Learn how to properly distribute a stealer and get logs!

Carding 4 Carders

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Learn how to properly distribute a styler and get logs!
This article is of an educational nature, we do not urge or obligate you to anything. The information is presented for educational purposes only.

First, we need the steiller itself. You can use the usual StromKitty public styler, but in it: sending logs to TG;
great chance that your logs will be stolen.
Ideal options are the styler from hunter, or Redline ($200). For beginners it's better to use DCrat. Yes, it's not a styler, it's a rat, but it still has the styler function. Its advantage is that you get remote access to the victim's PC and can take action when the victim starts resetting the account.


Next we need to put a rat on the server to store data. For this you can buy a VDS server for 200 rubles and install it.

Build and crypt
So, the rath works, now we need to build and encrypt it. Switch to builder, create a build and make sure you set auto steal (auto stealer so that when user is offline we can download the log).

After creating a build, we need to crypt it. Krypt can be bought from the guys on the forum for 350-500 rubles, or make it yourself, I personally crypt through a crack enigma protector (download). In no case do not download the demo version from the official site.
  • When we made a build, we need to get the biggest file, which is in the build and crypt it.

  • Now we need the largest file (aka exe).

  • This is what we will actually encrypt. Go to enigma, click "Select file to protect" and select the file.

  • Then go to Virtual Box -> Options and check the first two items.

  • After that press protect. The virus is crypted, check it on yourself or in a virtual machine and, if the log comes, go ahead and spread it. My crypt:

After the build and the crypt rename the file, load in rar archive (I do without a password) and fill in on file sharing: mega, yandex disk, etc.

You can pour traffic through YouTube, and through Facebook, or spamming groups VK (not a very good option, but still).

We are going to pour traffic through YouTube. To do this, we will need videos through which we will pour. I personally use videos that I made myself (you know, I will not upload them to the publisher). You also can upload someone else's videos from YouTube via savefrom.

What videos to upload? Fortnite cheat (aimbot, wallhack, etc), CS-GO cheat (wallhack, radarhack, wallhack, aimbot, etc), Fortnite skin changer (aka skin swapper), CS-GO skin changer, Fortnite vbucks generator (maker), rust cheats, overwatch cheats and one of the best options, from which go the most fat logs, are fps boosters. Can be used for both CS and Fortnite.

Video Downloads.
You can buy a small channel and pour through it, but when the channel gets banned, it will be a little frustrating. Personally, I create a new channel and upload to it.
  • Go to his channel, put an avatar and description (I am a programmer, do cheats). After that, load video, I put smiles in the title and all written in caption (to throw the eye).

  • After that, write a description with a link to download and fake instructions.

Also make sure to make tags under the video description, they can be borrowed from other videos, or generate yourself through sites (all googled).

Then we need a preview. Either do it yourself, or google "(your game) cheats preview. There are many pictures, choose what you need and upload. Location shooting put USA (for more fat logs from the U.S., so they will show the video on YouTube). Also hide the "like" and "dislike" marks, so they do not spin extra. It is desirable to do all this from the U.S. IP, and link the channel to the U.S. virtual number.

After uploading the video, move on to accrual. You can just add 2 -10k views in different services, but the payoff will not be very good. I twist through yt monster. To do this, buy a level there (in order to activate many coupons at once).


I take option 2, that's enough for me. Then we need promotional codes for recruitment.

After these manipulations, proceed to the recruitment itself.
  • We go to ytmonster.ru, activate promo codes, to have a balance for recruitment, and click on "add the job".

  • First we need views. Insert a link to the video and set the viewing time to equal the length of the video.

Set the number of runs per hour to 0 (max), then run. Also I recommend to put a source of traffic "external sources".

After that we do the same for comments and put additionally 50-200 subscribers for add-on.

So YouTube sees that video is soaring in views, comments are being written and subscribers are growing, and it puts our video in recommendations (and more logs from there).
All we have to do after done is to collect logs, then check them and sell the accounts!

My summary of the first night after uploading video:


By increasing the volume by uploading from different new channels, you can make several thousand logs a month.

I advise you to check the logs as quickly as possible, because mammoths can download someone else's stilter, and you lose profits.

That's all! Good Luck to all!


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Free manual for working with logs​

Attention: The article does not qualify for the super manual award. These are just my thoughts and notes that can help many people find a new direction for themselves.

Dear friends.

I've seen a lot of different trends in the field of carding.

Click the Add Money button in PP
Carding eBay with purchased cc and brut
Amazon REFs
A boom of topics on hotels and avia and many other relevant areas for work.

But all topics will eventually die or temporarily become irrelevant, due to stagnation and lack of knowledge of the solution to the task (verification, fraud, lack of mate). Although almost all of the above themes work. Only the approach has changed, and they have not become as widespread as then.

Today, I want to share my thoughts on working with logs.

This is the direction I chose for myself last year and has fully devoted himself to the study and find loopholes in it. To this day, my bandmates and I show excellent results in this direction. I always try to teach you to bet on "Whatever happens, you need to treat business as work". For example, to comply with some of the nuances in the work:

Wake up early in the morning to have time to buy fresh material
Check completed work every few hours, in order not to miss some detail and many other nuances that need to be observed in order to increase the success rate. That is, if each nuance I observe adds 5-10% to success, then out of 10 completed works, I will have a profit not from 1-2, but from 3-4, for example, which will be an excellent result and will be a good compensation for the work I have done.

I know that some people who work with logs are currently experiencing problems both with the quality of the purchased material and with the degree of development of this log before you.
As for me, this is due to the fact that most sellers of installs, as well as logs from our forum and not only, are filled in a circle at the same exchanges (publishers).
Also, there are unscrupulous log sellers who like to SPLIT 1 log into 2-3 requests and sell it.

What to do and what to do?

There is one area that many people underestimate. Namely, work with logs + purchased shopping centers. That is, we take the most screwed-up log, where there is access to at least some used mail from the owner of the log, register any shop for it which we will work with (I don't recommend using very large stores like Amazon or eBay). Next, we register on some public services such as Twitter, reddit, or use the links that are in the log. We fill cookies in the store we will work with, as well as on social sites.

You may ask why and what is the difference between self-regulation and this method?

The answer is simple - Cookies. Most of the sites you visit (they even sometimes suggest that you agree to their cookie control rules at the bottom or top of the site) read your cookies and see where you went and what sites you visited before. Using mail from logs where there are already real cookies, it gives a % possibility bonus, which I wrote about above.

The next nuance that I would like to tell you about is acting.

Yes, you did not mishear the acting game. Try to imagine for the duration of your work that you really need this or that lot that you will buy. How would you buy it? I am sure that you would not have visited the site, found something in the search that costs above $ 200-500 and would have bought it within 5-10 minutes.

Acting, another nuance that should be observed when working not only with logs, but also in all directions. For example, Google compares which sites you visited yesterday and the day before yesterday and a month ago and how you behave today. Creates a report and issues it on request via cookies.
For example, if we do 2-3 days of monotonous work like checking email, FB, YouTube, Twitter, twitch, reddit, as well as browse other sites with a description of the product that we are going to buy, this will give us 100% + in karma for this order.

Let me tell you a little secret about PP. If you are asked to enter a confirmation SMS code during a payment with PP, you can leave it on hold and try again in 1-2 days. I have more than 50% you can get around this by baking and stuffing cookies. Cookies get used to it.

Also, a big nuance that needs to be observed is the proximity of your IP address to the zip code from under the embedded material(in our case, CC or PP).

According to my statistics, I will tell you this - it is better to choose an IP for a zip drop or material than to look for a transparently clean IP that is almost gone.
Under the zip of material - when we work under a redirect or hold
Under the drop - when we work with carding on a drop or mediocre.

Another nuance for you to increase your profit...

Stop thinking that it is always profitable to drive in large and liquid stuff, which is worth checking out in almost all stores Additional fraud. Yes, it is an additional one. Not only do you need to pass the anti-fraud shop and Bank for debiting, but also fraud on super liquid goods.

Work with misers who have a good % for illiquid. Illiquid taps, fans, dog vacuums, digital locks, perfumes, pipes, water and pool filters, chairs and so on. All this is included at least 30% better than top-end liquid or electronics.

Total what we get

By following a few simple techniques, you can increase the cross-country ability and open up new horizons for work. Do not throw out the log with the spent Amazon or eBay. And continue to work on these cookies as on the receiving platform.[/B]


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Greetings to all.

Today, I would like to share with you some useful practices on working with logs. I do this because I often meet inexperienced people who break into the log, create a bunch of alerts even when logging in to mail, not to mention other requests. After that, they carding something, get cancel and break to beat at least$ 15 in a gift, which would somehow calm their ardor.

It is important to understand that any request can be processed if you do everything correctly.

We will skip the stage of loading cookies, selecting socks, and other nuances when working with the log, since this is all part of training both in my group and in others.

And so we went.

I advise everyone to put Google as the start page in your browser \ antique. I'll tell you why...

Google is our most important source of information.


1. BA
2. Online Store
3. Clothing
4. Online Store
5. Payment system

This is enough to formulate an idea of the owner and start searching for or CHOOSE a password for a particular query, since passwords are almost always the same.


1. Google Photo - where can I find credit card photos\DL\ssn and so on
2. Google Drive - Tax return\w2 files and the like.
3. Search Engine in Google Photo, which finds photos by search queries -


After collecting information, we have the following picture:


Marked all important information by log. Set notes and goals. For one thing, I warmed up the log using cookies. Many of the requests to read your cookies, where have you been, where you went to their website. Therefore, combine the pleasant with the useful.

Everything about everything takes 10-15 minutes, if you fill your hand. You can make 5-15 blanks a day. Where you need to warm up - warmup . Where you need to add your address + your CC - do. But in any case, do not ruin your logs on, I will work on orders in the form of gift cards for $60. This will only degrade you.

Learn to give the correct assessment of the material that you bought, because if you do it slowly, you can make 10 times more than with a lousy gift of$ 15-60, for which you will be paid 60-70%

The example and the sequence of work.

Based on screen 3, as an option, we do this...

1. We Have]Amazon with CC in BA chase. Disable alerts in chase and go to Amazon. There, too, we disable notifications, add an address, warm up the necessary lot and throw it in the wish list.
2. Go to BestBuy. Add an address or select a store for pickup. We are warming up the desired lot, preferably on the same theme that you chose in Amazon. Add it to wish list.
3. We go to PP, read about the donation\offer from PP, and view old transactions. Closing it.
4. In the Google search bar, we search for the necessary lots that you were looking for in Amazon and bestbay. We view prices on offline sites, as well as in large chain stores. Checking your email address.
5. We are Looking for offices under Wells and experiment with them. (Regem under the same data, knit our Bank and trying to replenish the balance)
6. We have DL, SSN - it is not difficult to break through, so there should be no problems with verification .


Work slowly. Write down everything you find in the log so that you don't miss anything. Correctly evaluate your log and your success rate will increase significantly.

I hope that this article will help you acquire new skills and thinking skills in working with logs. Do not judge strictly, this is just one of the options.

All profit and do not forget to warm the logs.[/B]