Khabarovsk police detained a suspect in a series of frauds under the pretext of employment


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Employees of the department for solving crimes committed using information and telecommunications technologies of the Criminal investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Khabarovsk received operational information that a 36-year-old resident of the village of Ptichnik of the Jewish Autonomous Region was involved in a series of frauds committed under the pretext of employment.

During verification, these data were confirmed. Operatives went on a business trip and detained the malefactor.

Previously, it was established that the suspect posted ads on popular Internet resources about providing assistance in finding a job on a shift basis at various enterprises of the Far East engaged in fish processing, as well as on fishing vessels.

The woman offered a full range of services for preparing relevant documents, including a seafarer's passport, health records, and other things. In addition, she promised nonresidents a meeting in Vladivostok, accommodation in a hotel and sending them to their future place of work.

For all this, applicants transferred various amounts to her for payment of duties and other related expenses. So, a resident of the village of Ust-Kamensk in the Kamchatka Territory transferred 90 thousand rubles, hoping to find a job on a fishing boat.

Another victim, who lives in the city of Makarov, Sakhalin region, transferred 17 thousand rubles to the suspect for processing documents for her son. The defendant told the latter that she would meet him at the Vladivostok airport, put him up in a hotel, and then send him to his place of work. However, upon arrival, the man realized that he was the victim of fraud.

According to operatives, the scam artist has nothing to do with the field of recruiting. The woman herself has been working on a shift basis at a fish processing enterprise for more than ten years. She stole the money received from the victims and spent it on personal needs.

Currently, the police are aware of nine illegal episodes in which the suspect is involved. Among the victims are residents of the Leningrad and Sakhalin regions, the Kamchatka Territory and other regions. The preliminary amount of damage caused is about 600 thousand rubles.

Criminal cases were initiated on all the facts on the grounds of a crime under Part 2 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The defendant was given a preventive measure in the form of recognizance not to leave and proper behavior.