Is it possible to resolve this through the FSB?


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Is it possible to go through the FSB when it was not possible to resolve with the cops?

Let's put it this way. In Russia, it always makes sense to resolve simply because the system is built that way. But you need to do it wisely and very carefully. If you don't know where to go, then it's better not to bother. You can grab even more.

Regarding resolving over the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we will also say that it is possible. At least because all the big bosses are approved by the FSB. Faces check such candidates and make a decision whether this person can be appointed to this position. It is clear that everyone there also has their own interests and spheres of influence. And the FSB has more real power than the cops. You can call them "big brother". And an FSB colonel is far from being equal to an MIA colonel.

👉 Regarding interaction and resolution, I asked a question to an active Face. Here is what he answered.

"Of course, the interaction between the offices is quite close, many issues of both official and unofficial interaction have to be resolved regularly. Everything depends on the scale of the issue.

Faces have contacts with the local Ministry of Internal Affairs leadership. And if this is a close enough friendly contact with the boss, then they will resolve most issues through him.

But here it is important to understand that at present everything is tied to money and connections, so the same head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be reluctant to cooperate if he does not have a certain benefit from it. The benefit can be both monetary and working. For example, the fastest possible interaction, assistance, provision of information from FSB databases, etc.

But before you go to the Faces, you should first assess the scale of the issue and your connections.

Sometimes you can solve something just through acquaintances who know people and have connections. Maybe your neighbor has a close friend who is the head of the Department of Internal Affairs. Then you won’t even need to go to the FSB. Don’t immediately shoot sparrows with an anti-aircraft gun. Besides, you don’t go to such people for trivial things. Regarding the scale, if you have a petty theft, this is the competence of the operative, if it is a particularly large-scale fraud, then you can go to the head of the Department of Internal Affairs.

🔴 If you don’t have connections, or if you do, but the amount named is inadequate, then yes, the only option left is a second approach to the next level. But trying to approach many times is not an option here. The maximum that works is two approaches. Otherwise, too many interested parties will appear and the issue may become unsolvable or much more expensive.

Remember that each approach will cost money. In any case, the office will never tell you less. And it is quite possible that for an easy question worth 500 thousand you will pay 3 million. Again, they can lie, exaggerate, etc.

You must enter only through acquaintances.

If you contacted the boss and came to an agreement, then he will decide. And every boss either knows how to solve it through his connections, or not. He will not send any of his subordinates anywhere. Each district and department has its own bosses, and asking one to solve it in another is very problematic. Just showing the card in another territory will not work. And if you try to do this, the person will most likely just be merged into the Internal Security Directorate to curry favor. It does not work that way. Usually people understand who to contact so that everyone is in the black.

If the issue is really large-scale, it is, of course, resolved at the level of big bosses. And there your weight, connections and the interest of the boss himself are important. With the right resources, everything is possible."
