Israeli detective convicted of organizing a major hacker network


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Hackers for hire were the reason for the investigation against the oil company Exxon.

Israeli private investigator Aviram Azari was convicted in the Southern District of New York for almost 7 years in prison for organizing an international cybercrime scheme to order. Azari pleaded guilty in April 2023 to multiple charges. From 2014 to 2019, he coordinated hacking campaigns on behalf of unidentified customers.

During the trial, it turned out that Azari earned more than $4.8 million in 5 years of work. He hired hackers, including from India, to gain access to the emails of targets. Hackers used social engineering techniques, including phishing emails redirecting victims to fake web pages to steal their credentials.

Azari's victims included prominent environmental activists, representatives of organizations such as the Union of Concerned Scientists, the Rockefeller Family Foundation, the Nature Rights Foundation, and the Climate Research Center. The stolen correspondence of the listed organizations was published in the media and used in articles related to investigations of the influence of the Exxon oil company on climate change.

Prosecutors stressed that the purpose of these publications was to discredit the investigations of state attorneys General in the Exxon case and the activities of non-profit organizations involved in these investigations. In addition, Exxon, while denying any connection to Azari and the hacking campaign, used the stolen information in its lawsuits.

Investigators confirmed the hacking of more than 100 Asari victims and identified about 200 potential targets. However, according to prosecutors, the total number of affected individuals and organizations is in the thousands around the world, many of whom are still unidentified.

Interestingly, Asari refused to disclose the names of its customers, except for the German payment company Wirecard, which now does not exist. According to Reuters, among the hackers hired by Azari were representatives of the Indian IT company BellTroX, which provided hacking services.

The Azari verdict is an important milestone in the fight against international cybercrime, especially in the context of custom hacking. The case highlights the serious threat that such activities pose to individuals, corporations, and public organizations. The case also highlights the need for international cooperation and stronger cybersecurity measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.