Hello to all of you, guys!
I spent a lot of time, money and effort on this article, so I hope you enjoy it.
The article will be quite capacious, so I will divide it into several parts:
Introductory part, about Google Ads.
So, let's begin. What is Google Ads traffic so famous for in the field of work? Many people just tell fables that Google traffic is easy and completely passive income, and such that no one wants to share it!
Probably profitable.. But the point is completely different!
First of all, the fables that it is easy and very profitable are a myth. Seeing how much information is here, your eyes will pop out of orbit. But the point is that Google traffic is different for everyone. It is very flexible and unique for everyone. And as for why no one shares a manual on how to pour - it's simply because of laziness. No one will write so much information and all the details to some kekich, especially for free. But these guys are not about me, I write for free, and I also spent my own money so that a friend of a friend of a friend would tell me the whole gist.
Make some tea, turn on the background music, and we'll get started!
Main part. All about Google Ads.
Antidetect browser
We need an antidetect browser. Google really likes to ban your accounts by hardware, so much so that no bypasses help, so we will use anti-detection. Of the good anti-detections, I can recommend a free, reliable as a Swiss watch - Dolphin Anty. In it, you can create several profiles at once and pour from several accounts at once, and you will definitely not have problems with bans. Therefore - let's install it.
Proxy for actdetect
For the anti-detection to work, we need what? That's right, proxies. I advise you to buy not cheap ones, resident ones, it's better NOT to SAVE on this, under no circumstances. Because cheap proxies will die quickly and when you change proxies, Google will detect and block your account. And the money you spend - no one will return to you, but put it in their pocket.
Where would I advise you to buy? Well, first of all, as a forum user - I would advise you to buy on the forum itself, because it will be safe here. You can buy proxies in this section: Security Services
But if you are a risky guy and like to look for adventures, then you can buy them on the Internet.
Types of accounts for spills
Accounts are divided into several types, namely:
Self-registered - accounts that you register yourself, using SMS activations (not the best option, we immediately reject it because of the high chance of blocking our account.
Renting accounts for spills is also not the most wah-wah way, very inconvenient and very unsafe. Therefore - also bypass.
Buying an up-to-date, clean, active, literally finished product on a platter with a credit limit
$350. That is, if it is clear and short - you used these $350 conditional, filled the ad and the account where? Correct! To the trash!
What is cloaking?
I will explain briefly. What is cloaking and what is it for.
Cloaking is a software that, so to speak, "Masks" your gray, black traffic.
This software shows the white side of your site moderators and helps to bypass blocking. If you are going to leak ads on a white topic - you will NOT NEED cloaking.
Cloaking helps to increase the trust (trust) of your site when publishing ads in Google and will be visible on top of other ads in the top. In general, a very useful thing:
What cloaks are there and which ones will I recommend? (none of this is advertising)
About blocking
For bypassing the Google system, which we will do, most often at the end of the leaks - we are given a ban, in this case - nothing can be done, we throw out the account.
For the topic that we leak - bets (casinos) most often fall under this category, as well as in all other cases - we throw out the account.
For suspicious payments - the most popular blocking, but which are subject to appeal (unbanning), albeit with some difficulties. That is, for example, the geo of your account is Canada, and you paid with a visa card somewhere in Kazakhstan. In this case, they can also issue a ban.
Be careful with this and understand all the risks, also a very important part of the spills on Google Ads.
Part 1. The beginning of the spills. Search for offers.
What are offers?
In fact, everything is simple. This is such an enticing name for an advertisement,
which will lure our furry ones.
Of course, we can ask others to take care of our offers while we do other things, but it is better to come up with and make offers ourselves.
Here you need a pinch of imagination and patience. First of all, create a notebook on your desktop. Write in it everything that came to your mind. Let's say a popular topic is Elon Musk.
We come up with offers:
The beginning of the spills. Buying accounts.
Well, here guys - everything is in your hands.
You need to find the accounts that I described above at a normal price and not get caught in a scam.
This is probably a rather difficult part in the straits. Where do I recommend buying accounts?
First of all - I recommend buying accounts on our forum, in this section: Enroll, Fullz, Accounts, Logs, SSN / DL
We need to find a trusted seller who has a lot of likes (which means a lot of money), a lot of reviews and an old account.
I recommend buying on the forum because you can open arbitration if anything happens and you will get a moneyback.
You can go around, no one stops you, again, if you are a wild Rambo and like to look for adventures.
You can register yourself, warm up yourself, buy a separate IBAN for buying advertising and do everything yourself, I do not recommend this method, you will regret it.
Part 2. Straits. Setting up advertising.
Log in to your account via antidetect. Go to the main website from Google for advertising
First, I'll tell you for those who bought an account with a balik and a registered advertising account.
After authorization, you will need to wait about 12-24 hours, just let it "lie down" so that you are not kicked out of the account or have more problems, especially bans. The seller's account that I recommended is already warmed up and you don't need to do anything except just wait.
Now a guide for those who have a different account:
After you go to the site, click the "Start" button.
Next, in the menu that appears, click "Go to expert mode".
Next, click "Create an account without a campaign".
Next, we will be asked to choose a currency (IMPORTANT! AFTER - IT WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE TO CHANGE THE CURRENCY).
Next, to get rid of unnecessary spam in the mail, click: “No, I do not want to receive tips on improving efficiency, special offers, invitations to participate in surveys and test new functions”.
Congratulations! Now we are much closer to the post of the first advertisement!
Part 3. Straits.
First of all, click the "View account" button.
Next, click the "New campaign" button.
Click create campaign without specifying a goal. After that, continue.
Next, you can choose any type of advertising, this is what makes Google ads unique for everyone. I will do search advertising and show you how to work with it.
Select "Search Network".
Next, we specify the company name (optional), remove the "Enable Display Network" item.
Next, everything is very boring, we make the usual settings, we do it for ourselves and for the country we will be channeling.
Next, a very important part. Budgets. Budgets need to be set depending on the country you are channeling. For example: USA - $50-100. Canada - $100-150. Everything is determined by trial and error. The country you are channeling - such are the budgets.
IMPORTANT! We specify the click price limit - otherwise your money will evaporate as quickly as the hairy ones do not evaporate. Click save. Let's move on.
Part 4. Key phrases for spills.
Key phrases are also a very important part of traffic.
They will determine where your ad will be shown and how often.
After we have completed all the previous steps, we will be redirected to another page. In it, we will need to enter our site/domain and Google will offer us suitable keys itself. There are two options: write the keys manually, or be smart and use third-party resources. We will go - the second way. Personally, I used this site to generate keywords. You can choose the country, language, and what we need them for. (I am not advertising it again, but I recommend it).
Part 5. Description of the advertisement.
The description of the advertisement greatly influences the CTR and traffic of your website. Let's go.
After the previous action, we will be transferred to a new page where we can edit our advertisement.
In fact, everything is simple, just like with the offers that we came up with at the very beginning of the article.
We use the most popular words, names, description. Of course, you can steal the description from competitors, but it will not be unique and it is not a fact that it will entail good consequences, we do everything ourselves.
Then we click ready and publish.
Part 6. Paying for an ad.
Well, it's all simple here. For those who bought an account with a linked IBAN or with a balance right away.
Guys who have all this - can already pay calmly.
And those who don't have all this - do the following.
IMPORTANT! In order not to get hit on the head - it is important to remember, 1 account - 1 card. Because it may be - BAN.
1. Press the payment - settings button.
2. Do not touch the country, select the type "Individual".
3. Specify the Surname, Name, Patronymic exactly as in the gmail account that you purchased.
4. Select any address on Google Maps, the main thing is that it exists.
5. Select the replenishment method - ASSIST.
6. Then after payment the account will be activated, it remains to wait until the moderation approves your request.
The last part. Setting up the cloak and white.
All we have left is to connect the cloak and everything will be just fine)
Configuring the cloak.
- Keitaro:
Go to the site itself, create a personal account, connect everything.
- Adspect:
Everything is much simpler here, just register and install the white generator.
White settings.
WhitePage is a key element in the world of gray and black offers. Let's take a closer look at this: WhitePage is a web page that adheres to the platform rules and helps us successfully pass moderation, while allowing potential clients to access our main offers (black).
How it works: WhitePage and cloaking technology work in tandem. When a moderator clicks on our ad, he sees our "white" site (WhitePage), which complies with the platform rules. At the same time, our target client goes to our "black" page with our main offers. This allows us to skillfully bypass filters and stay in line with the rules, while attracting customers to our products or services.
Creating a WhitePage can be both a manual process and a task for professionals.
(You can buy a Whitepage both on the forum and on third-party resources, but I highly recommend the shop where I bought it myself).
However, if you want to save time and effort, we have a great tip: we recommend using the @whitegenerator_bot service. Here, everything happens automatically in a few clicks, including choosing a topic and language, and the created pages successfully pass moderation. Try it, it can make your life in the world of traffic much easier.
Additional information:
About warming up:
What can I add about warming up. Well, let's start with the fact that everyone has their own. Some don't do it, some do, but one thing is clear, that the account's rest period is very important. It doesn't matter which one. Rest period of at least 12 hours. And only after that - activity on it. How to warm up - for the most part it's up to you. I can't say more about warming up.
Guide to unbanning accounts:
We will consider what kind of blockings exist in Google ADS,
how to get out of them and bypass them. Less talk - more action! So, let's get started! There are such types of blockings as:
If I were to describe it in simple terms, it is a ban for your poorly configured cloak.
Most often, this ban comes when you are pouring black traffic.
It is currently impossible to get out of such a block. You can safely throw out your account.
Google detects everything black very strongly, so you should not play with it and use good cloaks.
I strongly recommend ordering a cloak from programmers on our forum, they will write you a good code and you will not see such a ban again.
And this type of ban looks something like this:
2. Type of ban - Blocking for a suspicious payment.
Blocking comes for using bad payment data. By "bad" we mean payment data that has already been used by someone and someone has already managed to get a ban for this payment data. Google detects such a payment and immediately throws a ban. Also, sometimes a ban comes for these reasons: replenishment of a huge amount, from $400 in one payment, bad ******, incorrect anti-detect settings. How to properly configure the anti-detect I will describe below.
It is quite easy to avoid such a block.
- Use clean payment data.
- Replenish for small amounts if you use your payment data, and not those that are given to you upon purchase. Do not use the same payment data on different accounts. Also, this ban is quite easy to remove, just file an appeal and it is removed with a high chance. I am attaching an example of filling out a good text for an appeal:
It's simple, this ban comes in case of unsuccessful payment. That is, your account most likely does not have enough money to pay for advertising. Either your payment system is kaput, or it's just an error. In case of an error - also write to the TP according to the template above. I recommend just changing the payment system and not bothering yourself.
4. Blocking due to distortion of facts.
This ban most often comes due to bad creative (what makes our mammoth do some action)
In smart words, it sounds like this: misleading the consumer.
To avoid such a ban - correct your keywords, correct the name of your company, if necessary. Double-check the description of your ad. Make sure that there are no ban words (words for which they block) and there is nothing that Google could complain about. After changing this information, also file an appeal according to the template above.
5. Blocking for bypassing the system.
Most often, this ban comes for the following reasons: your old account was blocked on the old domain, and you added this domain to a new account. Because of which Google can also detect that it is you and you are again trying to spill into the black. It can also be due to a bad cloak and white. Therefore, this fact must also be taken into account.
To avoid it, it is enough to buy a new domain and hang a new cloak on it.
It is very, very difficult to get out of such a ban, but there is still a chance. We submit an appeal according to the template above.
This is the information we got. I hope that someone will find it useful and you will turn to it for help. If it did not help you, do not run to write angry comments under the article. All bypasses, appeals have some chance of unblocking, but they never guarantee that you will be unblocked with a 100% chance. Google is a capricious lady.
The final part.
Well, that's it, guys, this is the article we have. I hope it will help you in the spills. And it doesn't matter what your condition or financial status is. There was absolutely no information anywhere and everything was very confusing and unclear, but I still found it and was able to explain it all to you. Is it worth pouring Google Ads? Definitely yes, you still have time, while this topic is not hackneyed.
Thank you all for reading the article and paying attention to everyone, good luck and bye!
I spent a lot of time, money and effort on this article, so I hope you enjoy it.
The article will be quite capacious, so I will divide it into several parts:
- Introductory part, about Google Ads.
- Main part. All about Google Ads.
- The final part.
Introductory part, about Google Ads.
So, let's begin. What is Google Ads traffic so famous for in the field of work? Many people just tell fables that Google traffic is easy and completely passive income, and such that no one wants to share it!
Probably profitable.. But the point is completely different!
First of all, the fables that it is easy and very profitable are a myth. Seeing how much information is here, your eyes will pop out of orbit. But the point is that Google traffic is different for everyone. It is very flexible and unique for everyone. And as for why no one shares a manual on how to pour - it's simply because of laziness. No one will write so much information and all the details to some kekich, especially for free. But these guys are not about me, I write for free, and I also spent my own money so that a friend of a friend of a friend would tell me the whole gist.
Make some tea, turn on the background music, and we'll get started!
Main part. All about Google Ads.
Antidetect browser
We need an antidetect browser. Google really likes to ban your accounts by hardware, so much so that no bypasses help, so we will use anti-detection. Of the good anti-detections, I can recommend a free, reliable as a Swiss watch - Dolphin Anty. In it, you can create several profiles at once and pour from several accounts at once, and you will definitely not have problems with bans. Therefore - let's install it.
Proxy for actdetect
For the anti-detection to work, we need what? That's right, proxies. I advise you to buy not cheap ones, resident ones, it's better NOT to SAVE on this, under no circumstances. Because cheap proxies will die quickly and when you change proxies, Google will detect and block your account. And the money you spend - no one will return to you, but put it in their pocket.
Where would I advise you to buy? Well, first of all, as a forum user - I would advise you to buy on the forum itself, because it will be safe here. You can buy proxies in this section: Security Services
But if you are a risky guy and like to look for adventures, then you can buy them on the Internet.
Types of accounts for spills
Accounts are divided into several types, namely:
Self-registered - accounts that you register yourself, using SMS activations (not the best option, we immediately reject it because of the high chance of blocking our account.
Renting accounts for spills is also not the most wah-wah way, very inconvenient and very unsafe. Therefore - also bypass.
Buying an up-to-date, clean, active, literally finished product on a platter with a credit limit
$350. That is, if it is clear and short - you used these $350 conditional, filled the ad and the account where? Correct! To the trash!
What is cloaking?
I will explain briefly. What is cloaking and what is it for.
Cloaking is a software that, so to speak, "Masks" your gray, black traffic.
This software shows the white side of your site moderators and helps to bypass blocking. If you are going to leak ads on a white topic - you will NOT NEED cloaking.
Cloaking helps to increase the trust (trust) of your site when publishing ads in Google and will be visible on top of other ads in the top. In general, a very useful thing:
What cloaks are there and which ones will I recommend? (none of this is advertising)
- Cloak It
- Adspect
- Keitaro
About blocking
For bypassing the Google system, which we will do, most often at the end of the leaks - we are given a ban, in this case - nothing can be done, we throw out the account.
For the topic that we leak - bets (casinos) most often fall under this category, as well as in all other cases - we throw out the account.
For suspicious payments - the most popular blocking, but which are subject to appeal (unbanning), albeit with some difficulties. That is, for example, the geo of your account is Canada, and you paid with a visa card somewhere in Kazakhstan. In this case, they can also issue a ban.
Be careful with this and understand all the risks, also a very important part of the spills on Google Ads.
Part 1. The beginning of the spills. Search for offers.
What are offers?
In fact, everything is simple. This is such an enticing name for an advertisement,
which will lure our furry ones.
Of course, we can ask others to take care of our offers while we do other things, but it is better to come up with and make offers ourselves.
Here you need a pinch of imagination and patience. First of all, create a notebook on your desktop. Write in it everything that came to your mind. Let's say a popular topic is Elon Musk.
We come up with offers:
- Elon Nusk shocked the other people
- Elon Musk said how to get 0.2 BTC!
The beginning of the spills. Buying accounts.
Well, here guys - everything is in your hands.
You need to find the accounts that I described above at a normal price and not get caught in a scam.
This is probably a rather difficult part in the straits. Where do I recommend buying accounts?
First of all - I recommend buying accounts on our forum, in this section: Enroll, Fullz, Accounts, Logs, SSN / DL
We need to find a trusted seller who has a lot of likes (which means a lot of money), a lot of reviews and an old account.
I recommend buying on the forum because you can open arbitration if anything happens and you will get a moneyback.
You can go around, no one stops you, again, if you are a wild Rambo and like to look for adventures.
You can register yourself, warm up yourself, buy a separate IBAN for buying advertising and do everything yourself, I do not recommend this method, you will regret it.
Part 2. Straits. Setting up advertising.
Log in to your account via antidetect. Go to the main website from Google for advertising
First, I'll tell you for those who bought an account with a balik and a registered advertising account.
After authorization, you will need to wait about 12-24 hours, just let it "lie down" so that you are not kicked out of the account or have more problems, especially bans. The seller's account that I recommended is already warmed up and you don't need to do anything except just wait.
Now a guide for those who have a different account:
After you go to the site, click the "Start" button.
Next, in the menu that appears, click "Go to expert mode".
Next, click "Create an account without a campaign".
Next, we will be asked to choose a currency (IMPORTANT! AFTER - IT WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE TO CHANGE THE CURRENCY).
Next, to get rid of unnecessary spam in the mail, click: “No, I do not want to receive tips on improving efficiency, special offers, invitations to participate in surveys and test new functions”.
Congratulations! Now we are much closer to the post of the first advertisement!
Part 3. Straits.
First of all, click the "View account" button.
Next, click the "New campaign" button.
Click create campaign without specifying a goal. After that, continue.
Next, you can choose any type of advertising, this is what makes Google ads unique for everyone. I will do search advertising and show you how to work with it.
Select "Search Network".
Next, we specify the company name (optional), remove the "Enable Display Network" item.
Next, everything is very boring, we make the usual settings, we do it for ourselves and for the country we will be channeling.
Next, a very important part. Budgets. Budgets need to be set depending on the country you are channeling. For example: USA - $50-100. Canada - $100-150. Everything is determined by trial and error. The country you are channeling - such are the budgets.
IMPORTANT! We specify the click price limit - otherwise your money will evaporate as quickly as the hairy ones do not evaporate. Click save. Let's move on.
Part 4. Key phrases for spills.
Key phrases are also a very important part of traffic.
They will determine where your ad will be shown and how often.
After we have completed all the previous steps, we will be redirected to another page. In it, we will need to enter our site/domain and Google will offer us suitable keys itself. There are two options: write the keys manually, or be smart and use third-party resources. We will go - the second way. Personally, I used this site to generate keywords. You can choose the country, language, and what we need them for. (I am not advertising it again, but I recommend it).
Part 5. Description of the advertisement.
The description of the advertisement greatly influences the CTR and traffic of your website. Let's go.
After the previous action, we will be transferred to a new page where we can edit our advertisement.
In fact, everything is simple, just like with the offers that we came up with at the very beginning of the article.
We use the most popular words, names, description. Of course, you can steal the description from competitors, but it will not be unique and it is not a fact that it will entail good consequences, we do everything ourselves.
Then we click ready and publish.
Part 6. Paying for an ad.
Well, it's all simple here. For those who bought an account with a linked IBAN or with a balance right away.
Guys who have all this - can already pay calmly.
And those who don't have all this - do the following.
IMPORTANT! In order not to get hit on the head - it is important to remember, 1 account - 1 card. Because it may be - BAN.
1. Press the payment - settings button.
2. Do not touch the country, select the type "Individual".
3. Specify the Surname, Name, Patronymic exactly as in the gmail account that you purchased.
4. Select any address on Google Maps, the main thing is that it exists.
5. Select the replenishment method - ASSIST.
6. Then after payment the account will be activated, it remains to wait until the moderation approves your request.
The last part. Setting up the cloak and white.
All we have left is to connect the cloak and everything will be just fine)
Configuring the cloak.
- Keitaro:
Go to the site itself, create a personal account, connect everything.
- Adspect:
Everything is much simpler here, just register and install the white generator.
White settings.
WhitePage is a key element in the world of gray and black offers. Let's take a closer look at this: WhitePage is a web page that adheres to the platform rules and helps us successfully pass moderation, while allowing potential clients to access our main offers (black).
How it works: WhitePage and cloaking technology work in tandem. When a moderator clicks on our ad, he sees our "white" site (WhitePage), which complies with the platform rules. At the same time, our target client goes to our "black" page with our main offers. This allows us to skillfully bypass filters and stay in line with the rules, while attracting customers to our products or services.
Creating a WhitePage can be both a manual process and a task for professionals.
(You can buy a Whitepage both on the forum and on third-party resources, but I highly recommend the shop where I bought it myself).
However, if you want to save time and effort, we have a great tip: we recommend using the @whitegenerator_bot service. Here, everything happens automatically in a few clicks, including choosing a topic and language, and the created pages successfully pass moderation. Try it, it can make your life in the world of traffic much easier.
Additional information:
About warming up:
What can I add about warming up. Well, let's start with the fact that everyone has their own. Some don't do it, some do, but one thing is clear, that the account's rest period is very important. It doesn't matter which one. Rest period of at least 12 hours. And only after that - activity on it. How to warm up - for the most part it's up to you. I can't say more about warming up.
Guide to unbanning accounts:
We will consider what kind of blockings exist in Google ADS,
how to get out of them and bypass them. Less talk - more action! So, let's get started! There are such types of blockings as:
- Blocking for unacceptable business practices.
- Blocking for suspicious payments.
- Blocking for late payment.
- Blocking for distortion of facts.
- Blocking for bypassing the system.
If I were to describe it in simple terms, it is a ban for your poorly configured cloak.
Most often, this ban comes when you are pouring black traffic.
It is currently impossible to get out of such a block. You can safely throw out your account.
Google detects everything black very strongly, so you should not play with it and use good cloaks.
I strongly recommend ordering a cloak from programmers on our forum, they will write you a good code and you will not see such a ban again.
And this type of ban looks something like this:
2. Type of ban - Blocking for a suspicious payment.
Blocking comes for using bad payment data. By "bad" we mean payment data that has already been used by someone and someone has already managed to get a ban for this payment data. Google detects such a payment and immediately throws a ban. Also, sometimes a ban comes for these reasons: replenishment of a huge amount, from $400 in one payment, bad ******, incorrect anti-detect settings. How to properly configure the anti-detect I will describe below.
It is quite easy to avoid such a block.
- Use clean payment data.
- Replenish for small amounts if you use your payment data, and not those that are given to you upon purchase. Do not use the same payment data on different accounts. Also, this ban is quite easy to remove, just file an appeal and it is removed with a high chance. I am attaching an example of filling out a good text for an appeal:
3. Blocking for late payment.I am the social media manager of this business, CupN’Ads. I understand that I may have overlooked some points in managing payments made and other payment transactions that could violate any AdWord quality standards. However, I am writing this appeal because I believe that I was not sufficiently notified that I was making any mistakes. Please explain and unblock my account.
It's simple, this ban comes in case of unsuccessful payment. That is, your account most likely does not have enough money to pay for advertising. Either your payment system is kaput, or it's just an error. In case of an error - also write to the TP according to the template above. I recommend just changing the payment system and not bothering yourself.
4. Blocking due to distortion of facts.
This ban most often comes due to bad creative (what makes our mammoth do some action)
In smart words, it sounds like this: misleading the consumer.
To avoid such a ban - correct your keywords, correct the name of your company, if necessary. Double-check the description of your ad. Make sure that there are no ban words (words for which they block) and there is nothing that Google could complain about. After changing this information, also file an appeal according to the template above.
5. Blocking for bypassing the system.
Most often, this ban comes for the following reasons: your old account was blocked on the old domain, and you added this domain to a new account. Because of which Google can also detect that it is you and you are again trying to spill into the black. It can also be due to a bad cloak and white. Therefore, this fact must also be taken into account.
To avoid it, it is enough to buy a new domain and hang a new cloak on it.
It is very, very difficult to get out of such a ban, but there is still a chance. We submit an appeal according to the template above.
This is the information we got. I hope that someone will find it useful and you will turn to it for help. If it did not help you, do not run to write angry comments under the article. All bypasses, appeals have some chance of unblocking, but they never guarantee that you will be unblocked with a 100% chance. Google is a capricious lady.
The final part.
Well, that's it, guys, this is the article we have. I hope it will help you in the spills. And it doesn't matter what your condition or financial status is. There was absolutely no information anywhere and everything was very confusing and unclear, but I still found it and was able to explain it all to you. Is it worth pouring Google Ads? Definitely yes, you still have time, while this topic is not hackneyed.
Thank you all for reading the article and paying attention to everyone, good luck and bye!