removed and do not go to this account until that date. CORRECT
3. In the event of big holidays, each freshly recessed stick often gives us a good amount of stock, you can make a couple of accounts, not for quality, but for quantity,
chisel from the start for 700-2000 $ even if out of 10 accounts, 2 will fall pending's, we will not pay off badly. - A Matter of Choice

moon-wey, [04/01/21 21:08]
The end of the month is the 27th-30th, pending's were sleeping everywhere, do you need to go tarrying?
1. We work as we did, we tarry as we did. - DISPUTE
2. We are waiting for the beginning of the month on the 2-3rd day, since at the end of the month holders receive states (extracts), there is a chance to burn + at the end of the month the stick usually goes wild and there are waves of limits, this does not happen every month, but it's worth it remember, at the end of the month it is better to wait a couple of days before starting a new one and start working as before, it will not be worse from this, it will only be more profitable for us, the stick loves very much when it is not battered, but let it lie down. - RIGHT

moon-wey, [04/01/21 21:12] The
stick is already a week or two, but it still doesn’t make it, doesn’t let me pay even on a dollar, what should I do?
1. We do nothing, we cry that the stick is crooked, it will not give anything, we try to find what you are doing wrong, we hammer on this self-registration - WRONG (there are often such cases when it is such self-registrations that remain with you for a long life, you are with you will torment her for the first month, but then it may overshoot that she will give you goods instantly for a couple of $ a week, this has been proven more than once in practice)
2. We go to china shops or ebay, but better in this case, china shops, we are looking the most non-liquid product, a store with wires, strap-ons, pins, paper clips, condoms, etc. Trying to buy from there - CORRECT.
3. Send a couple of dollars on our stick, from the balance of another stick, go to ebay, buy goods for $ 1-2, and transfer the rest of the amount to our attached BA, a good option to increase confidence in the stick. - THE MOST RIGHT OPTION.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 21:15]
Samoreg is already a couple of weeks old, last week he gave a purchase for $ 500, the pending was asleep, and now he does not want to give even $ 100, what should I do?
! Buy something worth 1 dollar or 2, or a couple of cents, and then buy the product for the normal amount.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 21:21]
On the PP balance there are 8 $ from the last purchase, but now there is nothing to buy, what should I do?
-Such a situation is a frequent occurrence, so that everything is as before, try to buy something within this amount, if nothing comes of it, send this amount to yourself on BA, and then go buy further.
Transferring money from PP to BA is useful, there will be more trust in us.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 21:27]
The tunnel fell off, I worked at the PP for a month, but today the tunnel does not work, I cannot enter the PP, what can I do, can I change to another of the same state?
-Maybe, there will be nothing bad from this, and in some cases it is even beneficial, it happened that the brain took out 2 months, it will give a purchase for $ 300, and after a few days and for $ 20 with difficulty, after replacing the tunnels, in general I began to sing to another, the most important thing is that the cookies are in order, so do not worry about this. The guys with wwh will tell you something like, the maximum should be 2 ip and then, you need to train the stick right away, just DON'T LISTEN to this gray nonsense, I saw it in some article written by someone not clear, but according to him
Quote: " I ate a dog on self-registers, because I had more than 100 "
-I had more than 600 of them and I can't say that I "ate a dog", a stick is such a thing that you never know what it will throw out, today it behaves one by one, and tomorrow it is completely different. As for ip, I changed 10-15 tunnels on 1 self-register, during the life of self-register, I never noticed a deterioration. Think logically, not only are ip dynamic in the user and change very often, so the holder can also use his own wifi, as well as any other wifi networks, it’s stupid who says this.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 21:30]
How to make it so that you can drive at least $ 100 at once?
Here it depends more on the store and fraud, Paypal does not really trust new accounts, but there is an exception, on holidays, the fraud subsides and good amounts fly from new accounts, as I said before.
It happens from new accounts to give a good amount and on ordinary working days, here it is more likely that the stars will converge.
Remember the main thing, each stick behaves differently, sometimes you make an ideal PP, it would seem, a clean tunnel, not previously used in a BA stick, etc., and the stick barely gives you a $ 1 point, after which you make a stick completely assembled from "shit", and she gives at the start a deposit of $ 20 or a purchase for $ 250

moon-wey, [04/01/21 21:36] I
already register a large number of self-registers and not one wants to give, what to do?
If you are confident in the cleanliness of your tunnels, in your approach, I can only tell you.
It also happens, I would even say such days, try to change the approach, if nothing helps either, the best option would be to make a couple of self-registers, 4-6 pieces, better than 10, do not try to buy anything from them, but just put it in a lodging for a week , yes, you have to wait, but there is nothing terrible in this, but from these accounts it will most likely give from the first tranza to more or less amounts immediately in the middle, more I will tell you that many consider this approach to be the basis of the buildup and adhere to it categorically
Today, people got drunk after 15-16 years and the beginning of 17, when self-registers from the start could give a purchase for $ 400-700 not all, but 4 out of 10 for sure.
People do not remember the bad times when self-registration was created, went to bed, then they bought some socks, buttons, etc. for $ 1 to the address of the fuller, and it was not bad if it gave and did not have to link VCC, in order to stir up the account a little, as soon as the movement started, they made a purchase for $ 2, then for 4 - 8 - 20 - 45, etc., and only after that the address was added in the middle and the same song began with it, 1-2-4-8, etc., the acc could swing leave a month, or even more.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 21:37]
We paid for the goods with a check, but the holder burned and canceled the transaction, but the BA did not fall off and did not receive the limit, is it worth paying from this ba again?
-No, this tells us that the holder burned, but perhaps did not understand what it was, in case of attempts to buy from this BA again, we can fly into the limit, tie a new BA and buy from it.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 21:42]
Is it possible to use one tunnel for several self-registers?
- No, then you will cry that self-registration does not give you, and even worse, you will go to the limit, maybe not immediately, but over time it will happen.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 21:43]
Change approaches, test when creating a self-register, some, as soon as they pulled a tunnel, run to fight in a stick, I can't say that this is bad, but not good either.
We went to GV, then registered eBay, went to other shops, climbed there, chose what, pressed pay with a stick, you were thrown into a stick, and there they already registered and tried to pay, this approach is good not only for CC, but also for a stick. the stick sees from where it redirects us.
There are a lot of pitfalls, it will be impossible to describe everything, I described the main points that we will often encounter, in the event that a non-standard situation occurs, it is better to write it down in the config, if you do not know what to do about it, you will always be prompted.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 21:44]
Let's consider the ways to build up the account, if the alternative does not help.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 21:44]
The easiest option is to drive into the donation for the amount of $ 1-2 or less, let the account lie down for 4-5 days and already raise the amount to $ 20-50 and drive into the small shop to the address of fullz or to another donation.
After that, lay back the account again. (personally, I am always inclined to this option) We drive in small amounts on the CH and track it.

wey-moon, [01.04.19 21:47]
If everything is sad and does not want to bathe, you can refer to my friends who will help you and make your account Sand PP
Either pour their money through the exchangers
is possible to wait for a miracle, when the stick without he will give you a swing, dep / driving in - ref, after which you will have a balance
for swinging your own self-regs.
Imagine that you somehow received the same amount on the balance of your p.
Since no one will send you large sums, and the little things that we will have, we must dispose of wisely.
What do we do next:
- We go to eBay
- we take the top seller of any product
- we find out his mail, how to do it, I think we don’t need to describe
- we send from the balance to the mail of the seller
- Next to mess with him and should be returned to us "accidentally sent $ 1"
pre-invent the story on which we accidentally make a mistake
I have to say that seller not the fact that you will return the dollar, well, not a fact that will not return (30/70)
In any case, , you make a send to the proven, swinging stick of the top seller,
and if the seller is even, you will get a return from the top PP)
The benefits of the acc from all this are as follows:
1: Transfer to your PP, from your friend or exchangers
2: You make a transfer by send to the mail to the seller from eBay
3: The transfer will be made if the seller returns the amount that you accidentally send to him
Suppose that you have $ 3 on your balance, so I advise three different sellers to "accidentally" make a send)

moon-wey, [04/01/21 21:49]
Send through services.
also a good option for swinging, if it does not allow sending from the PP. You can try through services, for example:
splitwise.com - at the moment this service does not work, but you can find others, more on that later, the principle will remain the same.
The bottom line is:
1. Register an account (we indicate soap, it is possible with GV and some realties from fullz)
2. We get into the account and click on "Skip setup for now"
https: // prnt .sc / gy8p0c
3. click on "Send money via PayPal"
4. Write off the amount we want, if it's a newreg then try 2-10 bucks
5. We enter the soap where we will send, for example, the soap of the eBay seller, or the soap of some shop
(this service helped me out more than once, when the account did not want to move at all, it helped)
So you can then use this service to send decent sums to the soap sellers eBay, soap shops and then write to them a bike that you accidentally sent the money, if they refut, we display the cache and rejoice)

moon-wey, [04/01/21 21:59]
Recently we found one interesting thing with PP.
If you go to the soap shops that do not have a PayPal account.
The trick is that the soap of shops and so on ... as a rule, the sends fly in with a bang,
but all the juice is that if there is no PayPal account on this soap, the transaction will be cleared (echek will subside),
but it will not be able to go into the complement, because in order for it to go into the complete, the owner of that soap would need to register a PayPal account.
The transaction will still hang unconfirmed, but there is a "Cancel" button next
to it . By clicking on it, we cancel the transaction, and the money immediately falls on the balance of our PP :)
A very convenient thing, you do not need to run, write to the support to cancel the order, etc. 1 button and that's it, the money is on the balance.
Actual soap for today:
[email protected]
In the conference we will replenish the list of such shops, we kindly ask you to find it - share it with others, there will also be groups of testers who will be allocated money for various tests and the search for new resources and methods.
Remember, this is not a manual, but teamwork, only by learning to trust each other, we will be able to implement all this.
Recently, from newregs gives send with a bang.
For today, the service is temporarily not plowing, but there are alternatives

moon-wey, [01.04.19 22:00]
❗️Cispy soap, pod send
[email protected] - TEST
[email protected] - (shop) check
[email protected] -seller
ebej [email protected] - soap soap
[email protected] - seller
ebej [email protected] - seller
ebej [email protected] - seller ebej - empty soap
[email protected] - seller
ebej [email protected] - seller
ebej wangruiyun1103 @ gmail.com - seller
ebej [email protected] - seller
ebej [email protected] - seller
ebej [email protected] - seller
ebej [email protected] - seller
[email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] - Cюда если засендили, рефа не просим.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] - мыло доната
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] - мыло шопа
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] -
spiritofthelakeschool @ gmail.com -
soap [email protected]
[email protected]
- shop soap [email protected] [email protected] - shop soap
[email protected] - shop soap
[email protected]
[email protected]

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:01]
Since the split is not up-to-date
send through the personal account (personal account) PP There are
alternatives to the service, but you need to search
And so the service is top, it happened from the newreg to 2-4k the
quality was not ok to do this, because more than half went to the limit, but even if 1 out of 10 accounts survived, we went to a good +

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:04]
Searching for shops (new stores, services, etc.)
Finding new stores is very important for us, because the less popular the store, the more chances that it will miss the payment.
Searching for such stores is not very difficult.
Let's take an example:
We write in the search engine the queries "buy a fishing rod paypal" - "buy fishing rod paypal" a
similar list appears
open the first 10-15 sites and scroll through the search engine they sell, and in 90% at the bottom it will be written which payment systems they accept.
the remaining 10% do not write that they accept the stick, but in fact this is not always true, so sometimes we determine it by typing.
so we found a shop that accepts payment by PP
It does not indicate whether they accept payment with BA (echek). Therefore, we are testing these shops, trying to drive them into them.
Here is another shop for this request found
Accept payment from PP and BA as we see the picture "Bank" - https://ibb.co/fjVm9m
here is another shop
And one more)

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:04]
In general, you understand the principle, everything is very simple here. We are also looking for donations. We just google what we need. For donations like "help to cats PayPal"

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:05]
❗️List of shops, services, donations that suit us:
https://www.art.com - it gives good, but started limiting accounts.
http://www.cyprusanimalwelfare.com/ - Donate
https://www.paypal.me/Ajay935 - donate
https: // www .fastcreditshop.com /
https://www.shoes.com /
https://www.stockroom.com - BDSM shop
https: / /www.ergoactives.com
http: // myfirstblush. com /
http://www.stubbsmugs.co.uk/ - there is a payment from BA

moon-wey, [01.04.19 22:05]
Online Shopping for Cool Gadgets, RC Quadcopter, 3D Printer at Banggood
Online Shopping China the best bang for your buck, provides cool electronics gadgets, toys, cell phones, vr headset, 3d printer, tv box, home decor, apparel at great prices.
P:S - http://www.cyprusanimalwelfare.com/ не юса донат
дало комплитом 50$ apollofitness.ie
дало комплитом 70$ www.protalus.com
canada ------------------------ -
https://mizmooz.ca/ shop soap [email protected]
gave $ 50 https://eaglefitness.ca/ shop soap [email protected]
https://jillandthebeanstalk.ca/ shop soap [email protected]
https://senick.ca/ shop soap [email protected]
https://www.kitplanete.ca/ shop soap [email protected]
new canada ---------------------
new usa -------- ---
ireland shops
Canada --------------------
https://mikkoespressoboutique.ca дало 110 бачей
Paphiakos Animal Sanctuary - Cyprus Animal Welfare. Paphos based animal sanctuary - also offering full import / export facilities and clinic
fosmas.org /donate.html

============================ONLY BA================================

moon-wey, [01.04.19 22:06]
https: // donate.torproject.org/pdr

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:07]
[File: 800 shops for driving.txt]

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:07]
⭕️there are different
as well as with payment with the ba and without,
but I recommend always looking for something of your own
with different inadequate requests
from spare parts for cars
to spare parts for a rocket
or motor boat
traps for a bear
fire cannons and so on,
the less fucked up the shop, the more likely it is that a more expensive tranza will pass

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:09]
My theory about dirty tunnels and so on, why sometimes it gives a purchase from complete shit, and sometimes not.
It is not uncommon when we are told that the stick came from a completely dirty tunnel and so on.
I will try to explain how I see it.
I will explain on my fingers, so do not laugh: D
Let's say the stick has 10 anti-fraud points, every week (more / less) they are discarded.
According to this logic, one can explain why "sleeping" helps the stick.
Perhaps: every 3 - 4 days, 1 point is reset, but this is not certain :)
The stick has "traps": D - we will name them so, as soon as we step on one of them, 1 point is added to us, for each there is a certain rule and restrictions.
Let's say:
3 points - purchase restrictions not exceeding $ 500
5 - limit to 300
6 - limit to 100
10 - not a fig at all, and so on.
So, when registering and during various actions, we collect a different number of such points on different accounts.
Based on this, we can explain why each stick behaves differently, for example, where there were 5 points, the fraud dropped to 1 in a couple of days, our tunnel fell off, we accidentally stuff a dirty one, as a result, the stick adds 1 point to us, as a result we have 2.
But for her, 2 points is not critical, and she calmly skips the payment.
After all, if only she immediately cut the payment only because of a dirty tunnel, or because of 1 or a couple of illegal actions, ordinary users (holders) also suffered from this, they can also jack her off, and the provider can also give out a dirty ip ...
Naturally, this is an example, everything is much more complicated.
I am sure that for each of our wrong actions, certain rules and restrictions have already been written.
The stick is not a person, but a certain algorithm in which all outcomes are already known for our actions.
This is just my opinion, maybe I'm wrong

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:10]
Everything that will be lower, do not worry - it will still be on the video, if you don't understand anything, it's not scary.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:12]
But again, the video is not a direct algorithm of actions that need to be done, they will most likely show everything visually (you will receive the video tomorrow)
Let's move on to what we need to do before how to start registering a PayPal account and then use it.
1. After we open the virtual machine, launch Bitvise SSH Client
1. Write the IP SSH / proxy, sock. (in our case, ssh)
2. Port
3. Login
4. Password
5. Login
Connects to SSH, if SSH is valid, then everything will connect without problems (if not, ask the seller for a replacement), in case of an error again check the correctness of the entered data (port, login, password, IP).
If everything is fine, a black window appears (we do not close it, but simply minimize it), it may close itself, but in some cases.
Also, in addition to the black window, sometimes a window appears with files on the server you connected to (just close it). Once again, I remind you "Black - REDUCING!"
At the bottom right of the screen we see a square with the "Proxifier" indicator.
If the lines run, then the traffic went through the battle, that is, through SSH.
It also happens that SSH does not knock out some seconds, so you can burn your IP address. I set up Proxifier so that when SSH doesn’t send Internet to the virtual machine (so as not to fire my main IP address, because if we burn RU IP while working with PP, read the account into the furnace.)
- Open the Firefox browser and go to whoer.
we see the following:
moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:16]
1. IP-USA, exactly the one that we connected
2. DNS
3. See what is the English language (remember, no foreign languages, folders, software, sites , there MUST NOT be links !!! "(if you are using the virtual that we have prepared for you, there should be no problems with this)
4. Time (if it is wrong, the background will glow red, go to the system time and change it to the desired one, then whoer reload the page, check whether all true.
(sometimes still time whoer previous shows, in this case, just close the browser, open again and go on whoer).
5. WebRTC - disabled and not firing our core IP-address.
After the transition to the site http://www.ip-score.com/
click "View" https://ibb.co/jY869m

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:16]

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:16]
We see the following

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:20]
We see a list where our IP got into the "black list", this IP is only in 4 "black lists".
Listed - in black
Clear - clear
1-3 black is not enough, if over 8, I advise you to take another SSH, cleaner.
(It used to be that the dirty IP behaved very well with a stick in the trash and decent sums flew in, over $ 1-2k, so you leave the choice here)
This is where our dances with a tambourine end, go to the next stage
Opening "CCTools - Shortcut" (Open on behalf of the Administrator)
we see the following: click on all the "Generate" buttons several times, select the parameter we like. Then we click on all the "Change" buttons and on this we can close the program.
We can check that the hardware has changed. Right click on the "My Computer" - "Properties" shortcut.
All the hardware that we have chosen is the change, the name of the account and much more.
After that, we launch "CCleaner" (we will not dwell on it).
Next, we clean up and after that we do not appear on sites such as
mail.ru and other ru sites.
You will be added to the info channel,
there will also be other checkers
+ you will be added to the closed section on the duplicate, there will be a clear guide on what to pay attention to on these checkers

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:23]
* If there is a great need to go to one of these sites or any others, do it from another browser on which you do not work with a stick *

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:23]
From now on, we are an ordinary user-American, who should not even care what his IP and other trifles are. Only USA sites, languages, USA shops and so on.
This completes the virtual machine setup and is ready to create a PayPal account.
But that's not all, I will explain a moment how we can save everything, not lose cookies and return back to other PayPal self-registrations quickly.
We will be using "VMware"

moon-wey, [04/01/21 10:24 PM]

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:26]
How to take a snapshot of the state and why it is:
- Conventionally, we imagined that we made a PayPal self-registration, made a purchase from it, you need to go out and switch to another self-register. What to do - we will exit everything will be lost, cookies, etc., all settings.
Do the following:
1. Click on the top left "virtual machine - Snapshot" - Create snapshot "
We see the following: https://ibb.co/dSm9Um
1. We name the snapshot (I always call it eg Samoreg # 1, Samoreg # 2, etc.)
2. Click "Create Snapshot"

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:28]
At the bottom left there will be%, be sure to wait for the 100% state to be saved. Only when it remains up to 100% can we switch to another "snap" - another PayPal account, or turn off the virtual machine.
click "Virtual machine" - "Snapshot" - "snapshot manager"
we see the following: https://ibb.co/kQbb9m
1. This will be our main assembly (which I will throw off for you) it is from her that you will give self-registers as always.
2. These are snaps, as you can see, they all go by 1, where I marked. These are all the saved snapshots of the state from number 1.
That is, let's imagine that there is already one self-reg. This diagram will look like this: https: // ibb.
in place 1 - this is the main assembly (which I will give you)
in place 2 - this is your first self-registration (snap)
You need to make a second self-registration, click on the snap under number 1, and then on 3 on the "Go" button, after that you throws over to the main system I gave you. (* Also at the bottom left will be the% of system recovery! We are waiting for 100% after we continue to work! *** "
Further, as described above, we connect using the SSH protocol, replace the hardware, etc.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:29]

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:29]
Imagine a situation, you went to the first self-registration, not for the first time, bought the product for the second time and want to go out and save, but to save space on your disk and convenience, we do this: if go to the "snapshot manager" you will see the following: I
1. The configured main system
2. "conditionally" your first self-registration
3. Exactly the state where you are now. If you save, the system will not be the same as mine, there will be many more saved snaps.

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:32]
Just poke on the second snap and press "Delete", after the number 3 is shifted to the place of the number 2 and take a new snapshot, and everything will look convenient and take up little space on the hard disk.

moon-wey, [01.04.19 22:32]
https://dublik2uqiorycsj.onion/threads/zadacha-snimki-sostojanija-ehkrana-vmware.118429/ https://dublikat.im/threads/zadacha-snimki-sostojanija- ehkrana-vmware.118429 / ❗️ For those who have a poor understanding of working with snapshots

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:33]
From the latest relevant news on pp
?Before you go to register a stick, go to any shop, select a product up to $ 100, click buy, select a paypal payment method, after we redirect from the shop to the stick and only then we register an account, after registration, you can try to send, or go back to this shop and try to buy the product from which you were redirected, if we do not let you go to try others.
For this scheme, use different shops for each self-register, preferably look for such shops yourself, it is good to use from the list, but using your own is much better.
SSH - as practice has shown in the last half of the last week, ssh is good to take crystal clear and select it for the city, and even better for zip, self-registers on such tunnels start their movement much better.
Before creating each self-registration, we check it not only in vhuyere, but also write in Google this request "pay pal", not together "paypal", namely, "pay pal" If there are hints of Russian in Google, Try it a couple of times, close the tab and open and write the next one, repeat these actions 5-7 times, if the result is the same as on the screen:
Either other languages, Chinese, Turkish, whatever you like, not English letters, we write to the seller and demand to replace the tunnels, if everything is fine , only then we clean ourselves with a cleaner and get to work, DO NOT FORGET TO DO IT!!!
Who will have a similar situation http://joxi.ru/bmoJbldiMeVNRr

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:33]
Tests of people from our conference, at our request, for which money was allocated

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:33]
[Forwarded from Meumorie (online, drawing)]
[File: SKD Test.docx]

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:33]
[Forwarded from Meumorie (connected, rendering)]
[File: Logs Brut-Check.txt]

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:33]
[Forwarded from Meumorie (online, drawing)]
[File: Test from Will Smith.docx]

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:33]
[Forwarded from Meumorie (online, drawing)]
[File: Mrbin.rtf ping test]

moon-wey, [04/01/21 22:34]
Throw off your links to profiles on the duplicate to the bass in HP in the cart, in order to be added to the closed section of the forum.
Check out all the information there, as well as https://dublik.im /forums/razdel-paypal-group.424/ put ?? (on the topics that interest you) ?
For today is the end, tomorrow we will start watching a two-hour video and setting up a virtual machine. The link to the virtual machine and the video will be dropped tomorrow during the day, it will be possible to configure it the same way during the whole day, it is not necessary to wait until 19:00.
❗❗️ Ask questions after rereading the whole lecture a couple of times.
Please do not panic because of a heap of incomprehensible information, tomorrow after watching the video 80% of the questions will disappear by themselves, you will clearly see what and how.

FvLyALmLcR, [04/01/21 22:47]
Thank you for the lecture, from the bottom of my heart.

Ondatr, [04/01/21 22:47]
Thank you. It was interesting.

I'm Here, [04/01/21 22:48]
@moonwey, is it possible to use a VPN based on routers. And also VMBOX?

FvLyALmLcR, [04/01/21 23:02]
Is it possible to work on a poppy and are there programs for a poppy?

FvLyALmLcR, [04/01/21 23:02]
Or just Windows?

Denis, [04/01/21 23:04]
There in the closed section there is an ifna for working with poppy

moon-wey, [04/02/21 02:48]
[In response to I'm Here]
It might even be better than using ssh or socks

moon-wey, [04/02/21 02:49]
[In response to FvLyALmLcR]
Virtu can also be installed under the Mac

MQuinnn, [04/02/21 10:36]
@moonwey good day. Question: I'm trying to download CCTools - all options are blocked by Windows Defender as viral. This is normal? Maybe there is a link where exactly to download the normal one?

Ondatr, [04/02/21 10:39]
Hi. Do I have a link to a private section? And how could I find him?

Ondatr, [04/02/21 10:40]
Hi. Do I have a link to a private section? If so, where can I find a link to this section?

PurePassion, [04/02/21 10:40]
Basiak has not yet granted access for sure

MQuinnn, [04/02/21 10:40]
Hi, it seems like the links have not been given yet

Ondatr, [04/02/21 10:41]
Got it. Sanks

Space Solider, [04/02/21 10:41]
By CCTools - look at the torrent nmn-club

Space Solider, [02.04.19 10:42]

MQuinnn, [04/02/21 10:42]
Thank you

PurePassion, [04/02/21 10:42]

PurePassion, [04/02/21 10:42]
Here the vet threw off the link, but there is no access yet

Jimmy Double Jacket \\\, [04/02/21 13:27]
[In response to moon-wey]
Hi. And about the open vpn configs there will be some kind of infa, and who can order contacts from?

FvLyALmLcR, [04/02/21 15:25]
[In response to moon-wey]
how is it, hammered into the donation?

Denis, [04/02/21 15:27]
[In response to FvLyALmLcR]
Make a donation, as I understand it

Ondatr, [04/02/21 15:27]
@ denis6611 exactly

FvLyALmLcR, [04/02/21 15:28]
donation where?

Denis, [04/02/21 15:28]
[In response to FvLyALmLcR]
to any donate service

MQuinnn, [04/02/21 15:29] A service
to some thread that deals with donations, such as helping whale sharks, seals or someone else. I understand so

MQuinnn, [04/02/21 15:30]
[Submitted from moon-wey]
In general, you understand the principle, everything is very simple here. We are also looking for donations. We just google what we need. For donations like "help to cats paypal"

Ondatr, [04/02/21 15:31]
@FvLyALmLcR Even the links were given where you can donate. Scroll through the conversation.

moon-wey, [04/02/21 15:37]
[In response to MQuinnn]
You don't need to download anything, you will be given a ready-made image with all the software.

MQuinnn, [04/02/21 15:37]
@moonwey thanks, I understand

moon-wey, [04/02/21 15:38]
[In response to Jimmy Double Jacket \\\]
We show work based on ssh \ socks, in order to use ovpn configs there is info in the closed section.

moon-wey, [04/02/21 15:38]
[In response to Denis]

Jimmy Double Jacket \\\, [04/02/21 15:39]
[In response to moon-wey]
is that where the bass adds?

moon-wey, [04/02/21 15:40]
[In response to Jimmy Double Jacket \\\]

moon-wey, [02.04.19 15:40]

moon-wey, [04/02/21 15:40]
❌Official channel, join and also read the information

moon-wey, [04/02/21 15:40]
❌link to virtual:
password from virtual

❌ (1) video link:
Video password:
forPPfddfSDq # 43!

❌ (2) video link:
https://is.gd/m930U8 Video
FuziksjsSqw2gds! @ # ZasA
Watch the video in sequence, first marked (1) then (2)
❌Also download VmWare from the
License Keys official website VMW15pro

moon-wey, [04/02/21 15:41]

moon-wey, [04/02/21 15:41]
? So guys, I'll make a little correction from the video.
Since there were problems with the first group with the launch of the "stock snapshot",
I deleted it. Therefore, I will describe what to do after specifying the path to the system image.
1. We look at our parameters:

We need to exhibit, as it is convenient to whom. For example, I have 32 GB of RAM and 8 cores. I expose 4 cores to virtual and 8 GB of RAM, so that everything works well and does not lag. Well, you can allocate 40-50% of the power to a virtual machine.

2. Launch the virtual machine.

Proxifier and Bitvise SSH Client

It should be like this:

Proxifier and Bitvise
Open Proxifier
click on the window where I put (1)
after the "Add" button

We enter such parameters.

Port: 1080
put a check mark "SOCKS Version 5"
And click "OK"

here click "Yes" and then "OK"

3. Click "Virtual machine" -> "Snapshot manager" -> "create a snapshot"
Sign it "Stock system"

And click "Create Snapshot"

After that, exactly the same snapshot will appear as in the video.


We see from the bottom left of the virtual machine window%

We are waiting for 100% after that you can already continue working with the virtual machine

moon-wey, [04/02/21 15:42]
? Due to the fact that you have a bad understanding of how "screenshots" work, I decided to paint you in more detail, show "on your fingers", I recommend reading and doing it step by step together with me.

Again, this is for those who do not understand how "screenshots" work!

1) We go into the "snapshot manager" and load the stock system that we created, each one can call it differently, for me - "Stock system", after the Windows has loaded - open the "paint" (editor) and "muff" (browser), then go back to the "snapshot manager" and take a "snapshot" ", call it" self-registration 1 "
Save the snapshot, wait until 100%, the saving process is displayed at the bottom left.

2) After we have finished saving the first snapshot, we will go back to the snapshot manager and load the "STOCK SYSTEM", there we open 4 paints and 2 Firefox, save the snapshot under the name "self-registration 2"
Also wait until 100% ...

3) Now we load the "snapshot" called "samoreg1", make our changes there, write any inscriptions in the paint, then go to the "snapshot manager", click to save the snapshot, call it "Samoreg1LAST" 100%, after 100% is saved, delete the old picture called "samoreg1"

4) Now go to the "samoreg2" snapshot, close all our tabs there that we have opened, these are 4 paints and 2 firefoxes and immediately load the "Samoreg1Last" snapshot, as you can see our inscriptions in the "paint" remain, but if we go now to the snapshot " samoreg2 "- the tabs that we hid will again remain open, as if no one touched them.

I hope the role of the snapshots is now clear, each snapshot is 1 self-registration, we created a self-registration, registered, filled in a cookie, made a purchase, saved a picture, next time logged in again, bought something else, saved a picture, deleted the last one, we do it so that there are no spaces in the cookie when we work. The consenter was strange if we work with self-registration throughout the entire time to make purchases, etc., and the "cookies" will be constantly clean and there is no trace from our last purchase, because if we do not save the snapshot, no changes will occur, when loading the snapshot there will and a trace of what we did before.

moon-wey, [04/02/21 15:42]
? Task:
Until tomorrow, it is necessary.
1. Set up virtual for work.
2. Review the material of yesterday's lecture.
3. Review the video
After again, repeat the material from yesterday's lecture.
The video is a visual aid, not a direct sequence of actions.
Registration of PPs was carried out without a redirect, and they also entered the guards from the main machine, this cannot be done.
+ the check of the tunnel is not made correctly on the video.
4. Get acquainted with the PP Info channel, as well as with the closed section on the forum.
5. Pay special attention to topics with the prefix "ssh \ socks"
Anyone who drops links to their profile on the duplicate as soon as you get access to the closed section, bass will make an announcement here in the chat.
Also, when creating a stock snapshot, install Vmware tools (tools are needed for the clipboard between the base and the virtual to work). To install them, click on the "Virtual Machine" tab - Update Vmware Tools package.

moon-wey, [02.04.19 15:42]

moon-wey, [04/02/21 15:43]
❗️Install on our Stock Image, then save it

moon-wey, [04/02/21 15:43]
[Submitted from PP Info]
?‍? After each FF update, I recommend rechecking the WebRTC plugin.
Recently, after updates, it turns on automatically.
about: config
media.peerconnection.enabled - false

moon-wey, [04/02/21 15:43]
update the browser on the stock image, turn off the web rtc after save
after the update ff
now the web-rtz plugin is turned on automatically
be sure to do it

Viktor Olenev, [04/02/21 15:46]
Vmware tools will not affect the paleness of the virtual machine? and is it possible to do without the clipboard?

moon-wey, [04/02/21 15:48]
[In response to Victor Olenev]
Will not affect.
You can do without a buffer, but it will not be convenient + all the data will have to be entered by hand, this affects fraud more positively, but as practice has shown, give a fuck.

moon-wey, [04/02/21 15:48]
For ss opposite

moon-wey, [04/02/21 16:01]
⭕️ Let me remind you, you do not need to download any programs, they are in the image ❗
link to virtual:
password from virtual

Read carefully, everything that is written in the config, NEVER swap messages.
Also ask all questions here.

PurePassion, [04/02/21 16:03]
How much space is better to allocate for virtual on HDD? I will put on a separate disk

Meumorie (online, drawing), [04/02/21 16:04]
[In response to PurePassion]
the more the better, from 200GB

PurePassion, [02.04.19 16:04]

Denis, [04/02/21 16:09]

Meumorie (online, drawing), [04/02/21 16:11]
well, the more self-registrations there are, the more pictures in the virtual machine = the more memory it will take

ol l, [04/02/21 16:32]
Download VmWare15 pro?

moon-wey, [04/02/21 16:33]
[In response to ol l]

moon-wey, [
02/04/19 16:34] ? Breakthrough of miniskirts (AN | RN)
http: //money.yodlee.com
https: / /transfer.xe.com

Save it to your notepad.

PurePassion, [04/02/21 16:53]
Has anyone already downloaded VmWare from the off site? Registration is needed there

moon-wey, [04/02/21 16:54]
[In response to PurePassion]

moon-wey, [04/02/21 16:54]

PurePassion, [04/02/21 16:54]
from the torrent will not work?)

moon-wey, [04/02/21 16:56]
[In response to PurePassion]
Your business, even from a porn site, then just do not ask why the PC is slowing down and where did the grandmas go from kiwi or bts)

ol l, [04/02/21 17:06]
https://www.vmware.com/products/workstation-pro/workstation-pro-evaluation.html will this work? without registering


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