Is it worth getting into carding?


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To begin with, you should understand that you will start breaking the law even before you get your first iPhone. No, you will not be put on the wanted list by Interpol, and by and large everyone does not give a shit about you, so it will be. Of course, until you start stealing more than $ 10,000 a month, but you still need to come to that.

With all this, you should not frankly score a dick for safety, it is important to observe the necessary minimum, which we will talk about in the following articles.

Now I’ll sketch out a few obvious pros and cons of the profession, and you’ll decide for yourself whether you need it.


You work for yourself. I think it's understandable that once you start carding, only you will be the arbiter of your destiny. Here I will include the fact that you can work as much as you like and whenever you like. Unfortunately, many, having received the first profit, relax and work half-heartedly, we will analyze how to deal with laziness after the first money later, read on.

You are autonomous. With this, I think it's also clear, you work from anywhere in the world where there is Wi-Fi with only a laptop.

Free gear, gadgets, etc. You can sell the stolen goods to the buyers for a percentage, or you can send all the staff to yourself and already figure out what to sell and what to leave. This also includes free travel.

Money. There is nothing to say, how much you put in, you will get so much. Let’s get some simple math. Let's say we drove at least one iPhone for $ 1000 in the night, we sell it for 40% of the cost and get our $ 400. If you drive in even at least one pack for $ 1000 per day, then you can earn good money in a month.


You won't have a pension. Unfortunately, your seniority in carding will not be counted.

Law violation. Whatever one may do, we are criminals. Everyone who downloads movies from torrents and steals money from American banks.

The main rule of carding is not to work in your country. If department K can forgive your pranks over the hill (until you start playing high), then in front of his nose he will not allow this to be done. Never steal from your own people.

There is no need to shit on every corner that you are an elusive hacker and how you steal bucks from stupid Americans. How else can I tell you? Nobody should know that you are working in the shadow realm. You are not stealing gum in the supermarket, but money from banks. Before you start, I want you to realize this.

You will have money, good money, but in order to withdraw it, you will have to think over anonymous ways to cash out. You should not withdraw stolen money to your mother's card, you have to study what cryptocurrencies, mixers, and anonymous wallets are. We will also tell you about how to cash out honestly stolen money in the following articles.

Carding, as strange as it sounds to you, is a job. And you need to treat it like a job, otherwise you will not earn. There are many pitfalls here, this is a huge area of shady business, you must be in trend and have the necessary knowledge to start making good money. We will give you knowledge, but how you will apply it depends only on you.

Carder's Brief Dictionary.

The following articles will use words that you may not yet know. Now we will go through the most basic ones, without which it will sometimes be difficult to understand what we are talking about. There are a lot of slang words and abbreviations in carding, we will only touch on Internet carding, especially our profession. I will try to be as simple and understandable as possible.

Carding - Stealing money from bank accounts using credit card details
Cardboard - credit card information used to buy various stuff in online stores.
Fullz (Fullka) - complete information about the card and its owner.
Stuff - Commodity
Pack - Package
Dedik - Remote desktop of someone else's computer.
Bin - "Bank identification number" The first 6 digits of the card are used to identify the bank that issued the card.
Scan - a scanned identity document (successfully forged in Photoshop)
Drop - A person who receives parcels, or performs other "dirty" work. We will talk about drops in more detail in the following articles.
Stick (PP) - Payment system PayPal
CC - Credit card.
Buyer/Drop service - A person who buys out carzhenny goods.
Shop - Internet shop.
Enroll - Linking the card to online services with the ability to change data.
CH (Card holder) - The current owner of the credit card / account / account.
Billing address - address of CH.
Shipping address - delivery address.
Driving in - Entering data on behalf of kx for purchasing goods in online stores.
Socks (proxy) - a server between your computer and the final server of the site, in other words, an intermediary used to hide your IP address.
Chargeback - Cancellation of the operation by the bank and return of funds from the cards to the holder
Spam - Bulk mailing via Internet mail.
Mat (Material) - accounts, fullers, proxies, etc.
Seller is the vensor of the required mat.