Kali Linux on Raspberry - making your own “hacker's suitcase”


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Yo-yo, an unprecedented hype is causing topics about Kali Linux! So, you all have already rolled this hard-hacker distribution kit and would like to carry it around without arousing suspicion? Easily! After all, Kali Linux can be installed on Raspberry!

What is Raspberry?
For those who don't know, Raspberry is a single-board mini-computer. Powered by 5V, on board ARM Cortex A53 at 1.2 GHz, 1 GB RAM, HDMI, Audio, 4xUSB, Fast-Ethernet, SD-Card connectors. It goes without saying Bluetooth and WiFi. Everything a hacker briefcase needs. You can connect a display.


How to install Kali Linux on Raspberry
Download the appropriate version of the distribution. Whatever is not suitable, you need to go into the section of images for ARM processors and find there for your version of the "raspberry":

You will need a 10 class microSD card with a capacity of at least 8 GB. More is better. We take a card reader and write the downloaded image to the card using the balenaEtcher program (I did not succeed in others).

Install the Kali Linux card in the Raspberry, turn on the power and ... White screen.

Raspberry Pi LCD 3.5 ″ white screen
It was done normally. "Malinka" is also a worker. And the display is not killed. The fact is that the image is output to the HDMI port, and not to the display. It is necessary to install firewood.

If you, like me, do not have a cable / monitor with HDMI connectors, use an HDMI-VGA adapter:

We connect to the monitor and restart the Raspberry. We see that Kali Linux boots normally. Here is the dmesg output for the platform:

  1. We connect the cable / connect to the wireless network and we will download the driver:
  2. # git clone https://github.com/waveshare/LCD-show.git
  3. # cd LCD-show/
  4. # chmod +x LCD35-show
  5. # ./LCD35-show
  6. it is under the 3.5 ″ display. If yours is different, here are the instructions.
  7. The device will reboot and the image will go to the internal screen:

  1. For the convenience of work, I do not use a touch-screen (although this feature is present), but connect a Bluetooth dongle and use a wireless keyboard / mouse. More comfortable. Well, in order to watch work on a big screen on our network, we will set up SSH (for labor hackers) or VNC.
  2. Default login password: root: toor
  3. You can use: