Is hypnosis bullshit?


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I'm going to hypnotize you now! "You become more and more relaxed ... and you feel like a little harmless omezhi"; "I want you to imagine ... a big green elephant", "Allow yourself to plunge deeper and deeper into this state ... of a salt trip"; "Your eyelids drop slowly, and a thin stream of saliva falls on your chin." [/B]
Are you seriously? And with the help of these hackneyed and widely publicized scripts, you want to put me into a trance. Yes, and to inspire something? No, thanks doctor, I don't believe in it! All this your hypnosis is one big rogue! What, you say ?! Explain now? Well, ok, you have 5 minutes, otherwise I demand a refund. I listen carefully, but for now, let your secretary brew me a chifir.

Okay, in short and with spoilers, hypnosis is really bullshit. But not in every sense. And the fact that it is too overrated and people do not know what it is. They think that some complex changes are taking place in the brain, a special technique is needed, and in especially advanced cases they associate hypnosis with something paranormal. In fact, this is far from the case, and we are in hypnosis almost every day. But, don't be in a hurry to get scared.


What is hypnosis?
The question is a little off topic. Hypnosis is when a person enters into a trance state, mainly with the help of another person - a hypnotist. Now you probably want to ask, what is trance? Nothing unusual. This is a super strong focusing on some object, during which all thoughts disappear and a person plunges into himself. If it is simpler, then stupor, stupidity, prostration, flying in the clouds, etc. We go into a trance state on a regular basis. When we wake up early in the morning, when we are driving with headphones plugged in in a minibus, when we are involved in playing video games, watching a movie, cooking, cleaning, or just for no reason at all we got up on the street and stared at one point. It's all the same trance as during hypnosis, just shorter, so we don't pay attention to it. But in fact, everything is the same. Strong concentration and temporary withdrawal from external stimuli. At the same time, in a trance state, you do not fly away to another planet, do not plunge into another world. You can still think and control your actions.


Stop, you say. So, what about meditation then. So we meditate in order to also enter the trance state? It turns out that way. And hypnosis differs from meditation in that a) there is a person who interacts with us in a state of trance, b) hypnosis has other goals than purification of consciousness. In a state of trance, a person's body begins to work better, and his subconscious mind opens up and, like, he begins to be susceptible to suggestion. And the essence of hypnosis is to use this vulnerable state of a person (either to get something from him, or to help him in some way).


How does it work?
Based on the goals, there are two types of hypnosis - medical and criminal. The second most likely does not exist and a little later you will understand why. Let's dwell on the medical one. The main officially proven benefit of hypnosis is the fight against irritable bowel syndrome. Further brainwashing is already underway. The first is the search for blocked memories, the imposition of something in the name of a good goal, or other methods of subconscious manipulation. But apart from the intestines, nothing will work without observing one key condition. In order for hypnosis to work, you need the full cooperation of the patient. As with meditation, you have to try to get the effect. So in hypnosis - you need to clearly follow the commands of the hypnotist, turn off all barriers and doubt, and also openly tell everything that happens in your head during a trance. Then hypnosis can really help. But, again, you need desire. Take smoking coding for example. It also uses hypnosis, but in order for a person to really quit smoking, he must sincerely want it.


So in pop culture, hypnosis is a little embellished. No amount of spinning spirals and other psychedelics will make you do what you don't want to do. There is no mysticism in this. Simply by going into a trance, you can better delve into your thoughts with the help of the other person. At the same time, he will not have any power over your actions.


They also like to write on the Internet that there are people more or less susceptible to hypnosis. And there is some truth in this. It will be much easier to work with an outright moron who constantly walks with his mouth open and hovers somewhere in the clouds, because he is already in a trance, which means that there is no need to enter him into this state. And vice versa, if a person constantly has a lot of things to do and worries, and he also has skepticism and critical thinking, it will be very difficult to put him into hypnosis.


And here's what the process itself looks like, point by point:
  • Induction - it all starts with those cherished words. Here the principle is the same as in meditation. It is important to get the person to focus on one thing and keep their attention. For example, on the same breath. In short, download any meditation app and the free lessons will have the same induction. Again, nothing will come of it without the full cooperation of the hypnosis victim.
  • Deepening. Here the hypnotist helps you to immerse yourself even more. He does everything to make it easier for you to completely disconnect from reality, verbally describing to you what you have to present. In general, anything can happen in this phase, depending on the goals and approach of the hypnotist. This is where suggestion begins, which in fact is self-hypnosis, since a person must accept and process all new attitudes. In the process of deepening, there is a place for sermons and cautionary stories. In short, all that information, having mastered which a person can solve his problems.
  • Exit. Everything is simple here. The hypnotist gives a juicy bream to the patient and he comes out of trance in ah @ e. It's a joke, but you get the point. As a result, we get the type of a new "programmed" person.


So, what about the gypsies?
But nothing. Stories like the fact that a person was hypnotized and he took all the property out of the house are fake. This is simply not possible. The gypsies have a different technique associated with discouraging the victim. To draw the attention of a person, they say some kind of nonsense than knocking him out of a rut. And while he is in a stupor realizing what all the same they told him, the gypsies quickly clean out the onlooker. In short, disorientation. Well, in other cases, as with fortune-telling, this is just psychological treatment. So don't be afraid of the gypsies. If you are all right with your head, they will not put you into any trance. For the same reason, any other criminal hypnosis does not work. Earlier in the USA they accepted the testimony of witnesses taken under hypnosis. But when it turned out that most of them were running nonsense, and people had served because of this, the shop was quickly closed. Well, one more fun. The funniest practice like hypnosis is exorcism. The priest, as it were, also introduces his parishioner into a trance, after which a demon comes out in convulsions. Of course, these are decrees, or a schizophrenic was specially dragged into the temple.


Hypnosis is a cool thing, but much less romantic than we think. Unfortunately, it is super difficult to cram all the information about hypnosis into one post, so write it down in the comments if you want to see a full-fledged video clip!