Kerry Gleason. Work less, do more.


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1. When faced with a new task, complete it immediately.
2. To avoid chaos, do not delay necessary phone calls.
3. Keep your inbound and outbound documents, current projects, and reading materials in four different folders.
4. Carefully organize the file storage system on your computer.
5. Do your best to avoid piling up papers on the desk.
6. Use an electronic calendar or personal information manager (PIM) to remind you of appointments and upcoming tasks.
7. Maintain a spreadsheet of work hours to find out what you spend too much time on during the day and how you can fix the situation.
8. Install a spam filter. Ask your colleagues to forward only those letters that are relevant to your work.
9. Set yourself tasks for the day based on a previously drawn up weekly work plan.
10. Make sure that your workplace is tidy and that everything you need is always at hand.

Get started now!
Here's how one manager describes the situation: “You go to university, get an education, find a job. You start your official duties - and then performing papers begin to pour on you. But nobody taught you what to do with papers! Which ones should be kept? Where to put them? And how can you find the right one later?"

So you have a problem. However, it is comforting that you are not the only one who encountered it. Perhaps, like many others, you stack your papers in small piles on your desk: urgent matters, reminders of upcoming boss talks, documents to fax, and so on. After you have sorted the documents in this way, you will no doubt leave them in their places. So what's next? The next day, you go through the piles of documents again and realize that for some reason the time spent on this has doubled, while not a single task is still completed. Well, then it's time to implement the Personal Performance Program.

A personal performance program starts with a general rule: When faced with a task that can be done right away, jump right in. Procrastination today has become a global epidemic. Declare an uncompromising war on her: dial the desired phone number, talk to a colleague, respond to an email - right away! If you are faced with a task that will take more time to solve, enter it in your diary or electronic calendar - and do not forget to complete this task for yourself on time.

The main thing is the right organization
Make sure that your desktop is tidy and you can find the item or document you need immediately and accurately. The best way to do this is through a professional filing and organizing system. It should have at least four document trays:
• Inbox. There you put documents and letters that you have not yet seen. If you have a secretary, ask him to sort the incoming papers by priority and topic. When taking on these papers, remember the main rule: act immediately!
• Current projects. In this folder, place documents that you plan to work with in the next couple of days, as they require preliminary processing. Do not use this folder as a warehouse for things that you put off until later.
• Outgoing. This folder contains documents that you have finished working on and which are ready to be sent to the addressee or to be archived. Empty this folder several times a day.
• Reading materials. Place articles, synopses, and other materials here that you want or need to read. Of course, there is a danger that this folder will fill up very quickly. Therefore, read the short articles immediately and also set aside a certain amount of time during the working day to review the materials in it.

Keep your desk clean
With the materials accumulated on your computer desktop, you need to do the same as with the papers at your workplace. Create a folder system in your computer - exactly the same as for paper workflow: - so you can always find the document you need quickly and without problems. Never print emails unnecessarily.

Create a folder with reminders to keep you in mind of an upcoming meeting with your boss or client. You can also use the to-do list in Microsoft Outlook or another program for this purpose. Among other things, this list will help you quickly remind yourself of which tasks have not yet been completed. Let the task remain on the list until it is fully completed. So you will definitely not forget about it and complete it on time.

Get rid of the trash
Do you know exactly what you are spending your time on? Try recording every action you take for a few days. Create a time table in which you will record the work schedule, activities, participants. You will be surprised to find out how often precious time flows away like water through your fingers. Perhaps you are wasting it on various trifles. Spam is often the main eater of minutes. Unsolicited messages literally fill up your inbox. In this case, it is best to get rid of the waste of time in advance, for example, by installing a spam filter.

Assign junk mail to your subordinates and shut down the channels for such e-waste. To protect yourself from it, take the following steps:
• Report spam. If you receive unsolicited mail, send a complaint to the person in charge of your mail server.
• Use spam filters. Take advantage of these extremely useful email applications. For example, to activate a spam filter in Microsoft Outlook, go to Tools, Options, Spam Mail.
• Prioritize. Separate important mail from spam and jokes.
• Be clear and clear about the subject of the letter. Demand the same from your subordinates.

Other ways to save time in business communication:
• Complete simple tasks right away. Instead of constantly taking a break from work to answer emails and phone calls, train yourself to complete the work you start without being distracted from it.
• Stay in rhythm. If you are busy doing important work and at this moment a new significant task arises before you (for example, you receive a letter), do not break away from the current task, it is better to outline the exact time when to start a new one. If you drop the previous task for the next one, you will not complete any of them, because you will most likely be interrupted over and over again.
• Set aside time for each task. If you decide in advance that you will respond to the email in two minutes, you will most likely be able to do so. If not, you may take up the answer right away ... or postpone it indefinitely.

Email communication rules
To get the most out of your email communication, use the following basic rules:
• In each letter, touch on only one topic and clearly indicate it on the appropriate line.
• Addressees include those who will be involved in the task; in the number of recipients of copies - those who should be in the know; exclude those who have nothing to do with the problem under consideration from the number of correspondents.
• The email must be properly structured. Use appropriate vocabulary for the situation and check the text for errors.
• When attaching files to a letter, use the most common formats.
• Do not use office mail for private correspondence.
• Be polite even with impolite people.

Start planning
Many people categorically refuse any form of planning. Nevertheless, you can only learn to use your time resource rationally within a reasonable timeframe if you set realistic goals and carefully structure your time. A person who does not have any goals has no chance of achieving them. Your own life goals are most important: in what direction are you going to move, what do you want to achieve? And by the way, have you chosen the right job for yourself?

To organize your daily work, make a plan for the week: as a rule, plans for the month are too vague, and plans for the day introduce unnecessary restrictions on your activities. Spend a couple of hours on Fridays planning things out for the coming week. Leave enough time for unforeseen activities. When planning your work for each day, take a weekly plan as a basis.

Remove thousands of reminder notes from your desk and put them together in a single list to help you coordinate and complete your daily tasks on time. Only those who persistently pursue their goals will achieve success - and there are no options here.

Track the implementation of the assigned tasks
In order not to lose sight of the tasks in front of you, regularly remind yourself of them. Create a to-do list. Forget the sticky squares here and there, and the scrapbook paper! Keeping all tasks in one list is the only way to get the job done on time. In addition, actively use the calendar, entering there information about appointments and dates, work plans, deadlines for work, to-do reminders and key points of your projects.

It is best to use an electronic calendar, such as the one offered by Microsoft Outlook. It can be installed either on a personal computer or on a Personal Information Manager (PIM) device. The electronic calendar will remind you of important dates and deadlines with visual and sound signals. If the computers in your organization have Microsoft Office installed, use team automation software to ensure that task and timeline reminders are available to everyone on the project team.

If you are a leader, the main thing for you is to learn how to delegate authority. Mastering this essential skill is not as easy as it seems, but the following methods can greatly facilitate this process:
• Do not distribute tasks at random. Choose the right person for each task.
• Conduct the briefing correctly. Provide colleagues and subordinates with all the information they need at once. If you pass them the necessary data piece by piece, in the end it turns out that they were able to do only half of the work at best.
• Be clear about deadlines. The phrase “the sooner the better” is unlikely to help; you will only make your team nervous. Vague instructions are not only useless, but also negatively affect the quality of work.
• Keep your finger on the pulse. Keep track of how things are going, give advice, and don't forget to praise your people for a good job.

Order is half the victory
Do you know what kaizen is? It is a Japanese management philosophy based on the idea of continuous improvement. You can use it in manufacturing, service or management. The modern version of kaizen is known as “6S” and includes the following basic concepts: seiri (organization), seiton (orderly), seiketsu (standardization), seiso (cleanliness), shitsuke (discipline), sukam (habit). The idea is that if the work is well organized and at the same time the performers are disciplined and carefully monitor the accuracy and cleanliness of its implementation, and the constant execution of certain actions should become a habit, then the result will meet the highest requirements ... Therefore, make sure that all the tools that you use in your work are were in place and were always ready for use.

You can make sure your employees are using the Personal Performance Program to work neatly and use their time productively by bypassing workplaces. Approach your employees, sit down at their desks and discuss in detail the existing problems. This is the only way you will be able to discover in the team entrusted to you the most real "black holes" in which your valuable instructions and instructions disappear without a trace.

Ideal office at home
Perhaps you are one of the growing number of people with offices everywhere and nowhere? If your laptop has become your best friend, treat it appropriately: regularly back up your information, sync your work calendar with your company's shared calendar, and keep work documents safe. If you travel frequently, planning becomes even more important to you. Allow at least two hours to prepare for the one-hour meeting and post-process the results. If you work from home, work during official business hours: - This will help you better plan your day, and your colleagues and clients will know when to contact you for work questions.